Reading Online Novel

Fear the Boss(24)

“I’m sorry I left you for a man who didn’t deserve it.”

Locking the door, she walked back into her bedroom. Collapsing on the bed she didn’t bother to change her clothes. “It was fun while it lasted, Pearl.”

She doubted Caleb would be coming to see her any time soon. At least she hadn’t told Lydia of her intention to go to him. All Lydia would do tomorrow was nag and try to get her to talk to someone else.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her temples.

Her cat purred, and she chuckled. “Did you miss me?” Pearl gave her sad eyes. Letting out a breath, she cuddled up to her pet and closed her eyes.

She hoped she wasn’t pregnant.

What Caleb had done was wrong. She should have made sure he wore a condom.

It’s all your fault.

Pressing a hand to her stomach, she hoped nothing bad came of her mistake.

Chapter Seven

Caleb tapped his finger on his chair as Henry conducted business. It had been a week since the disaster with Donna, and he still couldn’t get her out of his mind. This was dangerous. One week and he should be over her by now. He couldn’t fuck any other woman either. None of them awakened a fire inside him the way Donna did.

“Why is the muscle conducting business, Caleb?” Elijah asked.

Glancing up, he saw the man opposite was staring at him. Elijah Weston dealt with the drugs. He was the man to talk to in order to get product moving out of the city to other states.

“Henry is very much a business partner. You’re aware of this,” Caleb said. He wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with business.

“You can talk to me, Elijah. Caleb knows what he’s doing even if he is being an ignorant ass,” Henry said.

His friend was dressed in a suit while Caleb hadn’t even tried to change. He wore a pair of jeans and a short sleeved shirt. Business wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and he was bored. The last week he’d dealt with work close to the club. Deals with alcohol, sex, and drugs were starting to wear on him.

“I don’t care. I deal with one man, and that man is sitting and staring into fucking space as if he has a right to. I don’t give a shit how your business works. I will fuck you both up if you don’t get involved.” Elijah slammed his fist down on the table.

Sitting up, Caleb leaned forward. “What shit do you actually need me to know? Huh? Do you want me to ask you how many people this will fuck over? Is it a white enough powder? I’ve got the cops. Just give us a fucking deal and sell us what you’ve got.”

Elijah sat back. “You think it’s that easy?”

“It’s business. You’ve got shit you need to sell, and you know I can get the fucking job done. It’s a win-win deal for both of us.” Caleb stood, pulling out a cigarette. Staring out the window he saw semi-clad girls walking around weighing little white bags. It was the perfect little conveyor belt of pussy.#p#分页标题#e#

Donna entered his mind, and he closed his eyes, forcing her back.

“You think your smart assed attitude is going to get you what you want?” Elijah asked.

“I can take my money elsewhere, Elijah. We don’t need you to make deals with us. Sell us what we want, or we go elsewhere.”

Keeping his back to the other man, Caleb eyed up the women. Their dyed blonde hair and overly exposed bodies did nothing for him. He was going to go fucking crazy if he didn’t get some kind of release soon.

Gritting his teeth, he listened as Elijah started talking money and sales. Within the hour they were ready for a shipment to the club and he was travelling alongside Henry toward Ecstasy.

“What the fuck is going on with you?” Henry asked. “We’re a fucking team, and you’ve been fucking absent for the past couple of weeks.”

“Nothing. Back the fuck off, Henry. I’m not interested in whatever shit you’ve got to say.” He ran fingers through his hair. It was a Sunday night, and the city life was bursting with people trying to find an escape from their mundane lives.

“Back off? Back the fuck off. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Ever since you stuck your dick in that bitch you’ve been causing problems.”

Without thinking he slammed his fist against Henry’s face. The car swerved, and he lurched over grabbing the wheel. Drawing the car to the side of the road, Caleb opened the door and climbed out.

“You’re telling me you’ve not got a fucking problem?” Henry asked, getting out of the car.

“Get back in the fucking car. I’m not in the mood for this shit.” Holding onto the back of his head, Caleb stared up at the dark sky. He wasn’t some limp dick virgin after his first pussy.