Reading Online Novel

Filling up the Virgin(113)

Holly walked down the hallway, looking absolutely gorgeous as she walked into the light. She sat down with her water, declining anything else as she started spooning vegetables and rice onto a plate. Aaron chose the chicken and made a big plate as she smiled and shook her head. “You can eat like that because you work out so much.”

“It’s decent food though. I eat pretty clean for the most part.” Aaron told her, stabbing the meat with his fork as he looked at her. “Look who’s talking, yoga girl.”

“I love it. It balances me and I have struggled with my weight a little bit here and there.” Holly defended herself, laughing as he took his bite. “I need to be fit with what I do. Particularly now with a team instead of just a couple of clients!”

“You’re stunning.” Aaron told her, making her blush. “I was checking out your legs at the interview in those heels.”

“Oh my God.” She laughed and took a small bite of rice. “I was so nervous.” She shook her head and swallowed the food. “I still can’t believe I’m even here.”

“Nor can I. I didn’t think anything like this would happen, at least not this fast.” Aaron said again, looking at her for a long moment. “I don’t feel like I can claim you with the situation, Holly. I know that we have to hide this so I don’t want you to close yourself off to anything else that might come along.”

“I don’t want anybody else.” Holly told him, staring at him. “Do you?”

“No. Those days are long over.” Aaron told her, watching her push her plate away. “I just don’t want you to not live your life because of this.” He gestured his hand between them, watching her face sadden. “We will spend most of our time here. If you can trust your roommate to keep this secret, we might go there but I won’t expose you to the media by taking you out in public. We’d be in front of the firing squad quickly and they’d be digging into your past. I don’t want that for you.”

“I can find another job if this really turns into something. There’s a lot of companies in the city that would hire me. Not that I want you to throw your position away but I would consider it.” Holly told him, standing to move to the windows. “Was this a mistake?”

“No. It wasn’t.” He stood to walk over to her and gaze over her shoulder out at the expansive city before them. “Let’s just play it down for now so I can see how this would go over in the next few weeks. It might be fine as long as they’re sure I am not showing you any special treatment.” He kissed her hair. “I wouldn’t. I know you can do your job without any help. We checked your references and they were solid even if I couldn’t tell by knowing you.”

Holly left quietly after dinner, kissing him at the door before she went down in the elevator. Aaron remembered why he liked the quickies back in his younger days as he achingly wondered if he was going to end up hurting her in all of this. Holly had given herself to him, body and soul. She’d been through something terrible and she wanted him to replace the memory of her attack, coming so easily in his arms.

He thought again to his father’s words, knowing that Glen would give him a firm lecture if he learned about this. His father had never been thrilled with his shenanigans before but he respected that Aaron kept it out of the public eye and respected the girls as much as he could in the situation. He’d been young once himself and gave his son that much respect.


Aaron spent the night tossing and turning, missing the woman behind the smell on his sheets and pillow. He got up early to clean the sex off of his skin reluctantly and work out in his building, trying to get the blood flowing through his veins. He needed to be the owner of a team today, not a distracted man. He ran hard on the treadmill, still imagining Holly in his bed and on his couch as he sped up to escape the memory that wouldn’t leave his brain.

Once he was done, Aaron showered again and pulled out his black suit to hang against the bathroom door. He pulled on his boxer briefs and a white undershirt, sliding a new white shirt over it and buttoning up carefully. His hair was tousled but with product tonight and he slipped a blue tie on to honor the team. Aaron finished buttoning up his pants and slipped the coat on as he grabbed his keys, deciding to drive tonight.

He was nervous as the doorman wished him to have a good game and was aware of the eyes on him and the voices talking about him. Aaron flashed them his traditional smile, accepting their well-wishes as he went down to the garage to get his vehicle. He drove in the crowd to the arena just a few blocks away, seeing his team’s name in lights as his heart burst with pride. They were going to kill it this year.