Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(34)

“Usually does,” Brie replied as she slipped sunglasses over her eyes.

“I hear he’s busy. I guess he wanted to jump back into the game, right?” Kat asked as she gave Brie as sad look.

“I suppose. I don’t see it too much. He’s forty and still has a good life to live. Let him.” Brie defended him as Kat nodded slowly.

“He slept with a girl at school. A senior. I guess he is into some wicked shit.”

“At least someone in this house is getting some.” Brie snapped as Kat leaned back and put on her own sunglasses.

“You won’t be single forever. I mean, look at you. We’ll get you out of this house, and you’ll be right back in.” Kat assured her as Brie took a deep breath.

“I waited a year with Ricky. It was a hard process and not always easy…I can’t imagine going through that again.”

“You don’t have to. Just meet someone for the moment. You don’t need to date them.” Kat explained as Brie scowled.

“I wanted my first time to be something special. I can’t stomach the idea of a one-night-stand.”

“So make it a one week stand or a month.” Kat offered as Brie looked at her in frustration. “Okay, okay. We won’t talk about it today.” Marie came out with a tray of various snacks and some cold drinks and chatted with the girls for a moment before heading inside. “Do you think she’s slept with Jimmy?”

“Marie is as married as she could be. They’ve been together for twenty years, Kat. No, I don’t.” Kat shot back in a dark voice as her best friend stared at her before popping a chip into her mouth.

“I was kidding. Why are you acting this way?”

“I think I am still dealing with the whole Ricky thing. I’m sorry.” Brie looked at her friend. “Did you know about him?”

“I heard things but…I don’t like to get into your business. I mean, I am your best friend, so it was hidden pretty well from me. I think I’ve heard more about Jimmy, to be honest.” She held up her hands as Brie looked at her. “He’s a hot older man, Brie! We’re supposed to look at him and think like this at our age. Have you read some of the books out there?” Brie blushed and turned her head to reach over for the cold lemonade in a hurry.

“They’re crazy. I know. I just don’t think I should be thinking like that about him.”

“I would if he were my stepdad,” Kat suggested as she grabbed her drink and took a sip.

Brie sipped her drink as she leaned her head back and caught movement in a window. She knew that she had her sunglasses on so she remained still as Brie realized that it was Jimmy’s office. Had he come home? If so, he was watching them, and she felt goose bumps pebble over her skin as she shivered.

The girls chatted and swam throughout the afternoon, though Brie’s stepfather never made an appearance, at least not until dinner needed to be prepared. He grilled burgers outside as Marie and her husband joined them for dinner. It was relaxing on the surface, but Brie felt skittish, and she wrapped the towel around her body as she ate at the potion table and picked at her food.

Jimmy seemed at ease as he sipped a cold beer and talked to Vince about whatever guys talked about and the women chatted about the celebrity gossip and some of the plans for the summer.


Everyone headed to their houses and Brie walked into her room as she took a deep breath. Jimmy wasn’t acting different, but there was something about him today that made her horny. She admittedly had a fantasy earlier that he was watching her through the window and that Jimmy was perhaps jacking himself off or just imagining something with Brie as he watched them earlier. That is if he was even looking at Brie. Kat was gorgeous, and there was a very definite possibility that Jimmy was looking at her. Kat was experienced and had a lot more to offer than Brie, and she wasn’t family.

Brie couldn’t believe that she was even thinking all of this as she reached for her drawer and dropped back onto the bed. She grabbed her smaller vibrator and was thinking of using it before as idea hit her. She wanted more than a story to use for fantasy tonight. Brie listened for a moment and clutched the black device in her hand as she left her room and started padding barefoot over the hardwood floor. The house was lit up and empty, and Brie looked around as she frowned. “Are you up?” Jimmy called from the kitchen as her eyes widened and she looked around.

“Yeah. Just wanted some water.” Brie stuffed the vibrator into the nearest chair and hid it behind a plump cushion before moving forward. She realized that she was still in her swimsuit and bit her lip as she looked down with a nervous gaze.