Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(165)

After he came, Amanda held Cole against her chest, stroking his hair and whispering softly to him in the night. They held each other close, and for the first time in a long time, Amanda went to sleep without any fear. Because she knew that the man who held her in his arms would keep her safe, keep her close. And she knew without a doubt that when she woke up in the morning, he would still be there. and he would be there every morning after, for the rest of their live.

***THE END***



“There is just something special about that Ray Markley.”

He smiled as he closed the door to the coffee shop. He knew it wasn’t his good looks, or a smile. No those two things had been a part of him all his life, and had made high school quite a pleasant experience. More than likely it had to do with his career, and the fact that him making it big in baseball had put their little town on the map. But deep down, he knew it was the way he carried himself. He wasn’t cocky, no he was confident, and he didn’t deal with anyone’s craziness. He knew what he liked, and he knew if he wanted it he would get it. He loved this small town, full of most of his friends growing up, except a few that had decided this life wasn’t for them, him included. At 28 he was in the prime of his life. He sported a head of wavy sandy brown hair and the darkest blue eyes possible. Something the ladies seemed to like.

He loved the game, loved the way the ball flew when it made direct contact with the bat. It had been a part of his growing up, and the one thing he shared with his dad before he left. It had been the biggest part of his life and over time he had made it. Right into the majors. Something he was proud of, and worked hard at. His life in Bayberry had quietly taken a back seat to the other world he had created out in New York.

He loved the flash of lights in the big city and the people there, but every now and again he would come home and visit his mother, who refused to leave this place, and to remind himself of his roots. This visit, however, was tinged with something else, and he still had yet to work it out. With a shake of his head he set off for his car, knowingly carrying a box of the donuts his mother loved. He would take his time driving down the dusty road out to the ranch and he would settle in there for a few weeks at least until training started up.

Nothing had changed really, the tall oak by the main road had fallen, probably from a storm of some kind and there were a few more houses that were scattered along the way that hadn’t been there before but aside from that, life was its usual out here. He heard the ringing of his phone and glanced at the caller id on the dashboard, feeling his insides turn, before hitting the ignore button. The red heat of anger curled up inside him and he felt his knuckles turn white as he gripped the wheel. No matter what anyone said the guy had I coming, and even the police had said so.

He swung the car into the spot where he always parked and made his way inside. The house smelled just like it always had, sugar and coffee, and he smiled as he enveloped his mother in a hug.

“Hello mom, I told you I’d be here today.” He kissed the top of her head, a full two foot shorter than his own. She gave him a smile as she walked carefully back to her chair.

He frowned as he watched her, at 88, she was no longer the young, carefree woman that should be running a ranch. He knew that she had help, however, he had hired a few men to run the horses and keep things running smoothly. He had also remotely hired a nurse to sit with her and take care of things at home, and a cook, who shared a wing of the ranch with the live in nurse. Even still, he felt guilt deep down every time he went back home.

“Raymond, you are so skinny, you need to eat.” She exclaimed as she made her way inside the house, she gently patted his stomach.

“I’m fine mom, you say that every time.” He helped her into a chair and took a look around the room.

Everything was neat and tidy, clean and sterile and he felt himself relax, just slightly. She was being taken care of, and it made him feel better knowing it. He heard some commotion in the kitchen and glanced that way. He found himself face to face with a bubbly woman red faced and smiling. In her 40’s she had sprigs of red and gray hair and she welcomed him with a smile.

“You must be Raymond. Hello, I am Jeannie, I cook for your mother, and whoever may come by.” She gave his mother a wink, that he didn’t miss. She held out her hand to him, which he took and marveled at the grip she gave him.

“It’s just Ray, and it’s nice to finally meet you.” He relaxed as she rambled on about food for dinner and a light lunch, which she asked his mother to approve of.

After she left, he turned to face his mother once more. : You certainly seem to have things running smoothly mother.” He gave her a half grin.