Reading Online Novel


He could have kicked himself. Time for some serious empathy, and the best he could come up with was ouch  … ?

But Nora didnt seem bothered.

The cruciate ligament in one knee became detached, and the doctor told me my body just couldnt handle that amount of training. I was determined to make a comeback, did the whole rehab thing, but it was never the same again. Once youve had problems with your ligaments you never get back to where you were. From having been one of the best, I came back as no better than average. So I trained even harder, which was obviously really stupid.

She shook her head.

So I kept picking up more injuries, and ended up spending more and more time on the bench. In the end I decided to quit, before I got dropped  …  I didnt want to give anyone the satisfaction, better to go before I was humiliated  –  at least that was my reasoning. Now in hindsight that wasnt particularly smart  …  Can you imagine the withdrawal symptoms?

He nodded. His eyelids suddenly felt heavy, but he really did want to hear the rest. He thought he had a pretty good idea where the story was heading.

So I ploughed my energy into my studies instead, got my degree and started work as a vet. But I missed sport so fucking much. Nothing else even came close. So when the Game Master contacted me, offering me a new sense of belonging, a new game plan  …

She shrugged.

How did that come about? I mean, how did he get hold of you, the Game Master?

It started with a simple email, an offer  …

 …  to take part in a completely unique experience, unlike anything youve ever done before  …

Something like that, yes. She smiled. It wasnt until much later that I realized theyd been checking me out. They knew all about who I was, what Id done. How I worked, what buttons they had to press  …

He nodded.

Sounds familiar  …

HPs head was feeling heavier and heavier, and he had to struggle just to keep his eyes open.

Look, that business with the fire in your flat  …  she went on.

We dont have to talk about that now  …  he mumbled.

I know, but I want to. Youre right, it was me. But you were never supposed to get hurt, I called the fire brigade before I even started the fire. I wanted to be sure they were on their way  …  But obviously that doesnt make it okay. My only excuse is that I wasnt thinking straight. All I wanted was to move up that list, get to the top  …

He waved one hand.

You really dont have to explain  …

Okay, but I feel like I should. I dont want you to think I  …

I dont, its fine. Trust me, the Game Master got me to do far worse things  …

The door at the end of the carriage suddenly opened and a man in a dark jacket came in.

He looked round the carriage in a way that made HP dodge below the back of the seat in front.

The door opened again and the man was joined by a woman.

They seemed to discuss something for a moment, then returned to the carriage they had come from.

False alarm, Nora said. They were just looking for empty seats  …  Look, what I was saying, Im sorry about the fire, she went on. Youve got to believe me. I wasnt thinking straight  …

Nora, its okay.

His head suddenly felt like it was full of porridge and he was having trouble holding it upright.

Look, Im wiped out, how about getting some rest? he muttered. We can swap more war stories later  …

Sure, she nodded. No problem.

He leaned his head back and she was quick to follow his example.

A couple of minutes later she cautiously opened her eyes. She listened to his heavy breathing, then leaned forward and gently pulled out the rucksack from where he had put it on the floor.

Then she slid silently out of her seat and left the carriage.

Im very pleased to have caught you, Miss Normén.

It was Sammer, closely followed by Stigsson and the vaguely familiar man she had glimpsed in the office the previous day.

Both I and Superintendent Stigsson are extremely grateful for your cooperation. We are both deeply impressed by the strength of character and loyalty that youve shown.

She smiled uncertainly, partly because she was having trouble with this whole charade, and partly because she wasnt sure how she was supposed to react to the unexpected praise.

T-thanks, she managed to say.

The third man in the group held out his hand.

Erik af Cederskjöld, press spokesman for the Palace. Good to meet you. Colonel Pellas speaks very highly of you, he smiled.

His handshake felt damp, and his smile only reached halfway to his eyes. She had no difficulty seeing through his fake politeness.


Nice to meet you, she muttered. Im afraid I have to go, were on our way now.

Of course, Sammer / Pellas said. I just wanted to wish you good luck, Miss Normén  …

She met his gaze, and, just as the other two men turned away, he gave her a quick wink.

He was in a labyrinth, he realized that pretty much straight away. The pink walls around him didnt quite reach all the way to the ceiling, and seemed to start and stop without any discernible logic.

He had no idea how hed ended up there, nor how he was supposed to know who was chasing him. The passageway behind and in front of him was empty, and there wasnt a sound to be heard anywhere. Yet he still knew they were out there, that they were making their way towards him on all sides through the maze.

The straps of the rucksack were cutting into his shoulders and the pain was so bad it was making him screw up his eyes, but he kept going. Somewhere inside this labyrinth was the solution to everything, he was convinced of that.

If only he could get there first, everything would be all right.

When he turned a corner she was just sitting there. A little girl with a red hair-band, and he knew at once who she was. She had her hands over her face, but looked up as he came closer.

Is this the Luttern labyrinth? she said, and her voice was just as he remembered it.

Of course it is, he heard himself reply. You can come with me, if you like?

He held out his hand but she didnt take it.

I darent, she said. He says youre dangerous  …

Who? The Carer?

No, I dont know him.

The next moment he heard steps approaching. Sounds from all directions. Polished black shoes on tarmac. And he knew who they belonged to. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

Come on, he said to the girl. You have to come with me  …

She shook her head.

If I go with you, well both die.

But you have to. The Carer  …  All of a sudden his voice sounded whiny, like a small childs.

She stood up, and suddenly it was as if they had both changed and swapped roles. She leaned over him, stroked his hair and kissed his cheek.

Forget the Carer. People only come to the Luttern labyrinth for one reason, little Henke, she whispered. They come here to die  …

He was sitting two carriages away, and as soon as he caught sight of her his face burst into a smile.

Well done, Nora, I knew you could do it.


She sat down in the empty seat beside him and handed over the rucksack. He put it down on the floor without showing the slightest inclination to open it.

Are you okay? he asked.

Sure, she muttered.

What about him?

No answer.

We had no choice, you know that, Nora  …

Yes, I know  …  Hows Jeff?

Dont worry about him, hes perfectly safe where he is. So, how long have we got?

Half an hour, maybe a bit longer. I put half a Rohypnol in his Coke, and together with his lack of sleep  …  She shrugged.

Good, plenty of time. Its up there.

He gestured towards the luggage rack above them.

What about her, his sister? Nora said.

Shes exactly where she needs to be  …

He looked at her for a few moments.

You like him, dont you? he finally said. HP, I mean  …

Nora didnt answer.

Instead she stood up, got the object down from the rack, and put it over her shoulder.

He thinks you were manipulated, she said curtly. That you meant well, but were deceived as well. Hed rather believe that than the alternative, Manga  …


Point of no return

They were in position outside the cathedral.

Six of them around the carriage. Runeberg in front on the right, with her in the same position on the left.

Two troops of Horse Guards in ceremonial uniform were grouped around the Obelisk in front of the Palace. The horses were stamping anxiously at the cobbles, the sound of their hooves echoing between the buildings.

For what must be the tenth time, she ran through her equipment. Baton, radio, pistol. All of it fastened to her belt under her jacket.

The wire from the radio ran up her back, and turned into a curly little telephone cable above her collar before reaching the earpiece in her left ear.

In the other ear she had the speaker connected to the mobile in her inside pocket.

She tried jogging a few steps down the slope in front of the Palace.

No problem, everything was where it should be.

She glanced at the time.

Forty minutes left.

Wake up, HP! She shook him gently on the shoulder.

He opened his eyes reluctantly, and it took him a few seconds to realize where he was.

Were almost there, she said.

Okay. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, then looked down at the floor for the rucksack.

It was gone!

Panic-stricken, he leaned down so quickly that he banged his head on the seat in front. Then he realized it had just slid under his seat slightly.

You were talking in your sleep, Nora said.