Reading Online Novel

Fear the Boss(23)

“Stop over-thinking everything you need to do.” He turned her around to face him.

“I’m used to over-thinking everything,” she said. She tucked some hair behind her ear as she glanced up at him.

He walked back into the sitting room. Gazing down his body she couldn’t look away from the hard length of his cock. He was long and thick, pressing out toward her. In the low lighting, the tip glinted with his pre-cum.#p#分页标题#e#

“Then don’t. I forbid you from thinking about anything but what we’re doing.” He sat back on the sofa and tugged her onto his lap. She placed her knees on either side of his legs, giggling.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re not going home until tomorrow. You’re in for one long night with me.”

She didn’t want the night to end.

Caleb didn’t do love, nor did he do relationships. She could deal with the short term providing he kept his distance afterward.

“When we’re alone, I forbid you to wear any clothes.” He tugged the shirt she wore over her head, revealing her naked state.

Laughing, she dropped a kiss to his lips, moaning as he slid his tongue within her mouth. He cupped her ass spreading her cheeks wide. The curtains were open, but they were far enough up that the only way for people to see would be with binoculars.

He lifted her up, and she watched him grab his cock.

“What about the condom?” she asked, remembering protection for the first time that day.

“We’ve not used one.”

She jerked, pulling away. “What?”

“I forgot to use one. We’re safe, I promise.”

Shaking her head, she pulled away from him. “No, we can’t have sex. I can get pregnant, and you didn’t even consider that?” She stepped away from him and grabbed the shirt she’d discarded on the floor. Her clothes were in the main bedroom. “I’ve got to go. This was a mistake.”

One day of sex and she could end up with a child. The thought alone terrified her. Tugging on his shirt, she walked into the bedroom retrieving her jeans. She couldn’t even wear panties as he’d destroyed him.

“You’re overreacting,” he said.

“No, I’m not. You’re not the one who’s going to end up saddled with a kid. I don’t want a child, and you were wrong to forget.”

You should have spoken up.

Tears filled her eyes at her own stupidity.

“Stupid, stupid.”

“Look, nothing is going to happen. We’re going to be fine,” he said. His arms were spread out on either side of the door.

“Are you insane?” she asked. “Or are you just plain dumb? All it takes is one sperm, and should I remind you thousands of sperm are released during each orgasm, and all it takes is one.” She held up her finger, glaring at him.

Anger took over, and she started to shake. Tying her hair back with the band she kept in her jeans, she whirled on him.

“Don’t fucking speak to me like that,” he said, growling out the words.

She flung her hand back and slapped him across the face. “You’re an asshole and a jerk. You had no right to disrespect my body that way.” The tears fell from her eyes, and she felt weak inside. She shouldn’t let him see her pain. He didn’t deserve to know how much he upset her. “You were the first man I was with, and yet you treated me like that.”

Shoving past him, she ignored his aroused state even as pleasure gripped her.

“Donna,” he said.

“No, don’t Donna me. I’ve had enough. You shouldn’t have done that.” She opened his apartment door and charged down the long corridor. He called after her, and she heard him cursing. She imagined him grabbing a pair of jeans and trying to get into them.

Keep going.

Stepping into the elevator she saw him at the end of the corridor. The doors closed before he even made it to her. Tapping her hands together she waited for the doors to open once again. When they did, she charged out of the front door happy when Caleb was nowhere in sight.#p#分页标题#e#

Hailing a cab, she climbed inside as Caleb charged out of the building. She saw him, but he didn’t see her. Sliding down the seat she blew out a breath, thankful he hadn’t noticed her.

“Where to, love?” the driver asked.

She gave him her address then sat back. What the hell had happened?

Wiping the tears away from under her eyes, she forced all the bad memories out of her mind. Thinking of the negative wasn’t what she needed to focus on.

It was over.

She must have broken some world record for breaking up with a man.

Get over it.

Traffic was a nightmare, and she didn’t get home for an hour. She paid the cab and walked up the stairwell toward her door. Pearl was waiting for her. Closing the door, she bent down to pick up her cat.