Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(194)

It was no wonder that she was the star attraction. She was making some good bucks and I had to say that when I heard of what they were paying her, I almost fell out of my chair.

“I know that you don’t do this for strictly the money. You actually have fun and isn’t that half the battle when you are working your ass off literally and figuratively?” She winked at me, before grabbing onto her short black leather jacket and carrying the necessities for being that naughty policewoman onstage. She even had a pair of handcuffs that she used on an unsuspecting victim to draw them into her show.

“I’m not saying that the money isn’t good. Sometimes I forget all about that and I just have fun on the stage. It’s possible that I have daddy issues, but that’s for my therapist to find out.” She came over and undid the first couple of buttons on my blouse. She even turned down the collar to give me a chance at getting the kind of tips that would help me not to do this for quite some time.

My parents actually thought that I was in school, but what they didn’t know didn’t hurt them. I was happy living with Tracy. She was the only girl I knew that could take me by the hand and make me stay up, until the wee hours of the morning dancing. She had this funny way of playing with my curves. She would run her hands down over my body and have the whole dance floor with their eyes on us. It was the only time that I felt free to do what I wanted and not have to deal with the consequences.

“Felicity, you should really let me alter that outfit. I could work my magic and have them eye balling the merchandise.” What she didn’t know was that they were already looking in my direction. I looked at my watch and I knew that time was getting away from me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and had I swung in that direction, I would have gladly let her take me for a test drive. I knew what was driving that sentiment and I hadn’t had a relationship in quite some time. Getting laid would only cause more problems than it was worth.

“I don’t suppose that I could take you out of your way to drop me off.” She came over to my computer and I showed her the address and she didn’t even hesitate. We left there together on entirely different paths with different outcomes.

Chapter two

I was mingling amongst the crowd feeling slightly claustrophobic with all of these people crammed in together in one place. I was pulling at my collar and every time that I bent down, I would look up to see some young man staring at my cleavage.

In the corner was Jason Wells. He was that charismatic baseball player that knew how to round the bases in his career and his personal life. He was not shy about his affections and I thought for a moment that he had looked at me.

I was picking up a tray of champagne, when I felt a presence behind me. A pair hands grabbed my hips and a long hard cylinder object of manly persuasion was pressed up against me. “You should really let me take you away from all of this. I could take you to paradise in between my sheets. I’ve noticed you watching me. I know what you’re thinking and believe me I’m thinking the exact same thing. I have this desire and curiosity to lift up your skirt and see if you’re wearing any panties.” I had never heard anybody speak to me with such candor.

“Um… I think that you have me mistaken for somebody else.” There was no way that this billionaire baseball player would even want to talk to me let alone sleep with me. “You might have had a little bit too much to drink. May I suggest a few cups of coffee to sober up? You really don’t know what you’re doing. If I were to sleep with you, you’d wake up in the morning regretting it.” He was still behind me and his hot tongue actually touched my ear and made me shiver down to my toes.

“I know that I should probably wait, but I really don’t care. I wanna try something new all night long with you. I want the night to turn into morning and for you to be lying right beside me in this sheen of sexual sweat from going at it like animals. I want to feel you wrapped around me with your legs cinched closed and my cock, so deep inside you that you can feel it like no one else.” My nipples were poking quite noticeably through the bra and you could even see it through the blouse.

“I’m going to save you the trouble. I’m not interested and you are definitely not my type. You’re the kind of guy that a woman wants when they want to stick it to their cheating husband or significant other. You’re not a commitment and you are that fling that makes a woman wake up in the morning regretting that walk of shame.” I don’t think that he was used to anybody talking to him like that.

He followed me around all night long. He had no idea what my name was, but it didn’t seem to matter. I thought that he would easily gravitate towards those that had flotation devices.