Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(117)

His stomach growling again made him pull away from her reluctantly, grabbing the bag and some waters before asking her if she wanted to eat on the balcony. There was a nice breeze today and she nodded as she reached down to braid her wild hair slowly, following him once she’d secured it. He had a table out there for eight, explaining that sometimes his family came over during the summer for BBQ. They sat beside each other, the heat like electricity as he unpacked their food and looked at her for a long moment before unwrapping the huge meal that she’d brought him. “You’re close to your family?” Holly asked, watching him nod as he took a bite.

“Very. They were all their last night to see the game.” Aaron replied, smiling automatically at the mention of them before he realized that she might not be able to meet them. “How about you?”

“Close enough. The parents and the sister are all in Colorado still but we talk a lot. They’re very supportive.” Holly told him, seeing him nod as he looked at her warmly. “I try to go for the holidays, depending on my schedule. My sister is having her first baby soon. A girl.”

“How old is she?” Aaron asked and she picked off a piece of her bread.

“Twenty-six. They’ve been married five years and they’re so cute together. I don’t know…I haven’t had the time or the focus to even think about finding that.” Holly spoke slowly, sneaking a glance at him that spoke volumes. “I’m going to be twenty-three soon and it seems like I should.”

“I’m thirty-two and I only recently started thinking about it.” Aaron admitted, making her eyes widen. “I see the players with their kids and it looks so great. I love my sister’s kids to pieces.”

“They are sweet. I saw them last night.” Holly told him, smiling with him as he shook his head.

“Yeah.” Aaron said, taking another bite before he asked what she’d done last night. Holly told him that she’d gone for a bit to the bar before the crowds got to be too much, trying to enjoy the adrenaline that had been in everyone’s blood. “Did they protect you from the wolves?”

“Completely. I don’t think I’d be able to meet anyone even if I was looking with those guys around.” Holly told him, laughing as she took a bite of her smaller sandwich filled with vegetables.

“It’s not all innocent, Holly. Trust me.” Aaron warned her, making her narrow her eyes at him. “You’re so different from other girls that they’re going to want to have you…all of them.” He shook his head as she raised one eyebrow at him.

“I haven’t seen much about you in the media but I’m guessing you were ‘one of them’ at one time?” Holly asked, making his stomach twist as he stared at her.

“I was a sports figure, Holly.” Aaron said wearily as she smiled weakly.

“You still are…bigger if anything. I don’t doubt that you have women throwing themselves at you every chance they get. Now you’re an owner and really in the spotlight here in New York.” She shook her head and wrapped her sandwich as she glanced at it with disinterest. “Great. I’m mad at you because you’re so jealous and here I am being the same way.” She met his eyes. “After I was attacked that night, I didn’t want anyone for a really long time. I was guarded and scared, to be honest. I didn’t even go out to dinner with someone if they asked me. Holly’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “I wanted you from the moment I saw you. There was no fear, no hesitation. There was just a need to be with you and a trust that I’d thought I lost, which is scarier in some ways than being terrified for so long.” Holly reached for his hand and laced her fingers through his. “Let’s not waste the time that we have being jealous.”

He looked down where they were joined together as his body indicated that it wasn’t enough. “I’ve never heard a better idea, except for this one.” Aaron told her, leaning over to kiss her as she stilled against him. They stumbled in to put the food in the fridge for later a few minutes into the kiss, with him lifting her against his body to carry her to the bedroom.

“I swore that I was done with this,” Holly moaned as he dropped onto the bed and pulled her over him.

“It’s bit of a mess in here. Sorry.” Aaron apologized before kissing her neck as she looked around. The empty bottle was turned sideways on the bed, the sheets wrinkled and messy as her eyes fluttered closed briefly.

“You really did yourself in last night. Oh god.” Holly murmured as his teeth dragged across her skin. “That explains the picture. Don’t leave marks.”