Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(79)

“Now you listen to me very carefully, Alexia was born to be mine and mine alone. You will never have her, so be a good little boy and walk away or by this time tomorrow everything you worked for will be mine.” Niko almost tripped over his own feet as he stepped back trying to wind up his punch to hit Lukas. Lukas dodged it and punched him in the ribs, Niko double over in pain.

“I told you to leave. You’re the one making it harder on yourself.” Niko raised his head “I’m fighting for what I want.” He gritted out, Lukas lowered himself down.

“I’m fighting for what’s mine.” He stood up and looked over at me. His eyes told me he was not happy with me at the moment, he walked over and took my hand.

“Lukas…” I said but he didn’t bother to look at me.

“Don’t.” He said. He dragged me to the Q7, Jacob followed right behind. He slammed the door as he sat next to me, his body turned away from me. His arm leaned up against the window as his hand covered his mouth.

“Lukas.” I whispered but he disregarded me.

“Lukas.” I tried again.

“Not one word.” He uttered.

We rode the short distance to my condo in complete silence. Jacob opened my door, letting me out. I was working on how we were going to deal with this problem. He was going to yell at me for sure and I was going to yell back. I stepped out. Jacob offered me a faint smile as he closed the door. I walked to the sidewalk waiting for Lukas but all I saw was Jacob getting back into the car. I was going to walk over to get Lukas’s door but they drove off leaving me behind. I stood there on the sidewalk of my condo shocked like I was stripped naked.

On no he didn’t, was the only thing that went through my mind. I reached for my phone, and called him but he didn’t answer. I was in raging bitch mode. First I was fucken tired waking up at five in the morning and working a doubt shift today on top of being stalked, now this. Forget it I was going to murder someone and that someone was him. Before I could press redial, my phone rang, without looking I answered it.

“Alexia!” My mother screamed. Could this day get any better? No seriously I’m asking? “What?” I retorted. She silenced herself and waited.

“I don’t have the time nor the want to do this with you. Stop acting like a matchmaker and act like a mother who loves her daughter. Your daughter is in love with a stubborn man and wants him. Not any fucken loser you think is better suited for me. I’m not fucken interested in anything you have to say. If it’s not to say how was your day? Did you make money? Did you have fun? Then don’t fucken call me anymore.” I hung up the phone on my mother and stormed up to my condo. I slammed the door nearly breaking it. I regretted speaking to my mother that way but she pushed me too far and it wasn’t the right moment for me to talk to her. I whipped out my phone and fired a text.

i get it ur mad @ least talk 2 me

I waited….

R u going 2 acknowledge me?

Still waited…

Lukas? i don’t understand why r mad but @ least let me explain

My anger now subsiding, still nothing. I took a shower hoping to cool my head. Seeing that I wasn’t going to get a call or text I figured I’d do my best to ignore him too. I YouTubed stupid vlogs and endless videos of dogs and cats doing stupid things until it was late at night. Still nothing on Lukas’ end and I wasn’t about to give in. I put my iPad down and tried to sleep, it wasn’t easy.

However easy my Saturday was, my Sunday sucked the bag. I had difficult customers that didn’t understand the edict of going out. Yes I’m your waitress not your personal slave/bitch that you can monopolize thinking you’re the only ones that exist. Tip after shitty tip didn’t help. I shook it off as a funky day, waiters get them once in awhile, thank god it happened and now it was over.

Roxi and Kaci freaked on me about what I had done, I seriously didn’t understand what the big deal was I was a big girl and could handle Niko myself. I checked my phone before leaving the bistro, still nothing. I decided to walk to the café. I knew it was far but it was a nice day and the fresh air might change how I felt.

Diane and I talked about what happened yesterday and she took Lukas’ side.

“You shouldn’t have engaged the fucker. He’s obviously off his rocker.” She scolded me. I rolled my eyes and turned the steamer on the espresso machine so I wouldn’t hear her.

“Hey that’s my move. You can’t do it and expect me to stop talking.” She yelled louder I turned it off.

“I wanted him to stop, I figured I had it handled.” I retorted.

“Yeah well bitch you didn’t.” We couldn’t continue our conversion because the café got slammed with everyone coming in at once. We handled it like pros but man was I tried by the end of my shift. I waved good bye seeing as we were still busy but the night crew came and was able to handle it.