Reading Online Novel

His Alone(31)

Her gaze trails up to the ceiling, where the wood is stained like hexagonal puzzle pieces. I'm sure it's nice; it looked that way in the pictures. But why would I look at it when I have the most beautiful thing in the world in front of me, someone I've been trying to make mine for what seems like forever? 

The waitress comes over, and Paige glances down at the menu, then at me. "What are you drinking?"

"We'll both have the seasonal white, please," I say, without taking my eyes off Paige. She lets out another breath, like she's annoyed, but nods, and the waitress walks away.

"Why didn't you just ask me out on a date?"

I smile at her and take her hands across the table, pulling them to me so I can hold them. "Because you like to fight me instead of doing what you want." I raise an eyebrow in question, but she doesn't deny it. She likes when I take charge. Too many years spent doing everything on her own. "Plus, every time we're alone, you maul me."

She tries to take her hands away from mine, but I hold her fast. I'm not letting her go. Because we both know she doesn't want me to, and I don't want to let her go, either. Never do.

"I do not! That is totally the other way around." She denies the charge, but her cheeks flush. The little freckles on her nose stand out even more, and she looks younger than she is. She looks innocent.

"When I know you don't just want me for my body, then I'll let you have your way," I tell her.

She smiles at that and then shrugs. "You're no fun." She gives me a wink that goes straight to my cock. She got me to break last night. I just wanted to lie in bed with her. Get her used to me being around and not going anywhere. But then having her little body under me, begging for me to do things I've been dreaming about for years …  A man can have only so much control, and I snapped. And she was right. It's been a long time since I've been with a woman-long before she even came into my life. Sex was never something I'd craved before her. But with her I do. I can't stop myself.

The waitress comes back with our beers and asks if we've had a chance to look at the menu.

"We'll have two of the Angus burgers with bacon and cheese. She'll have mayo and ketchup, but no onions or pickles, and I'll take it how it comes. We want a dozen wings, half mild, half hot, an order of truffle butter popcorn, and cut fries. That should be it."

Paige starts to say something, but I do it for her. "And then we'd like to see the dessert menu when we're finished."

She sighs loudly enough that it makes the waitress laugh, but she jots it all down and walks away.

"You're the worst," Paige says, and I let go of one of her hands so she can take a drink of her beer.

"I'm the worst because I know everything about you."

For a second her eyes grow wide, and then she looks away. "You don't know everything."

I know everything. But I don't need to tell her that. "I know what's important. Like the way you take your burgers and what kind of beer you like. I know when you lean back in your chair at work you twirl your hair with your left hand. I know that you like to take the stairs two steps at a time, even though your legs are half the length of most people's. I know you like the smell of lemons and prefer food over flowers. I know your eyelashes flutter when you're having a bad dream, and I know that a kiss below your ear will stop them from coming." Her deep blue eyes are locked on mine, and I run my thumb across her wrist.

"I know that you feel something for me that scares the hell out of you, and I know I won't take you until you recognize what that feeling is. I know that in the end, you're going to be mine, but you're terrified of seeing that far ahead. That it's going to take you some time to get used to me being around. That I'm not going anywhere. That I'd never hurt you. I know all of that, Paige, and so much more." I lean forward a little so that my words are only for her. "I know I've loved you since the first time I saw you, and one day, you'll say it back. That soon you'll see that I really do love you. That they aren't just words. I'm going to prove it to you. Make you fall in love with me."



Small tears form in the corners of her eyes, but she doesn't let them fall. She's a fighter, that's for damn sure. And it's my most favorite thing about her. I want her to let me fight beside her. With her. Show her she's not alone.

After a moment of holding my hand, she takes a breath and smiles at me. "You don't know what color underwear I'm wearing." She raises her chin a little in a smug challenge. She's teasing, because she doesn't know what else to say. She needs time to let all I said settle in, and I'll give it to her. I'll give her anything she wants as long as in the end she's mine.