Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(36)

She knew that Jimmy was at work and wouldn’t be home for hours. Brie looked around and pushed the Kindle away as she took a deep breath. She stood and walked to the basement door, unable to stop staring at her spot from last night. It was perfect at night, and Brie knew that it was going to become a regular thing, assuming it didn’t kill her.

Brie tested the door to find it locked, and she pushed against it. What did he have down there? Was it something that had always been in the house, something her mom enjoyed? Brie missed her so much, but she was overcome with lust for her stepfather and made her way back to her room where she masturbated several times in between naps.

The sound of the phone ringing in the kitchen roused her from her sleep and Brie glanced at the clock to see that it was getting close to five o clock. She thought that she would take a chance and make some dinner in case Jimmy came home. Brie pulled on the same short dress with no underwear as she walked out to the kitchen and took inventory of what there was to prepare. Thanks to Marie, there was a lot. Brie took some organic chicken breasts from the fridge and threw them in some boiling water to cook them for a while. She pulled out the carb balance tortillas and some enchilada sauce to make a casserole before getting a can of jalapenos and some cheese. Brie shredded the meat once it was cooked and layered everything in a casserole dish before she turned on the oven to bake it for a few moments.

She poured some wine and sipped it as the food cooked. Brie wandered outside and sat in a chaise lounge in the shade as she closed her eyes and let her thoughts torment her. She came back to reality when her phone beeped to let her know that dinner was ready to come out of the oven, and Brie looked up to see Jimmy walking towards her undoing his tie. “What smells so good in there?”

“I threw together an enchilada casserole for dinner.” Brie stood and brushed past him as her thighs ached from her marathon earlier. She was losing her mind. “I think I’ll make some salad to go with it. She looked into the fridge and found a salad kit for Caesar and dumped it into a bowl to mix it together as she heard the sliding glass door open.

“You look tired, Brie. Are you okay?” Jimmy asked her as she glanced up and nodded.

“I’ve been sleeping all day. So lazy.” Brie brushed off his concern, and he tilted his head at her.

“Were you alone here?” Brie looked at him curiously as she mixed the dressing into the salad.

“Yeah. Why?” Brie asked as his eyes darkened and he took her in slowly with his eyes.

“You look flushed. It is one of the most beautiful looks a woman can have,” Jimmy’s voice was husky as she stared at him and he headed to the fridge for a beer. “You’re growing up so fast. Your mom would be so proud of you.”

“Do you miss her?” Brie asked as he cleared his throat and looked at him. “Did you love her?”

“I loved her…very much. I do miss her, and you look so much like her that I feel like she’s around every day.” Jimmy shook his head as he mumbled something else. He took a long swig of his beer and turned to go down the hallway before she heard him run up the stairs to his room.

Her head was spinning, and Brie blamed the wine as she pushed the bowl of salad towards the center of the island near the cooling dish that James had removed from the over earlier.

She heard him coming back and ignored him as she grabbed two plates from the cupboard along with napkins and silverware. “It’s all ready.” Brie grabbed a Vitamin Water Zero from the fridge and loaded up her plate with a small amount of food before she looked at him.

Jimmy was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt now, and he looked like he was shaking. She remembered him telling her that she looked flushed, and she knew what Jimmy meant now. Jimmy’s face was red, and he looked like he was both stressed out as well as sated. It made no sense. They took their plates outside and ate overlooking the water on the high back deck, and he disappeared into the house as soon as his phone chimed in his pocket.

Brie didn’t think she had anything left in her, but she was in her nook that night with her skirt pushed above her thighs as she slipped the dildo inside of herself to the rhythm of the grunts and cries in the room below her. She didn’t even have the strength to cry out as her release washed over the rubber and onto her thighs as she stared blankly at the floor.

Brie managed to make it back to her room and into her bed before Jimmy came back into the house, though she couldn’t remember if she’d leaked onto the floor. She would check in the morning since he’d be rushing off to work. She drifted off to sleep nearly in pain as she frowned and tried to sort out her feelings about what she was doing.