Reading Online Novel


Time to say goodbye, Im afraid  …

He raised the weapon and performed the bolt action.

Then he put the gun to her temple and fired.


The Red King

The gun clicked.

He pulled it back, performed the bolt action again and fired once more.


Another click.

Sammer stared at the pistol, unable to understand what was happening.

Rebecca raised her head and met his gaze. Then she put her hand over the barrel, stood up and twisted the gun from his grasp.

He took a stumbling step backwards, then another. For the first time since she met him, his carefully controlled persona seemed to waver and for a moment he almost looked scared. It passed in a matter of seconds, then he collected himself.

She held the gun in both hands, performed the bolt action once, then a second time.

Two little green blank cartridges flew out, bouncing off the grilled floor and finding their way through the gaps to the roof twenty metres below.

She lowered the gun to waist height, but kept it pointed at him.

Live  …  she said bluntly, waving the gun. In case you were wondering. By the way, Ive given up the pills, and instant coffee  …  she added. Someone told me they werent good for me  …

His mouth narrowed. I see  …

He looked at her for a few moments.

What was it that  … ?

Oh, a tiny detail. Something so insignificant that it took me several days to put my finger on it  …

He didnt respond, just went on studying her.

The safe deposit box, your story, the passports, everything fitted together perfectly. Everything fell perfectly into place, and what Thore Sjögren told me in the Royal Library tied the last loose ends together beautifully. Like I said, it was all perfect  …


Perfect, if it hadnt been for the name  …

Im not sure I quite understand  … ? He tilted his head.

Thore was busy with a little digression and happened to call me by the wrong name, then very quickly and politely corrected himself. A silly little mistake, thats all. There was just one problem  …  I never told Thore what my name was, so he must have known already. He must have known what I looked like, that I was going to show up at the library. The only person who knew that was you.

And that was enough to make you suspicious  … ?

That, and the fact that I was becoming more and more convinced that someone was tracking my phone. Keeping an eye on where I was and who I contacted. In the end I got some help from an old friend  …

Oh  …

He stood there in silence for several seconds, and seemed to be thinking.


His name is Al-Hassan these days.

Of course  …

Arent you going to ask if hes alive, Uncle Tage? No, of course not, the explosion in the barn was part of your plan, after all. A way of removing him from the break-in at the Fortress. Manga switched the hard-drive for the bomb, exactly as planned, but to be on the safe side he made sure that the charge in the rucksack could never be detonated.

She glanced up at the NK clock.

Three minutes ago he sent all the information on the hard-drive to all the news media  …

Sammer nodded slowly.

In my position you must always be prepared to be betrayed. Theres always someone younger, someone hungrier waiting for their chance. Up to now I have successfully managed to survive coups of that sort. But Sandström wasnt on my list. He struck me as being rather too timid for that sort of power politics. Too soft  …

She shrugged. Fear can be a powerful motivator  …

Naturally, but a plan like that requires someone considerably stronger, someone who has what Sandström lacks  …

He gave her a long look.

Evidently he found that person. You knew what was going on, Rebecca, yet you still played along. You let me pull the strings to get you back into the bodyguard unit. And put yourself at the front of the cortege so that  …

He shook his head.

You shot your own brother in order to get at me  …  His tone was almost admiring. I clearly underestimated how determined you are, Rebecca. Your father would have  …

Dont talk about my father! she snapped, raising the pistol towards his face. You manipulated me, using my memories of Dad to make me trust you. Like you, even  …

She squeezed the trigger gently.

But there is no Uncle Tage, no André Pellas, no John Earnest or secret missions for the military  …  Her pulse was pounding against her temples. No conspiracy, no Olof Palme Weapon, no fake passports in a forgotten safe deposit box. All there is, is you. An old man and a mass of lies. Uncle Tage  …  Even your name is a joke, almost as if you were laughing at me. Tage Sammer  –  Game Master.

She spat out the last two words.

Everything that happened was part of your plan. Henke, me, everyone else  –  we were just pawns. At least two different task-masters in desperate need of help. Black with the Data Retention Directive, the Palace with the popularity of the royal family. Who knows, maybe there were even more behind them, people wanting tougher legislation, more resources, more opportunities for surveillance  …

She slowly lowered the gun. Suddenly the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

The Grand Hotel was merely a demonstration, a sales pitch, to show what you could do, how much power you had. You let Henke steal that information from the Fortress so that you could seize it yourself. Then youd have a serious stranglehold over PayTag, Black and their secret owners, not to mention every single MP  …  Information is the new currency.

She took a deep breath before she went on.

But to soften the blow you did actually deliver what was at the top of everyones wishlist, something that would make them forgive your little transgression. A home-grown wanted terrorist prepared to launch an attack on the very symbol of Swedishness, and who, appropriately enough, gets shot and killed by his own sister before he can tell his own incredible story. After something like that, everyone will flock to the royal family, and parliament will rush through pretty much any legislation. No-one will protest, and no-one will ever doubt your power. The perfect game  …

She paused for breath again.

Tell me  –  am I wrong?

He stood still for a few seconds, then shrugged.

My dear Rebecca, you disappoint me. You might very well think that, I couldnt possibly comment.

He let out an exaggerated sigh.

The crook is supposed to confess at the end so that the audience can have all the answers. So that the film ends happily and everyone can go home happy and satisfied. I daresay youre even wearing something so banal as a hidden tape recorder?

He shook his head.

My only response is that you and everyone else are free to believe whatever you choose to  …  Obviously, I couldnt possibly comment  …

The sirens were getting closer, at least four or five vehicles, possibly more.

So what are you going to do now, Rebecca? Take me back to the station in handcuffs? Show the world how clever youve been?

Well, Ive certainly got enough on the tape to arrest you for attempted murder.

She patted her inside pocket.

Your position at the Palace, your close collaboration with Eskil Stigsson and af Cederskjöld the spin doctor, all of that will be examined in minute detail. By the end of the week at the very latest all the air will have gone out of your good friend Black and his company. I daresay the same will apply to the Data Retention Directive, if it even lasts that long  …


I see  …  His voice was dry, but the note of bitterness was still obvious.

And if that isnt enough, there are all the witnesses. Manga, me, the three who were up at the Fortress.

She paused for a moment.

And then of course theres the most compelling testimony of all, from a person who can explain the details of the tasks you gave him  …

It took him a moment to understand what she meant. Then he slowly shook his head.

Your brother  –  of course, how could I have imagined anything else, he smiled. I presume you had Runebergs help arranging that charade in Kungsgatan? The esteemed superintendent would do almost anything you ask, wouldnt he?

He took a deep breath, then held out his hands.

Congratulations, Rebecca, well played. I admit defeat  …

He turned and leaned heavily against the railing.

For a few seconds he stood quite still, then he turned to her and looked up at the rotating sign above them.

Im proud of my work, Rebecca. Ive achieved things that other people can only dream of  …

The red clock turned into a sign again, casting a green light over his face.

But I never broke the rules of the Game. Are you aware of them?

She shook her head.

There were sirens everywhere now, echoing between the buildings and rooftops around them. Blue lights were reflecting off the windows of the buildings.

First and foremost: never discuss the Game with anyone. The second is that the Game Master is in control, he decides how and when the Game ends. Thats really all you need to remember  …

He took a final look at the rotating sign, then placed one foot on a cross-brace and climbed up onto the railing.

She made no attempt to stop him.

For a moment he stood on top of the railing, balancing there with his arms outstretched.