Reading Online Novel

His Alone(29)

"Pout your lips," Mal demands, and I do it. "God, Captain is going to lose it. Maybe he'll even let you hold his shield." The lame joke makes me laugh. "Take it. It looks great with your eyes." Mal hands me the lipstick, and I look in the mirror.

The dark plum lipstick does look good. Hell, it looks freaking sexy against my pale skin. I look like a woman. A lot of the time I feel like a girl, given how small I am. Maybe I should cover up the freckles on my nose.

A knock sounds from the other room, and I glance over at the clock. Captain isn't supposed to be here yet.

"It's Oz. I'm surprised he lasted this long."

I follow Mal out of the room and open the front door. Miles immediately pulls her into his arms, his mouth connecting with hers. I watch as Mal blushes, still shy about a public make-out session, but she doesn't push him away. She lets him kiss her, and even though it's a little gross, I'm happy for her. Weeks ago I would have told someone who was making out like that to get a room, but now envy lights inside me. There's a new want that's taken hold, and I know who put it there.

Finally, he gives her one last kiss and they separate.

"Hi, Paige." He smiles and hugs Mal close.



"Hey." I give a half wave, not sure what else to do. I still feel a little off after this morning's conversation. Mal looks from me to Miles, and he wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her even closer.

"I have movers coming," he says, and beams at Mallory.

"You've said that ten times today, Oz. I know and everyone in the whole building knows you have movers coming today. You're moving me upstairs and never letting me escape."

Miles doesn't seem bothered by Mal making fun of him. He merely pulls her to the side to let the movers in, and starts giving orders.

"How'd the wedding planner go this morning?" I ask Mal, ignoring everything else going on.

"You don't think they're packing my panties, do you?" Mal says offhandedly, not answering my question. Miles lets out a weird sound, and after Mal's tiger move in the kitchen, I wonder what animal sounds these two are going to teach their kid. Miles releases Mallory and goes to her room, I assume to collect her underwear.

"Don't bring up the wedding in front of Oz. He's already trying to get information, but it's a surprise. He's always surprising me, and I want to be the one doing it this time … " She trails off as Miles returns with a box in hand.

"I'll toss these," he tells her.

"You will not!"

I can tell Miles wants to say more when he flicks a glance my way, but he stops himself. Thank God, because I don't want to hear about whatever my brother wants to do to my best friend.

A knock on the open door makes us all turn to see Captain standing in the frame. He's changed from his work clothes. His suit is gone and he's dressed in a pair of jeans and a gray polo that fits tight across his chest.

"Paige." He walks over to me, and before I have a chance to wonder what he's doing, he leans down and kisses me. It doesn't last long, but the message is obvious. We're together. He just made that clear in front of Miles and Mallory.

"Osborne." Captain nods to Miles, who studies us for a second. Mal has those stupid dancing hearts over her head again, and I want to pop them.

"Ryan," Miles says, and an awkwardness fills the room.

Everyone but Mal seems to notice. Suddenly she's in planning mode. "We should go on a double date. To dinner or maybe a ball game. Oz get the best seats. Or-"

"Baby, let them be," Miles says. Mal fake pouts and Miles changes his mind. "I can get good seats."

He's easily swayed by her, and Mallory smiles. God, they're so freaking cute I want to punch them. I think it's more the effect Mal has had on Miles that's so intoxicating to see. To want something like that. That a woman has the ability to light up a man's whole world is fascinating to me and awakens a strange yearning inside me. 

"Mal, I'll text you later. Big guy might not even make it through the night," I say, tossing my thumb in Captain's direction.

"Don't take food off her plate and you'll be okay," she informs him.

"I know how to handle my kitten," he says, lazily wrapping his arms around me. Butterflies take flight in my stomach at the "my," and I blush. I don't know whether I want to slam my boot onto his foot or climb him like a tree. Mal's mouth drops open and she stares in shock.

"Let's go, baby. I have dinner ready," Miles says.

"You're staying here, sir?" Captain asks.

"We won't be leaving the building."

Captain pulls out his phone and sends a text. Being my nosy self, I look, and see Grant was the recipient.

"I'll have Grant make sure Paige's place is locked up and all the movers exit the building."