Reading Online Novel


His heel hit the edge of the kerb.

A second of weightlessness as he fought the law of gravity.

Then a dreamlike sensation of falling freely.

And with that his part in the Game was over.



The explosion was so powerful she felt it in her chest. It echoed between the buildings before it was followed by a second, then a third.

Above her, plumes of light shot up into the night sky, white, red, blue. Other fireworks followed.

Over in the distance, near the Palace, the crowds roared.

Spectacular, isnt it?

Yes. She climbed the last few rungs to the platform and joined him at the railing high above the NK department store. A few metres above their heads the massive neon sign rotated, as the green NK logo was replaced by a red clock.

My dear Rebecca, Im so very sorry, from the bottom of my heart  …  He turned to her and held out his arms. Obviously some of the responsibility must fall on me.

She went over and put her arms round his neck.

Thanks, Uncle Tage  …  she said into his shoulder.

Is there anything I can do, my dear? He leaned back and gently grasped her upper arms.

No, not at the moment, anyway.

She looked away, towards the Palace, where more rockets were shooting up.

Losing a brother like that. And having to do it yourself  …  He shook his head.

She didnt reply, and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

My dear Rebecca, I cant begin to imagine how you must be feeling  …

The sadness in his voice cut through her like a knife, and for a moment her feelings threatened to overwhelm her. But she quickly pulled herself together.

My plan went wrong, terribly wrong, and in spite of all our efforts Im afraid Henrik couldnt be saved, he went on. Henrik was carrying a bomb, and it was only thanks to your judicious intervention that he didnt have the chance to set it off. He knew about it, even shouted out that he was carrying it  …

Tage Sammer held his hands out and took a step back.

Henrik had made his choice, and you were forced to make yours. You saved a lot of lives this afternoon, I hope you realize that. Sometimes the good of the many has to take priority over that of the individual  …

She gulped hard, then nodded slowly. Tears were pricking her eyes, but she did her utmost to restrain herself. To keep control  …

More fireworks shot up into the night sky.

Brave decision, to carry on with the wedding festivities, she muttered. And he made a good speech  …

Yes, its easy to underestimate His Majesty. Its at times like this that people show their true mettle. His televised speech was fine proof of that.

Mmm, she said.

The nation needs a uniting force, he went on. Someone who can help us stand strong in the face of the trials ahead. His Majesty understands that  …


Or his PR department does  …

Im sorry?

Nothing, she mumbled. It just all felt so premeditated, as if  …

As if what, Rebecca  … ?

He tilted his head and looked at her curiously.

Nothing  …  she said quietly. Sorry, Im not quite myself, Uncle Tage.

My dear Rebecca, I quite understand. You have nothing to apologize for  …

She turned towards the railing and they stood in silence next to each other for a while.

S-so, what happens now? With the investigation, I mean? she finally said.

He shrugged.

Magnus Sandström and your brother are gone, and the other three are locked away. Even if a few details remain, the case is fundamentally solved. The Game has been crushed and the guilty will get their punishment  …

It cant be quite that simple, Uncle Tage  …

How do you mean?

There must be something more behind it, there must be more people involved. For instance, who made the bomb in Henkes rucksack, and who were all those people in masks?

Well, as far as we know any one of them could have been behind the bomb. Sandström is probably the likeliest candidate  …  The masked protestors along the route might well have been sheer coincidence. Sometimes conspiracy theories are just a convenient way to avoid having to deal with the difficulties of reality  …

What about Dad?

How do you mean?

He worked for you, did everything you asked of him. Pretty much like me  …

Her stomach lurched and she had to break off.

Thats true, Erland was a particularly loyal colleague. Theres always room for people like that in most organizations, Rebecca.

He waited for the words to sink in.

Are  …  are you offering me a job, Uncle Tage?

He smiled gently.

If I were, would you accept, Rebecca? I think we could be an excellent team. Someone with your decisiveness, your self-control. Who doesnt hesitate to do what is necessary, however unpalatable it might be. Theres room for that sort of person in every organization  …

She took a deep breath.

I already have a job, you know that. Once all this has died down I think Id like to go back to it. Try to help find out exactly what happened down there  …  She gestured towards the two towers on either side of Kungsgatan, by the Malmskillnad Bridge.

Sammer nodded slowly.

I didnt really expect any other answer, Rebecca  …

He bent down and picked up a check-patterned thermos flask from beside the railing.

Let me at least offer you a cup of coffee before we part.

Thanks  …

He conjured up two cups and filled them.

Have I told you why Im so fond of this spot?

She shook her head and blew gently on the hot coffee.

My father worked for ASEA. He helped construct the clock in 1939. But back then it was mounted on the telephone company tower in Brunkebergstorg.

He pointed across the rooftops.

My father used to take me to look at it. Telling me how they got it up there. The tower was forty-five metres high, you see, a dizzy height in those days  …

She nodded, and slowly raised the cup to her lips.

I was very proud of my father, I even used to boast to friends about how he had constructed the clock all on his own  …  he chuckled.

Then, in 1953, the tower caught fire, and the clock was taken down and placed in storage. My father died a couple of years later  …

She studied his face in profile, the eagle-like hook of the nose. The taut skin over his cheeks, the dark eyes that reminded her so strongly of her fathers.

Fortunately, with the help of a few contacts, I eventually managed to get this mast constructed. And in that way my fathers clock could be restored to its rightful place  …

Sammer turned and smiled at her.

He was still holding the cup in his hand, but didnt seem to have touched his coffee.

Thanks for telling me the story, Uncle Tage, but Id rather you  …

Talked about your father, yes, of course I can understand that. Thats why youre here. Youre worried about what Erland might have done with that revolver. What the consequences of it might have been. So worried that you cant sleep at night, is that right?

She nodded heavily, her head moving up and down as if it didnt really want to obey her.

Poor Rebecca. He smiled. The past few years cant have been easy for you. Everything thats happened: the crash at Lindhagensplan, the attack against the American Secretary of State. By the way, the police van containing the bomb was being driven by Henrik, but youd probably already guessed that  …

She opened her mouth and tried to say something.

Shh, dont worry. He put a gloved finger to his lips. That can stay between us. Henrik has been involved in a number of violent actions, some of which you know about already. Im actually going to miss him, he chuckled. In fact I daresay we all will  …  But my dear Rebecca, are you all right  … ?

The plastic cup had fallen from her hand and hit the mesh floor with a clatter.

Perhaps you should sit down  …

He gestured to the steps.

She followed his advice, sank down on the top step, and leaned her head against the railing. The metal felt cool and soothing against her temple.

Poor Rebecca, he said, walking slowly over to her. Suspected of misuse of office in Darfur, fired from your job, and then your boyfriend left you. And today you were forced to shoot your own brother. So terribly tragic  …

He gently stroked her forehead.

The green letters on the sign above their heads turned into a clock, casting a red glow over his face. He leaned over and began to unbutton her jacket.

Such a shame that it has to end this way, my dear, but in my branch Im afraid one cant afford to leave any loose ends. In fact Im almost rather surprised that your colleagues let you keep your gun, in light of whats happened.

He felt around her belt, then pulled her service pistol from its holster.

She made no attempt to stop him.

Theres no knowing what you might do, my dear Rebecca.

He turned the gun over, inspecting it for a few seconds.

A tear seeped out of one of her eyes, then another.

Perhaps it would actually be a relief not to have to worry about it all any more? The poor police officer, under such stress, shooting her own brother. The media wont show any mercy. When you look at it like that, you might even say that Im doing you a favour.

She looked at him, tried to open her mouth.

The  …  the coffee, she finally said.

Oh, dont worry. Its the same substance youre already taking. Just a little stronger. Look, it even says your name on the label  …

He pulled out a little tub of pills and shook it between his thumb and forefinger. Then he put it in her pocket.