Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(193)

I just received a notice from the catering company that I do temporary work for. Normally, I would tell them that I was busy, but my rent was due. This was my only way to make ends meet for this month and I had no choice, but to bite the bullet. It wasn’t glamorous work and I certainly wasn’t going to make enough to retire, but at least I could continue to put a roof over my head.

My roommate Tracy was standing by the door in her customary red hot pants and looking every bit like a woman that knew how to garner the attention of the men. She has all the attributes including a gravity defying boob job. Here in Los Angeles, you can’t trip over a girl without realizing that they were all plastic. I came here under the delusion that I was going to be a star, but then I realized that I couldn’t play the politics. I couldn’t be that skid mark on a casting couch.

“I don’t know why you just don’t come with me down to the strip club. You have a perfectly natural body that is a sought after commodity by those that like that kind of thing. Bigger girls are becoming all the rage. I don’t get it myself, but this is how the trend is starting to go. They even have a particular night dedicated to girls like you.” I had seen over the years the preference of man getting to where the stick thin Barbie doll look was going out of style. I had a lot of guys staring at me, as I walked down the sidewalk or did some casual browsing in a store. I was never really comfortable with that kind of attention, but I had to admit that the idea of not being wallpaper anymore was appealing.

“I’m not one to judge, Tracy, but that kind of thing is just not for me. I would be too self-conscious about stripping down to my birthday suit in front of strangers. I need the money, but I don’t need it that badly.” I wasn’t going to tell her, but I did entertain the idea. It was only after I visited her one night without her knowledge that I saw how these people acted on a regular basis.

“Felicity, you even have the right name for stage work. You wouldn’t even have to change it and that naïve look in your eyes would have them practically throwing their hard earned dollars down on the stage for you.” I looked at myself in the mirror and I had to admit that I owned what God blessed me with. I may have been a little on the chunky side, but most of that was honed it into the kind a muscle that you would see in any gym. I had surprised a lot of people by how much I was weightlifting.

“Tracy, I’m sure that you have only the best intentions, but I really don’t think that this is the line of work for me.” She had that short blond hairdo that showed off her sensuous neck and those long legs that went to heaven and beyond. “I give you all the credit in the world for doing something that is way out of my comfort zone. I doff my hat to you and I bow down in front of you. I only wish that I had that kind of courage to be that open with my body.” My long black hair cascaded down to the small of my back. I was 5’10 and 175 pounds.

“You say that I have courage, but you’re of the one that gives me the strength. You’ve done some nasty jobs since I’ve known you and you’ve always done them with a smile on your face. You may not have liked them, but you learned early on that a smile goes a long way. A sour disposition only gets people trying to ignore you, but if you’re friendly and courteous, then you can make some very healthy tips.” She was that spitfire with a compact body and sensuality that had guys eating out of her hand.

“I appreciate you saying that, but I really don’t believe that myself. I would love to debate this further, but both of us have jobs to go to. You need to get down to the strip cub for an 8 hour shift and I need to hightail it over to a gala an hour away from here. I’m going to have to take the bus and wearing this outfit is only going to give me the kind attention that I don’t want.” The waitress outfit was revealing, but more provocative than naughty.

The white blouse was sheer, but if I wore a bra, then it would only elude to what I had. The skirt was a uniform black. It hugged my body. It was a little snug, but it was the only size that they had that was big enough to fit me.

“I can’t describe it to you, Felicity. The only way to come close is to say that I might have an exhibitionist streak. I like the way that they look at me. I know that they can’t touch. They can pay for the honor of seeing all of it, or they can contend with only seeing what they would probably see on a beach. It takes all kinds. It doesn’t matter if they are young or old. I shake my ass in their face and they are drooling from the moment that I stand on stage. I’m not like the others and I really put on a show that is worth the price of admission.” I’d seen her hanging upside down and shimmying down that pole. It took some real skill to put on a show that was that intricate and choreographed.