Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(99)

“I’m not scared. Who am I kidding, I’m terrified of what kind of parents we’re going to make. I’m guessing a lot of people go through these emotions when they are expecting.” I held him for as long as possible, but we needed to separate and make it look like nothing was amiss. “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to look at you, Jessica without smiling all the time. You’re carrying my baby. A little life is growing inside you at this very moment.” I just wanted him to put his arms around me and never let me go.

“Believe me; I’m just as shocked as you are. If you’re holding my hand, I know that I can endure anything. I expect you to be in the delivery room when this little bundle of joy is ready to come out to the real world.” I was not going to be some old fashioned wife that was barefoot and pregnant and cooking in the kitchen. I had designs on becoming a veterinarian and I was not going to allow this little hiccup to cause me to change my choice of profession. I was not going to get caught in a waitress job or wile away at home with the child while Anthony was putting food on the table.

“I want you to walk on your own. I will be there to support you in whatever way you need. I want all of your dreams to come true, Jessica. I want us to have a life. I never thought the feeling of being all alone would be replaced by an instant family. This is everything that I’ve wanted and more. I don’t think I could be any happier.” He lifted me by my armpits and twirled me around. I was bigger than most girls and I was going to get even bigger. It appeared that he was quite happy with more to love.

While he was wringing his hands and pacing back and forth on the floor, I called around and finally found a Dr. that was willing to see me on such short notice. He drove me to the clinic in the next town over and we waited to be seen by this old fashioned doctor with grey in his hair and beard.

“It’s very refreshing to see young people like yourself taking your responsibilities seriously. If you were wondering, you are pregnant and I believe it has been less than a few days. I’m guessing this doesn’t come as any big shock, but now the real work begins. You’re going to have to come in for regular checkups and eventually I am going to have to prescribe prenatal vitamins. I’m guessing in this day that you want a natural childbirth. May I suggest taking classes? I can help you with that and I have a few cards I’m going to give you.” He was a kind father figure, but I wondered what he would do if his baby girl was pregnant.

“You have made this very easy for us, Dr. Colton. I appreciate that you’re not looking at me with judgment or condemnation. Accidents happen all the time, but I never thought I would be part of one. We didn’t plan this, but we are very excited and scared to be parents.” Anthony was looking at his phone and I could tell from his expression that he was not happy.

“I hate to do this, but the coach has the head of that organization waiting to meet me. I don’t want to leave you, but this is important for our future. This meeting is either going to take my career to the next level or not. I have to prove to them that I’m a team player. I’ve been known to hog the ball. Before I forget and I know it’s a touchy subject, but… damn… I don’t know how to say this without sounding crass or perverted. It’s just that…” For the first time in his life, I noticed that Anthony was having a hard time putting something into words. It was kind of refreshing to see that he didn’t have a silver tongue all the time.

“I’ve been doing this a long time and I already know the question on your mind. There’s no reason why you can’t continue conjugal activities in the bedroom. In layman’s terms, you can still have sex like wild animals.” I blushed and I looked at the both of them and then turned my body away with embarrassment.

Chapter eight

Sneaking off to a hotel in the same town that I had found my Dr. was the best way to be together without people becoming suspicious or judgmental. I had gone to great lengths to make this night something special. The only thing missing was that little something. I wanted to make his eyes come out of his head when I revealed my special surprise to him.

I found myself walking casually into a sex shop that catered to those looking for something more than just a regular piece of lingerie. I had on a grey trench coat and a pair of oversized glasses with a scarf wrapped around my head. I got the outfit from a second hand store down the street. I was trying to be inconspicuous, but I think I stood out like a sore thumb.

“Let me guess, this is your first time coming here and you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking for. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about and everybody that comes through those doors are here for the same thing.” Her name tag said that her name was Angela Evans and she was apparently the proprietor of this establishment. “I can tell from your eyes that this is to be something of an eye opening experience. Let me be your guide in everything that will make the night that much more explosive.” She was this black haired beauty wearing a bustier that barely covered her giant knockers. I was a bigger girl, but I had nothing of that magnitude. I was slightly enthralled by the look and shape of the curves of those perfect orbs.