Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(174)

“I see.” She wasn’t sure what to say.

“No, I don’t think you do Lila. I know you and how you think. I know you think somehow that you’re not good enough, but it’s just not true. I never had a good night’s sleep in my life until that night, until you Lila.” He said it with force.

She looked up at him, surprised.

“I don’t know how we are going to make this work, but I guess we will just have to find a way.” He said it with a sense of finality.

“Make what work Ray? I mean, don’t I have a say in anything?” She stood and crossed her arms over her chest.

“No, you don’t. Mainly because I know you love me too, and will try and convince yourself it won’t work or you’re not good enough so I am saying no you don’t get a say.”

“Love you too, huh?”

“Yes, Lila, I love you now come over here and kiss me.”

When she didn’t move he stood, taking a step towards her until she found herself falling back on the bed.

“I need to tell you something too Ray, and it may change everything.” She felt him lay beside her on the bed, his arm pulling her closer so that he could look down on her.

“It’s not possible Lila, nothing will change how I feel. I was running from the commitment and from life but with you I want everything.” He smiled down on her.

“I certainly hope so Ray, because it’s not just us anymore.” She swallowed hard as she looked up at him and with his look of confusion she gently took his hand moving it to her stomach.

She wasn’t sure what to expect from her revelation, but his face took on many expressions until he lit up completely.

“You’re sure? I mean just from one night?” He waited.

“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been sick for weeks and I took a test, does it change things Ray?”

“Yes it does. I mean I was going to propose later when I could make it memorable but looks like you beat me to it. I guess we will just have to get married sooner.” He shrugged as though it was the most natural thing to say in the world.

She looked up at him flustered. “DO you always get your way Raymond?”

“Yes, yes I do, now shut up and kiss me.”

She smiled and did so, gladly.


Chapter one

Josie was in the stands and she saw her favorite player doing what he always did. He was cool, as a cucumber and moved on that ice like that of somebody that was born with a stick in his hand. She believed herself to be the loudest of them all. She found herself against the glass pounding on it with her fist and yelling for blood.

To those that saw her on the outside world would swear that she was not capable of the profanity that was coming from her mouth. She looked innocent and had the 5’2 frame to give that impression. She had a little bit more curves than the average woman. She never shied away from being who she was and never allowed any bully to get the upper hand growing up. She was tenacious and she was taught by her parents to be independent and self sure. She’d always had weight issues, but she believed that what was on the inside was a whole lot better than what was on the outside.

“Josie, you are embarrassing me. I should’ve realized that you had an ulterior motive for coming with me to one of these games. You’ve never been one to take a more docile role.” Jackson was her best friend. They may have been an item for about 5 minutes, but that had turned into a real and lasting friendship. There were times that they turned to each other physically, but those times were rare and fleeting. “Stop doing that, or they’re going to come over here and tell us to leave.” Jackson had never seen this side of his friend. She was bloodthirsty and calling the referee every name in the book.

“I don’t care and it’s not fair that they should treat him like that. He’s only doing what the team needs him to do.” She was always a closet hockey fan, until that one day that her father took her to a game a couple of months ago. When she saw Payton, she couldn’t believe that he was really here in her hometown. She had no idea that she would see him after all these years. He was the product of her fantasy life from the moment that he had entered into the amateur ranks. Unbeknownst to her father and her friends, she had become smitten in a way that didn’t seem possible. Any time that she saw somebody that remotely looked like him; she would make it a point to sidle up and begin a flirtation that would end promptly with both of them naked and sweaty in the sheets.

“I don’t know why you are getting, so hot under the collar. It’s not like you can change anything by screaming and yelling at the referee. They have a thicker skin than that. They have to with fans that are diehard like you.” Jackson had always known that his friend was into hockey, but he was starting to realize that it wasn’t the sport that had garnered her attention. This one player had gotten underneath her skin and maybe there was something that he could do about that. “If you settle down for the rest of the game, I might be able to get you into an after party.”