Reading Online Novel

Broken but Breathing(Jinx Tattoos Book 2)(21)

"How was that?" she asked.

"Like you hung the moon, Sprite."

"You must be mistaken," she said.

"I think the question is, why would you want me to be?"

Es shook her head. "It's been a long time since I was in a place to even  think about something romantic. I don't know that I'm ready." Here I am  so excited about last night I forgot all about Everett. Her stomach  ached. Is that all it takes? Someone to show me a bit of attention and  kiss me?

"You're a million miles away right now," Kali remarked.

Her new friend brought her back to the present. "Just thinking about how  I should work on this and get it out of the way." So I can come back to  Earth. Once this is over we'll both return to our lives and  occasionally see one another as we lend support. The thought pacified  her. The guilt ebbed and her ability to breathe returned. She walked  into the house determined to get him settled so she could take a few  steps back.



"Do you have eyes on him?" Snake asked, popping his knuckles as he  waited in the hotel room. Hiram insisted Snake stay behind while the  others took him to the Greyhound station. The exchange was being made,  Hiram's freedom for Jocelyn's location. Data sat at the desk with his  computer at the ready.

"Everything is going as planned. He's purchased his ticket to Nashville,  Tennessee. It leaves in another hour. He'll give the information to  Sick, and we'll look it up and walk." He could hear the anger in Sharp's  voice over speakerphone.

"Trust me, I hate that he's getting away, too. But this is about my daughter."

"I get you, Veep. Here they come now."

Snake held his breath. "And Roland and Sharon Miles of Lexington, Kentucky."

Snake repeated the information and Data's fingers flew over the keys.

"I got them. All three of them."


Data turned the computer around and the image on the screen damn near  stopped his heart. Jocelyn. She was a miniature version of her mother  with her slender limbs, and light-brown curls that tumbled to her  shoulders. Her golden eyes reminded him of a lion-fierce and intelligent  beyond her years. She got that fight in her from me along with her  broad forehead and strong jawline. The button nose and small lips are  all Jade. "Is that her?" Data asked.

"Yeah, brother, that's my baby girl," he answered, grinning so hard his mouth ached.

"The information is right, Veep?" Sharp said.

"Yeah, brother, let that motherfucker go for now. We'll meet up with him again one day. Count on that."

"All right, brother, we're coming back now."

Snake turned to Data. "I want to know everything you have on them."

"On it," Data said.

Euphoria set in. His baby girl was alive and well. He could tell by the  high-quality family pictures the Miles were wealthy. Had they given her  the best of everything? Could he continue her lifestyle? How would he  get her back? I need to talk to Es.

"I'm going to step out for a minute," Snake said.

Data nodded to show he'd heard, and he slipped outside with his phone.


"I found her, Es, and she's so fucking beautiful."

"Tell me everything."

"She was adopted by a wealthy couple in Lexington. That's all I know so far, but I had to call."

"That's excellent, Snake! I am so excited for you. I knew you'd find her."

"Now I have to figure out how to get her."

"Hey, one step at a time, remember?"

"Yeah." He shook his head. Is this really happening? "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."         



"Maybe today is a lucky day. I have a couple of houses I feel really good about seeing."

"How many bedrooms?" Snake asked.


"Good, that'll give you your own."


"Come on, she'll be scared of me at first. You're sweet, tiny, and skillful with children."

"I'm not a live-in nanny."

"No, you're my best friend, which automatically makes you Godmother."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"It's how it works for me, Sprite. You think I'd give just anyone the Power of Attorney?"

"I think I'm a convenience."

"The fuck you say?" he asked.

"I'm here, I have the time, and I'm willing to help you. Let's make sure we're not turning this into something else."

"What the hell, Es?"

"Listen, I need to go. I have to be there on time to meet the realtor."

The dial tone felt like a slap in the face. They were working toward  more. What happened over the past few days to make her close herself  off? Worry for the woman who held him down sprung up. We need to get out  of here anyway. The longer we stay, the more fingers may point our way.  They'd moved to a hotel outside of town a few days back, but he  wouldn't put it past the people here to remember the face or cars of  strangers. He returned to the room and rounded up his crew, giving the  direction to head back home. The van and the borrowed plates would be  retired. They pulled out of the hotel forty-five minutes later, and he  swore to himself Es had little to do with it.


The rain was coming down heavily as he pulled up in front of Es's  apartment. She'd made an offer on a beautiful four-bedroom, walking  distance from an established private school. He hadn't seen it in  person, but that was the last thing in his mind. Tomorrow he, Mike, and  the club lawyer would get together to talk about options. Right now was  all about Es. After he knocked on the door, he shoved his hands in his  pockets. A chill had settled into his bones and his belly. She opened  the door in an off the shoulder dark grey sleep outfit that made him  drool. Her legs were exposed up to her upper thighs, and her collar bone  looked good enough to eat.

"What are you doing here?"

He stepped in, forcing her to back up.

"I didn't like the way you sounded on the phone. What the hell happened over the past few days, Es?"

"Nothing." She shook her head, refusing to look at him.


She looked up at him with her lips parted.

"You shocked that I'm calling you out?"

"You can't tell me how I feel," she said bristling. Good, he wanted a reaction from her.

"No, but I can tell when you're lying. Whether it's to yourself or just  to me I can't say." He ducked down and caught her gaze. "A few days ago  we were fine. What happened?"

She shrugged.

"Was it Jole?"

"No. I should close the door." She moved to step around him, but he  snaked his arm around her waist, stopping her. "Fuck the door. You know  that avoidance shit doesn't work with me, sweet girl. I give two shits  about political correctness."

She swallowed hard.

"Are you going to start talking or do I need to make you?"

Fire sparked to life in her eyes. "I'd like to see you try, big man."

"Remember, you asked for this."

"Asked for w-"

He gripped her hips and lifted her to him, swallowing her protests down.  She gasped. He took advantage of the opening, plunging his tongue into  her sweetness. She had a complex flavor that hinted at alcohol and  dessert. Two of my favorite things. Her fist pounded his back. He  stroked her tongue with his, and she melted against him, wrapping her  legs around his waist, and fisting his cut. He hummed his approval. Her  heat seared him through their layers of clothing. He spun and walked to  the door, closing it with her body as he pinned her to it.

"You taste so damn good. Like candy."

He rocked his hips into her and nipped his way down her jawline to her  neck. The urge to mark her stunned him. She whimpered, and he studied  her swollen lips and tousled hair, proud of the mess he made.

"I can keep at this all night. But I can't promise to hold myself in  check. A taste of you is never going to be enough. I want the entire  thing."

Her eyes dilated further, and he moaned. "You ready to talk now, or do you want me to continue?"


"I'll take that as a no," he said, lowering his head and sucking on the  tender skin of her neck. She arched her back, and he rolled his hips.         



"Oh, Xavier."

Her cries pushed him past the point of return. "I can't stop until  you're crying my name now, little girl. I want to see your face when you  come for me."

Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. He thrust harder.

"Oh, sweet Jesus."

She began to ride him, moving in time with his rhythm. Her body shook.

"That's it, Sprite, let go for me." He ignored the tightness in his  jeans and continued to stimulate what he knew to be the sweet spot.

"I-I'm going to … " Her voice splintered as it yielded to a scream. She  convulsed; her legs went limp and slid down. He hiked her up, supporting  her thickening ass he walked to her couch and sank onto the cushion,  placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"What did we just do?" she breathed.