Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(171)

“You scared the life out of me Ray what were you thinking?” She frowned, taking in a deep breath.

“This is an old house, Lila, every back and forth pacing you did try to make up your mind if you were coming in or not was driving me crazy. I finally came out there to get you and pull you in here once and for all, and I saw you rushing this way. I wasn’t sure if you had some sort of realization that made you want to run into my arms or what… that is until I saw Miss Jeannine.” He gave her a wide smile.

She crossed her arms, as she felt the heat of a blush crawl up into her face. “Well, for your information I was going back to my room and I saw her.” She lifted her chin up another inch.

They eyed each other for a moment before they let the reality of their situation kick in. He was in boxers and nothing else, and she was in a gown barely covering her at all. She watched as a shadow came over his face, creeping in as he looked her over, letting his eyes travel the length of her. He moved, taking a step in her direction, but she was stuck against a table and couldn’t move. She felt his body come into contact with her and it was all fire.

The kiss this time was almost angry and frantic, he moved with deliberate slowness, his hands gently caressing against the outside of her thighs on each side, slowly moving up and revealing her caramel thighs as they went. Further and further they traveled until he was certain that she wore nothing under her gown and he lifted his eyes up to meet hers. She was on fire and he knew it, used it to make her realize her own desires for him. His lips trailed down her neck and across her shoulders until they met with the sheer film of her gown. He moved a finger up and under it to slide it down her arms slowly revealing more and more of her skin to him. She felt him hesitate for a second and she looked up at him.

“If you don’t want this… want me to touch you tell me now before I can’t stop it.” His gaze was intense and she knew he was giving her an out if she wanted it. “Lila…”

She wasn’t sure what to say, but her actions came naturally to her, she reached up to him pulling his head down to her own, letting her lips find his once more. He needed no other encouragement making quick work of her gown. She felt the materiel rip apart in one swoop and she was there standing in front of him exposed. She trembled, and she felt him move once more, pulling her with him to the bed. He turned kissing her and gently pushed her down onto the blankets covering the bed, she felt the silky softness pressing into her back as she moved, shifting until she was laying there, exposed.

He stood watching her for a moment. “You are so beautiful Lila.” He moved beside her laying the length of him along her body pressing his chest into hers. She felt his hands, then, traveling all over her. First cupping one massive globe in his hands, moving only to run the pad of his tongue on one peak and then the other until they both stood at attention for him. He moved his hand, then down the curve of her hip resting there only a moment before moving further and further until he found his way to the apex of her thighs and the secrets she had hidden there. He slipped his finger lower and deeper until he found the hot wetness of her desire, gently moving until he found the tiny bud of desire.

She felt her body tremble under his hands, she had never felt like this not with anyone. He moved and rubbed until she was more than relaxed, her body opening up to him, her legs falling apart as he moved within her walls slightly. She moaned loudly not realizing the sounds came from her until finally she found release. It was only momentary as he shifted then, moving up and between her thighs and pushing gently at first.

“I can’t wait Lila, I’m sorry.” He pushed hard and deep filling every inch of her then.

She gasped with his entry and together they moved as one, pushing and pulling to a rhythm as old as time. She felt his gaze on her and his lips met hers as they crested the final peak together. They lay there then both silently at peace for a moment in time. She felt him moving and she wasn’t sure what to do. She sat up to gather her things to leave, but instead she felt him pull her close to him once more.

“Just stay, just for now.” He whispered in her ear, and she felt his arm securely tucked around her. She let an easy smile pass as she drifted off to sleep.

It could have been an easy thing, to share something beautiful, but she knew it was only a moment in time. She woke some time later, his arm still touching her. She stood, careful not to wake him and looked down at him sprawled across the bed. He was a good man, and he tried to be a bad ass, but she knew it was only a part of who he was. She looked over at the table by the door as she quietly made her way out, noticing a picture of him with his mother. He was a good son too. She quietly tiptoed back to her rooms, and settled in to sleep for a few more hours.