Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(77)

“I love him too much, my brain still doesn’t really accept this but the rest of me does.”

Roxi rolled her eyes. “Tell him to get lost, sayonara, bye bye.” She waved her hand at me.

“Roxi come on, it’s not that easy for everyone. What if what he says is true. What? She should give up wanting to be with him. Shit happens sometimes it’s out of our control.”

She turned to Kaci “I don’t want him screwing her over.”

I stood up and hugged her. “I get it really I do, but I love him Roxi. It feels like I can’t move on with my life if he’s not in it. I need him, just support me. If he screws up again then I give you the right to go all terminator on his ass.” She pushed me back.

“Fucken right I will.”

We talked some more about everything that happened. Kaci really saw it the way Lukas did but Roxi was wary, nervous that I might be going down a path I wasn’t ready for. We picked up the dishes and I began rinsing them out loading them into the dishwasher when a knock came at my door. Roxi opened it without looking, Lukas stood in front of her.

“Lukas” She bit out. I watched as he stood at the door.

“Roxi.” He said cautiously. I turned to her in Greek and told her to behave. She argued but relented.

Both Kaci and Roxi left quickly afterwards. The awkwardness had gotten to all of us. He closed the door as they walked out.

“I guess I have to win them back too?” I bit my lower lip, I felt stupid for telling them but I needed them more then I realized.

“Roxi more than Kaci, just buy something for Kaci. Roxi won’t be easy but she’s important to me so you have to make an effort.” He nodded.

“So you know, I had the same talk with them too. I told Roxi that if you ever fuck up again that she has carte blanche.”

He walked over to me hugging me tight. “I’m never going to fuck up again.”

It was Saturday morning and the sun shined brightly even though it had rained last night. The cobble stone roads of old Montreal glistened from the downpour. Even the sounds and smells of summer were heightened by last night’s storm. My shift finished early, which I was grateful for since Stella had asked me to cover for her this weekend. Lukas was not too pleased but held his tongue. I took out my phone and texted him.

Was cut early, going 2 stellas see u later J

I walked into the café and the best barista in town was working. Diane had won various competitions when it came to coffee. Stella fell in love with her instantly and they became fast friends, nevertheless, I loved working with her too. She had no filter and said whatever came to mind. She sported a full sleeve. Her tats were beautiful and well thought out. A perfect 50’s pin up girl, and she dressed the part to the tee.

“Hey girlfriend.” She waved. “Heard that you’ll be working here while the boss lady takes some much needed time off.”

“Yeah, she wrangled me into it, but I insisted I’d only work with you and none of the noobs.”

She laughed. “Yeah I know they’re a pain in my ass. No one has fucken pride in their work anymore.” I took an apron and tied it around me.

“I know, you should have seen the crap that walked into the bistro, some didn’t even have experience.”

We laughed as we shared our stories, she would tell me all about her ‘adventures’ as she called them, mostly with pierced and tattoo clad guys. Damn she lived an interesting life.

“Yeah and then when we were done I told him to leave.” I rolled my eyes.

“Do me the favour and stop inviting them over to your apartment.” She ignored me and turned the steamer of the espresso machine louder.

“Diane, are you listening to me?” She only turned it higher.

“I think she’s ignoring you.” I jerked and saw Niko smiling at me as he nudged his head towards her direction.

“What are you doing here?’ I asked exasperated by his efforts the man seriously didn’t get a clue. He kept calling me and I kept disregarding his calls, what bigger clue did he need?

“Getting coffee and wanting to see you.” I almost gagged.

“I’m just guessing, but my mother must have told you I was here.”

He smiled, “She relentless I can tell you that much.”

I nodded my head, biting at my lips. “So are you.” I replied but he said nothing. “Ah, are you going to order or just stand there?”

I saw Diane out of the corner of my eye walk over to me.

“Double espresso, long.” I leaned my head towards her.

“I’m assuming you heard that?” She laughed.

“One double espresso long for the douche, yeah I heard.” I laughed.