Reading Online Novel

His Alone(30)

"Sounds good. We'll be taking the car in the morning," Miles says as he pulls Mal from my apartment. She's looking over her shoulder, her mouth open. Maybe Miles can distract her enough so she doesn't blow my phone up all night.

"Let me grab my bag." I step away from Captain and scurry down the hall to my bedroom.

I barely make it through the door before Captain is on me, kicking the door shut behind him. He grabs me in his arms and presses me against the closed door. I love how easily he can move me around. It makes me feel desired and feminine, something I've never thought of myself as.

"I'm starting to think this wall-pinning situation is our thing," I mutter.

"Anything that involves you is my thing," he says, before his mouth falls onto mine. He kisses me like he hasn't seen me in days. Like we didn't spend the afternoon at the office flirting before I gave him the slip to come home and change before our date.

When he pulls his mouth from mine, he releases me, and my legs drop to the ground.

"Put some pants on," he says, looking down at me.

"Okay." I push past him, grabbing my purse, then I make a lunge for the door, flinging it open and racing down the hallway. He catches me before I get to the front door, and throws me over his shoulder. I think he's going to take me back to my room, but he doesn't.

"Guess we'll just have to walk around like this so I don't have to worry about anyone thinking you don't have a man."

Captain opens the front door, and I try to wiggle free.


I hear Grant's voice, and it makes me freeze. "Shit," I mumble. Now everyone is going to know.

"Don't let anyone in Paige's room. It's the first door on your right down the hall. Text me when everything is clear."

"Of course, sir," Grant answers, as Captain carries me in a fireman's hold toward the elevator.

"Turner," Grant says as we pass him. I give a small huff as a response.

When the elevator doors open, Captain walks in and then puts me on my feet, hitting the button for the lobby. The doors close, and I cross my arms.

"Everyone is going to know now," I murmur.

Captain wraps his arm around me, pulling me into him. I go easily, like I do every time he touches me. My body does whatever he wants.

"It's cute you think those men don't know you're already mine," he says, and then he kisses me.

Chapter Fourteen




I TAKE HER hand in mine and we walk the couple blocks to Upright Brew House. When we get to the entrance, she looks at me and looks back at the building.

"This isn't a brewery. It's a restaurant."

"I know," I say, tugging on her hand and walking inside. "Reservation for Justice."

I look down at Paige, and I can almost see steam coming out her ears. She's so adorable when she gets angry. I like working her up, as she seems to like doing to me. It's all the sweeter when I get my hands on her and she melts for me. Only for me. The hardness she tries to give the world slips away, and I get the Paige she tries to hide. So full of passion and a sweetness of her own kind.

"You tricked me. This is a date!" she gasps. She looks around. "Do they even serve hot dogs?"

I have to bite back a smile. She can fight it, but I know she wants this date. She wants to be loved. I'm willing to do that for her. Break down those walls she puts up to protect herself. She'll soon learn she doesn't need them. I'll always protect her. Been doing it for so long I don't think I could ever stop. It's part of who I am now.

I pull her to my side as the hostess shows us to our table. When we sit down Paige looks around, and I can't take my eyes off her. She's so beautiful with her dark blue eyes and auburn hair.

"That hostess needs to keep her eyes to herself," Paige says, loudly enough for everyone around us to hear. My eyes snap back to the woman, whose face flushes before she rushes back to the hostess desk. I hadn't even noticed her, but clearly, Paige noticed her noticing me.

"Kitten, I'm all yours. No need to get jealous."

"I'm not jealous," she lies, and fuck, does that turn me on. Her getting worked up over me even if she doesn't have anything to worry about. I know I get worked up over her. Have been doing it for years. It's been hard being away from her all this time, having limited contact with her. Praying no fucker was trying to take her from me. Thinking about it gave me fucking nightmares. Even though I knew I needed her out of New York and away from her father, the shit still hurt, but I'd always put her before me, and at the time it was best she was away.

She stares at me for a second, a half smile pulling at her lips. She looks down at the menu, trying to hide it. It's clear she likes hearing that, so I make a note to keep reminding her that I'm not going anywhere. That I am hers. "Okay, they've got a cheeseburger. You're forgiven," she says, looking over at a nearby table.