Reading Online Novel

Broken but Breathing(Jinx Tattoos Book 2)(23)

"Hey, Sprite. I wasn't expecting you," Sneak said.

"Yeah, neither is Snake. It's a surprise."

"I don't think he's going to mind, doll face," Sneak said.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Last I saw him, in his dorm."

"Thank you," she called over her shoulder before she made her way through the crowd and down the hallway.

She knocked on the door, and he opened it. Locks of hair fell into his eyes. His sleepy expression made him seem years younger.

"Es, what's wrong, sweet girl?"

"Nothing. I had something I need to give you that couldn't wait."

"Okay, come in." Stepping back, he allowed her to enter.

She grabbed his hand once he shut the door and guided him to the bed. He  sat beside her, and she rummaged through her purse, pulling out a small  bag.


He raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, open it."

He pulled out the tissue paper and lifted the gift box with a black bow. "Went all out, huh?"

"Mmhmm," she said.

He pulled the ribbon free, lifted the lid, and paused. "Is this the key to your heart?"

"No, you cornball! It's the key to your new home!"

"Oh shit! We got it?"

She nodded her head. He lifted her up and spun her around. Squealing,  she held on to his shirt. A firm swat to her ass made her laugh.


"I can't help it. You're getting some meat on your bones and I can't  help but want to touch, and bite, and caress." He massaged her cheek,  and she shuddered. "I thought you were tired."

"Then you came along with good news and this ass. How's a man supposed to get any shut eye?"

He set her back on her feet. "I think this calls for a celebration." His  voice grew husky, and his eyes darkened with lust. He'd been so  selfless taking care of her needs mentally, and physically, it was time  she gave something back.

"I agree," she whispered, running her fingers down his chest and stomach as she knelt in front of him.


"Shh." She hooked her thumbs into the sides of his boxers and eased them  down. Blood rushed in her ears. It'd been so long since she'd done  anything sexual. What If I'm awful? Her hands shook as she took him in  her hands and stroked him from half-mast to eight thick inches.

"Give me those eyes, Sprite."

Their gazes met, and a current of electricity flowed between them. Her  panties grew damp, her breasts swelled, and her nerves calmed. She  tightened her grip, and he moaned. This powerful man was giving her  control. His eyelids were half-closed, and his dark eyes shone with  passion. She flicked her tongue across his head and circled it slowly,  savoring the flavor of salt and masculinity. She sucked him into her  mouth and moaned. He was a slice of the divine.

A sense of power flooded her. He was restoring her piece by piece. Hollowing her cheeks, she bobbed her head and stroked up.

"Yes, just like that, babe" he whispered.

She focused on loosening her throat, taking him deeper with each pass.  "Take it all, Es. Like my sweet girl." He buried his fingers in her hair  and thrust his hips. His husky timber made her core ache. He pulled her  hair tautly.

She hummed her approval.

"Oh shit, that magical mouth of yours."

She continued to hum and increased her speed.

"I'm going to come, and you're going to swallow every last drop, aren't you?"

"Mmm hmm." She gagged as he fucked her mouth, surrendering herself to  him. His body tensed and he roared as he shot a hot blast down her  throat. Limbs trembling, he held onto her shoulders. She kissed his tip  and pulled his boxers back in place.

"Give me a minute and I'll return the favor," he said.         



"No, this was for you." Rising, she started walking toward his bed. "Are  you coming?" she asked, looking over her shoulder with a smirk. It felt  good to be the one leaving him speechless for once.



She was a fucking moonbeam-ethereal and impossible to grasp. Every time  he gave chase she eluded him, keeping her high walls up and  side-stepping his attempts to take their relationship further. The  cat-and-mouse game was old. Things were happening fast in his world. The  house was purchased weeks ago, and they spent most of their free time  filling it with furniture and decorations. He and the lawyer had written  a letter which would be delivered to the Miles once he had all his shit  together.

Best case scenario, they'd settle things out of court. Worse case,  they'd drag the entire process out and burn up unnecessary amounts of  money before he could claim Jocelyn. It was a small blessing that they'd  kept her name. If they chose to fight him over custody, he couldn't get  into things half-assed. It gave him comfort knowing there had never  been any misconduct reported. But he knew money was the ultimate  silencer.

Another week and this place will be move-in ready. All the puzzle pieces  were lining up. Except for Es. He'd promised her to go slow. After her  delicious display of surprise oral, he'd refrained from pushing for more  than heavy make out sessions. This ends tonight. He was going to claim  what was his and show her that denial wouldn't stop the process they'd  set into motion. He needed his woman and his daughter together under one  roof. Life was a winding road full of potholes that could derail you in  an instant. After all the shit he'd been through he refused to accept  anything less.

He studied himself in the mirror. In a grey sweater he paired with a  leather jacket and his nicest pair of denims, he was a dressier version  of himself. He'd tamed his hair, slicking it back from his face with  styling pomade, and trimmed and oiled his beard. He was going all out  tonight, flowers and dinner after they stopped by the Clover Gallery to  see Enzo and Aibhlinn's paintings. Plus, his goddaughter, Aoife, would  be there. It was a sneaky way to introduce Es to the rest of his circle.

He was rusty at dating, but he remembered how to do it right. When he'd  met his wife, Jade, he'd been clueless. She told him what she expected  and told him to step up his game if he planned on keeping her. He'd  adapted. It was one thing he was good at. Approving his look, he spun  away from the mirror and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing the  brightly-colored bouquet off the island in the kitchen. Tangerine,  fuchsia, peach, and periwinkle blooms would brighten any girl's day  according to the florist. For the price he'd paid, they'd better.

Grabbing his keys, he headed to his bike. The chrome and black Dyna  Super Glide was the only lady in his life for years. She'd seen him  through the dark, lonely times. He secured the flowers in a saddle bag,  and ran his hands over the bike's curves. In a matter of months, she'd  become his number two woman with Es and Jocelyn firmly in the number one  slot.

He snickered. Never thought I'd be in this position again with an old  lady and a kid. An image of a little girl with dirty blonde hair and  light brown eyes startled him. The thought of Es round with his child  and getting the opportunity stolen from her warmed him through. One step  at a time. He climbed onto the bike, started up the engine, and took  off.

Backing into the parking space, he set the kickstand down. This was new  territory he was diving into. His plan to conquer could backfire if she  shut down on him. Right now, he couldn't afford that. She kept him sane  and calm in the insanity surrounding him. He needed that voice of  reason. Taking a deep breath, he got off the bike and took out the  bouquet. He'd never been a half-in type of guy. All or nothing. At the  very least, I'll have the rest of the night to convince her. She's too  polite to bail on our date. Not that she'd call it that. A pang of  sadness flowed through him. Her non commitment bothered him. He gave a  small self-deprecating laugh. I'm turning into a sentimental sap in my  old age. On the verge of forty, he was feeling every one of his years.

No man wanted to end up alone without a woman to love him and a legacy  to keep him alive after they put him in the dirt. Es represented his  last chance at the total package. If you're listening up there, lead me  to the right words and allow me to have this. I know I don't deserve  her. She's way out of my league. But I will love and protect her until  my last breath. The thought took the air from his lungs. Holy shit, I  love her. Astonished, yet determined, he continued his walk to her door  feeling like a zombie as he went into auto pilot. He knocked, and  cleared his throat, cracking his neck to dissipate the nervous energy  encompassing him like an unwelcome shroud.         



The door opened, and he was struck dumb. The white two-piece hinted at  her newly gained curves and nipped in at her waist. Bright blossoms  similar to the ones in the bouquet were on her knee-length skirt and  beige stripped tank top. A layer of something light and gauzy covered  both articles of clothing. There was something tantalizing about the  sheer sleeves. He wanted to run his tongue over it, to taste her skin  and feel the texture.