Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(96)

Chapter six

I came downstairs and it was a Saturday morning and I couldn’t have been happier. I lay there in a post orgasmic trance last night touching the combination of both of juices seeping out between my lips.

My father and Allison had left early leaving me find Anthony sitting there in only his boxer shorts eating a bowl of captain crunch. “I would ask what you got up to last night, but I think I know.” I was stunned and I thought for a moment that he was going to call me on the carpet for my behavior. Instead, he tossed me my panties and walked back behind me to slap my ass playfully. “You know my dirty secret and I expect you will keep it to yourself.”

“Why would I do that when I have this kind of leverage over you? Those girls probably don’t even know you kept them as some sort of sick souvenir of your time together.” He was still behind me and I could feel the presence of something poking me like a stick.

“Do you know that I woke up in the middle of the night and could swear you were in my room? What do you make of that, Jessica? Is there something you want to tell me?” I was trembling underneath his interrogation, but I was going to have to try and remain calm.

“I don’t know what goes on in that sick little head of yours, Anthony. I can’t control whatever demented thoughts become a fantasy in your dreams. The only way that you would ever get me into your room would be either by chloroform or in your own damn head.” I was doing my best to make it sound like I was put off by his suggestion that I had snuck in there to see him.

“I’m sure you’re right, but there is one way to find out for sure.” This made my heart sink. Something told me that I was in a bit more trouble than I knew of. “I always have my web cam on and recording from across the room. I haven’t had a chance to look at the footage from last night, but maybe we should do that together.” He grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away, but his strength was a little bit too much. “I don’t think you understand, Jessica. I’m not giving you a choice. I know what you did last night and you can deny it all you want, but the proof will be easily seen.”

I didn’t dignify that with a response. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this, but keeping quiet seemed like a good start.

He pulled me up the stairs and I saw the look in his eyes. He dragged me into his bedroom and then sat down in front of his computer with me standing there like a deer in the headlights. I was wearing a pair of very skimpy shorts and the panties I was wearing were now a little wet from nervous perspiration. I swallowed hard behind his back and then the camera with its footage began to stream across his computer screen.

If a light was on, he probably would’ve been able to see something, but mostly it was just like dancing shadows. It was my time to go on the offensive. “I don’t know what kind of sick game you’re playing, but I’m not in the mood.” I thought that I was in the clear, but he fast forward, until my face was staring back at us. He stopped it with me in front of his computer about to leave the room after what I had done.

“I don’t suppose you have anything to say for yourself. I think your father would really like to know what kind of girl he raised. I’m going to show them both this footage and see the disappointment in their eyes.” I wasn’t sure if he was serious, but I could play this game almost as well as he could.

“You breathe one word of this and I’ll make it so that you’re the one that forced me to come to you. I’ll say you blackmailed me over a bad grade. I even have one that I haven’t shown my father. I’ll make you look like some pervert that wanted to get in my pants. I know how to make your life a living hell and maybe it would be best that we both try and get along. I certainly don’t want you to show the footage to anyone, but I will spin it in my favor.” He lifted me easily off my feet and placed me on top of his lap.

I squirmed with his two hands grasping my wrists. It was obvious from the unfurling flag between his legs that he wanted more of what I gave him last night. “I didn’t think you had it in you, but maybe there’s more to you than meets the eye. “I know you’ve seen the box, but you haven’t seen what’s in it. Let me be the first to show you.” He got up and I could’ve left, but something made my feet stay exactly where they were in the room.

“I think I should leave…” I was cut off with his finger in the air and with his body now bent over in the closet. He pulled it out and laid it on the bed in front of the both of us. “I don’t know if I really want to see this. I already found your hidden stash of panties. What can be more shocking than that?” My mouth was agape, as the box was opened and I saw the contents staring me in the eyes.