Reading Online Novel



They went out into the smoke-filled lobby. They could hardly see as far as their hands, and their masks werent exactly making things any better.

Jeff reached up on tiptoe and smashed the little round camera in the ceiling with the butt of the revolver. They felt their way to one corner of the hall, sat on the floor and pressed their backs to the wall.

Right beside them was a metal door with the symbol of a staircase on it, and a green sign marked emergency exit.


They could hear noises on the other side of the door, boots clanging on steps, radios crackling.

Any minute now, HP hissed. He pulled the handcuffs from his pocket.

Fire at will, Jeff!

Jeff aimed the revolver at the ceiling and let off a couple of shots. The stone-clad surfaces of the room served to amplify the noise and make it even more deafening.

Shots! someone on the other side of the door shouted. Get ready to go in!

Jeff slid the gun away across the floor and put his hands behind his back.

HP quickly slipped the handcuffs on, but left the key in the lock. A moment later the door flew open in their faces, shutting them in the corner.

Through the crack in the door HP watched as a number of armed, dark-clad men in protective masks and helmets stormed in.

He and Jeff carried on pressing themselves against the wall, trying to make themselves invisible. The men disappeared into the smoke, and they heard clipped commands over by the metal door leading to the control room.

GO! someone shouted. There was a crash as the door to the control room was smashed open, and at that moment HP and Jeff got to their feet, rounded the door and ran out into the stairwell.

They raced up the stairs, two at a time.

Weve got a couple of minutes at most before they work it out, HP hissed through his mask.

The door to the ground floor was open and they could hear voices and radios crackling above them.

They paused to catch their breath on the last floor before the surface.

HP pulled Jeffs mask off.

Last bit, are you ready?

Yep, wed better get going before they find Jochen with no clothes on  …

He nodded towards HPs baggy uniform and looked as if he were about to say something, but HP had already begun to drag him up the stairs with a firm grasp on the handcuffs.

Three men dressed in black were clustered round the door. As HP and Jeff approached they raised their assault rifles.

One captive, HP roared as loudly as he could through the protective mask. The second is still at large. Keep the door covered so he doesnt sneak out!

The men stared at HP, glancing between his clothes, the ID card on his chest and Jeffs cuffed hands.

Then they stood aside and HP was able to squeeze past.

As they passed, one of the men in black slapped HP on the back.

Take him out through the front to the others  …

HP carried on through the hallway, shoving the handcuffed Jeff ahead of him like a shield.

He pushed his way past firemen, paramedics and an assortment of other people who were talking into radios or mobile phones.

He was aiming for the main entrance, where he could already see the floodlights out in the yard shining through the glass doors.

Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind. A thickset, square bloke with cropped hair, wearing a suit and loafers.

Is this one of them? the man said loudly in English.

Yes, HP barked, and tried to move on, but the man kept hold of him.

Good work, man. Whats your name?

Andersson, HP shouted through the mask, and tried again to pull free of the mans grasp.

My names Thomas, Im head of security for the PayTag Group. Come and find me once youve got him locked away, I want to hear more. Youre exactly the type of colleague we want in the business!

Yes, sir! HP shouted.

The man let go and HP and Jeff carried on out through the main doors.

The turning circle was full of vehicles. Police cars and vans, ambulances, fire engines, and several black minibuses with tinted windows.

There were lights shining from all directions, floodlights from the buildings, car headlights. People walking round with torches, even though the summer night was hardly dark. A gang of black-clad police in full riot gear were talking together but stopped when they caught sight of HP.

Another one caught! he barked. Where are you holding the others?

Over in the van, one of the police officers said, nodding towards a vehicle a short distance away. Well take care of this one now. Nice work!

Two huge policemen stepped forward and grabbed Jeffs arms.

As they did so HP turned the key and unlocked the handcuffs.

Jeff shot off like a rocket. He knocked the two officers in front of him flying, and carried on across the yard. His legs were pumping like pistons, sending the gravel flying around his feet.

Hes making a run for it! HP roared, and, just as he had hoped, the cops all took up the chase immediately.

Get him, for fucks sake!

Stop! Stop, you bastard  … !

Jeff tore off along the road with what must have been at least ten police chasing him.

HP waited a couple of seconds, then ran over to the van the officer had pointed out, a big, dark thing with double doors at the back, just like the one that had been parked outside his building.

He put his hand over the back window and peered in through the mesh. Nora and Hasselqvist were sitting inside, opposite one another, both with their hands behind their backs. Fucking good job hed kept hold of the handcuff key  …  He resisted the urge to tap on the glass and jogged round to the drivers side instead.

The cop in the drivers seat was halfway out of the van when HP jabbed the taser into his stomach. In contrast to the two men down in the bunker, the officer just let out a sigh of surprise before collapsing. Presumably the taser was running out of juice  …

HP dragged the man between a couple of other vehicles, then jumped into the drivers seat.

It wasnt worth trying to take the rucksack off. Anyway, he wanted to keep it close to hand, just in case.

He put his hand to the ignition.

Shit! No keys, and nothing tucked in the sun-visor either.

The cop must have had them on him, he should have checked. But he didnt dare get out to check the mans pockets. He ducked down under the wheel and yanked the plastic moulding off. He searched out the right leads as his heartbeat thundered in his ears.

This was the second van hed stolen that day. Practice makes perfect  …

Somewhere far off in the darkness beyond the floodlights he heard a roar, followed at once by several more.

The cops had probably caught up with Jeff, and were now trying to wrestle him to the ground. Good luck with that  …

His hands were twitching from the adrenalin, but he forced them into submission. He found the right leads, wound them together, then connected them to a blue one hed already identified. A little spark, then the starter motor began to click. He pressed the accelerator pedal, once, twice  …

The engine spluttered into action.

When he looked up, the square security chief was running straight at the van. He was closely followed by a whole pack of black-clad cops. HP revved the engine, then looked round, trying to work out the quickest way out of there.

To his left two fire engines were blocking the way, to the right another cop van.

The only way out was forward. Straight towards the pack.

His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.

Here goes!

He put the van into gear and slammed the accelerator pedal to the floor. The square man stopped abruptly and stood there quite still, right in HPs path.

The vans engine roared as the distance between them shrank rapidly.

Twenty metres.


The man didnt move.

HP hugged the wheel, looking for another way out but failing to find one.

He moved his left foot above the brake pedal.


The square man wasnt showing the slightest sign of moving.


Just as HP took his foot off the accelerator, two of the cops threw themselves at the square man and dragged him out of the way. The path was suddenly clear.

Chicken!!! HP yelled as he floored the accelerator again.

He felt sudden exultation beginning to bubble in his chest, and the taste of adrenalin was stinging his tongue.

This might actually work!

This might actually fucking work!!

The van flew up the ramp and hurtled towards the gate.

There was a pile of black-clad cops halfway up the hill, but they seemed to be far too busy trying to wrestle Jeff to the ground to pay any attention to the van as it veered round them.

HP felt with his hand over the dashboard, and found some switches towards the top that seemed promising. He pressed as many of them as he could.

The blue lights above the windscreen began to flash, and the gas-driven siren joined in a moment later.

The gate had already begun to swing open before he actually caught sight of it.

The bubbling in his chest rose up and reached his mouth just as the van drove through the gate, and he burst into hysterical laughter that almost deafened him.

Elvis has left the fucking building!


Information is power


Good evening, my friend, or, to be more accurate, good morning. But I daresay that you dont think it particularly good. I can imagine that you might be a little upset  …

Upset isnt the word!

I understand, and obviously I deeply regret that things didnt go according to plan.

You  …  regret?

Of course, Im as mortified as you are, but at the same time I would like to assure you that were doing our utmost to reclaim the stolen information.

Your assurances are worth very little right now. As soon as we get this situation under control, youll be our top priority. If I were you, Id shut down the entire operation and find somewhere to hide, a very long way away. Because when were done  …