Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(133)

“Do you want me to someday?” Holly whispered, staring into his face as he nodded slowly.

Aaron stepped closer to her, lifting his hands to cup her face. “More than anything.” Holly sucked in her breath as he kissed her softly, closing her eyes as she memorized the feeling. She’d missed him so much though she was scared to hold on too tight, frightened that he would disappear. “I love you so much.”

“I love you.” Holly told him, finally slipping her arms around his neck. “I never want to live without you again.”

“You won’t have to.” Aaron told her, kissing her between sentences. “Will you be my girlfriend, Holly? I always fought it before but now I know what it’s like to be without you.” He kissed her again. “I’ll talk to the league. I’ll figure this out.”

“Aaron…I don’t care about my job. I’ll quit if I have to. I can work somewhere else. It doesn’t matter…I just want to be with you.”

He kissed her harder this time as she clung to him, giving back all of the passion that he feeding to her as he slipped his arms down her body and tugged her closer. “I want you, Holly. I want to see you.”

“Bed.” Holly told him, feeling him grab her ass and tell her to wrap her legs around him. Aaron carried all of them as she protested, telling him that she was too heavy.

“I’ll never put you down again.” Aaron promised her as he kissed her and pressed her back onto the bed. Holly shuddered as he lifted the dress from her body, taking her in with a lascivious gaze and tossing it to the floor. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He ran his hands over her stomach gently, leaning down to kiss her skin as she felt another tear slide down her cheek.

Pregnancy made her cry too much.

Aaron looked up, asking her if she was okay. Holly nodded and he parted her legs, moving down to kiss her thighs as she cried out. “Does pregnancy make you as horny as I’ve heard in the past?”

“Worse.” Holly admitted, biting her lip as his mouth found her and sucked her between his teeth. “Ohhhhhhh.”

“So sweet. So wet.” Aaron panted as he sucked and licked her in alternating moves, making her come fast and hard. “Oh, baby.” He drank it in as she closed her eyes, sobbing happily as she whispered his name.

Aaron made love to her after making sure it wouldn’t hurt her, making her laugh as she told him they could do that until the baby was born unless anything arose. He pressed her back, looking down as he entered her slowly where their bodies joined. “Oh, Aaron. I’ve missed this. I’ve obsessed about this.” Holly told him between moans. He took her harder, unable to hold back as he pushed her legs back and drove his cock inside of her until she was screaming his name. Aaron followed soon after with a guttural cry of his own, dropping down to kiss her forehead as she trembled beneath him.

“I think there’s going to be a lot more babies in our future.” He promised her, kissing her lips.

“Let’s see how this one goes first. Let’s do everything we can to catch up on each other before we’re parents.”


Eight months later, Aaron looked back from seat of his box seats to see his Holly snuggling their daughter. Lola Rose Neller was born three months after they got back together in March with a scary time spent in the hospital growing into her premature body. They’d gone out every night once he spoke to the league about their relationship, with Holly taking their recommendation to work for a prominent doctor’s office where she wouldn’t be working so hard or traveling so much. Both Aaron and Holly agreed that this was the best choice, leaving him as the owner of his favorite hockey team.

Looking at his fiancée with their daughter, he knew that he had the best of everything.




Lacey Kincaid tapped her pencil on the desktop in her office. He was coming home today… that’s what her mother told her anyway. It had been eight years since she had laughed with him, and made funny jokes about the neighborhood kids. Eight years since he had come for a holiday meal, or made it to anything. It wasn’t like he didn’t keep in touch, he did. In fact, writing him back and forth was part of her routine each week that she had come to count on, until a year ago when he simply stopped writing to her at all. It had started slowly at first a missed email or a week between responses, and then it had ended altogether. Deep down, some part of her hated him for disappearing on her the way he did.

Structure was an important factor in her life, so much so that it always played a part in messing up every situation she found herself in. Everything had a place and level of priority, it was the only thing that kept her going strong. She leaned back in her chair, once more thinking about him. Tonight he would be home for dinner, though the circumstances were sad, it would be good to see him.