Reading Online Novel

Fear the Boss(22)

Keeping hold of her hands beside her head, he fucked her, taking possession of her lips as she cried out. He drank down every noise and moan she released.

“That’s it, baby, scream for me.”

Sliding a hand between them, he fingered her clit. She was attuned to him, and with a few strokes she came all over his cock.

“Fuck!” He yelled the word as her cum washed over his shaft and he felt each ripple along his length. Being without a condom was the best feeling in the world.

Claiming her lips, he fucked her hard, taking what he needed. His orgasm took him by surprise. Sliding inside her one final time he grunted out his pleasure.

Donna wrapped her arms around him at the same time as he held her, turning them to their side so he wasn’t crushing her.

She was incredibly small compared to him.

Opening his eyes, he stared down into her face. She had her own eyes closed. His orgasm faded away. He didn’t pull out of her body as he pushed some hair off her face.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, causing her to open her eyes.

“Do you always talk afterward?”

“No. I don’t stick around for anything afterward. I want to be around you.” Her gaze went to his lips.

“Is it always like this?” she asked. She touched his lips, stroking her finger down his chest.

“No, it’s not.”

He didn’t know what it was like for her, but she’d blown his world apart.#p#分页标题#e#

“You’re going to be a little sore,” he said. At least, he’d heard of women being sore after their first time. Touching her lip he thought about what Henry said. Was he prepared to lose everything because of her?

His first taste wasn’t enough to satisfy this craving he had for her.

“I’m going to get you cleaned up.”


Night had fallen several hours later, and Donna stood in his sitting room looking out of his window over the city. Bright lights and the sounds of passing cars could be heard. She’d opened the window slightly to allow some fresh air into the room. Caleb was on the phone in the other room, and she left him alone to give him privacy. Sipping at her soda, she twirled a strand of hair through her fingers. Glancing at her reflection in the window she wondered if she looked different. She felt different, but she didn’t know if the whole world would be able to see the transition.

Sex, she’d had sex for the first time a handful of hours ago. It was a big deal, or at least it was a big deal to her. She didn’t know what Caleb thought. Well, he couldn’t keep his hands off her, so she must be doing something right. Resting a hand on her hip, she took another sip of her soda. After the first time together he took her into the bathroom where he’d made her soak in a long warm bath. He’d taken the time to add salts and get the water ready. When he joined her in the water she’d been so embarrassed she didn’t know what to do.

Once their bath was finished he’d taken her into the bedroom and made love to her. His actions surprised her as she didn’t have him pegged as the kind of man who’d make love. He fucked. Love never entered the equation with him, and she accepted that. She wasn’t ready to settle down or to fall in love.

She didn’t feel love for Caleb, lust maybe but certainly not love. There was no way she could feel anything for a man she didn’t know and didn’t really care to know. Tapping her finger on the can of her soda, she wondered what the hell she was doing. Nothing made any sense to her.

You’re not a virgin anymore.

The second time Caleb made love to her, he took his time, loving every inch of her body until she couldn’t think of where he ended and she began. One meeting in a jewelry store and she was standing in his apartment overlooking the city. “I’m sorry about that. Business needs to come first,” Caleb said. She watched him approach her butt naked. Glancing down at her can, she tried to find any reason not to look at him or see him. What were they supposed to do with their lives now?

“No worries,” she said. “What do we do now?”

She stopped asking questions as he wrapped his arms around her. His naked body pressed against her back, and he nudged her hair out of the way to kiss her lips.

“Should I go home?” she asked.

“No, you’re not going home.”

“I’ve got to feed my cat.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of person to leave your cat without any food.”

Donna hadn’t. She’d put plenty of food down for her cat so she wouldn’t starve.

He sucked on her neck, and his tongue licked along her pulse.

“I want to know what I’m supposed to do. This is unheard of for me.” What was the proper protocol for them? Did she walk out on her own steam?