Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(67)

The room began to spin, my eyes couldn’t focus. God I was going to be sick. I eased myself to the couch and I stared at the pictured that hung on the wall. It was me, there was no question about it, but the eyes were a different color. She was laughing with her hair draped over her shoulder as she stared out adoringly, no doubt to Lukas.

“This was their home, the one that they shared.” She informed me. She waited as I digested all this. Satisfied with her actions she began to leave.

“You think by doing this he’ll love you?” I asked as she was walking away, she stopped.

“No I don’t care about him loving me I care about his power and money. I am the enviable. You however, are the variable that I just removed. I’ll even be nice about this and let Mike stay downstairs. You take all the time you need and when you’re ready he’ll take you back to Montreal.” She smiled “Tootles.”

I was left alone in the penthouse. My heart seared in pain, it literally broke. Everything that I had so neatly put together began to unravel. Fuck. Before I could stand, Lukas came running in. He was out of breath his eyes wide. His face displayed an emotion I had never seen before, fear. Seeing him at that moment brought about a rage that was building inside me.

“Alexia” he said softly.

“Don’t” I hissed. “Don’t ever say my name.” He let out a breath, like I had just stabbed him.

“Alexia, just…” I stopped him.

“The very sound of my name crossing your lips disgusts me. I hate the sound of it, don’t say it again.” I roared. I tried catching my breath, he held out his hands to try to calm me down.

“Don’t you dare come near me!” I ordered.

“Was I really just a replacement for her?” I pointed at the picture. Pain crossed his face.

“No baby, you can never be a replacement, you are you.” I brought my hands to my face. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming.

“I look just like her. How can you stand there and say that to me?” I yelled at him. “Oh my god… I thought…I thought I was special, I thought… I love you, all of you, God Lukas.” I grabbed my chest. The wound in my heart was growing. Lukas stepped closer. “DON’T COME NEAR ME!” I screamed.

I moved away from him heading for the elevator doors.

“Wait!” He cried after me. He grabbed my arm and I swung at him but missed. He took both my arms and held me.

“You can’t walk away…you can’t just leave, Alexia I just found you, you can’t… leave me now.” He begged and pleaded as he shook me. I could hardly see him through my blurred vision.

“You mean you found someone to replace her with.” I accused.

“NO!” He yelled. “I’m not going to let you do this, I’m not going to let you murder our love, this is our world Alexia, no one else matters only you and me. A world we created, don’t fucken destroy it.” I tried to get him to let go.

“You destroyed it!” I cried out.

“I know baby I know….let me make it better, let me fix it.” I struggled in him arms. “I love you, I love you, Alexia.” He breathed it so softly his voice was a mere murmur.

He knelt down in front of me and pulled me in tightly hugging me from my waist. “I love you.”

The quiet whisper of his love broke me completely, the air escaped my lungs. I wanted him to say it to me so badly. I wanted to earn it but not like this, not out of desperation, not out of pain.

“You love my face, not me.” He nuzzled his head hard into my body, his arms wrapped tighter around me like I was his life line.

“Let go of me. Lukas please.” I begged.

“I can’t… I can’t just let you go, not without telling you everything, not without fighting for you. I can’t just let you go. Don’t you understand?” He begged. I could hardly breath as my body went limp, my spirit was broken, my heart was in agony.

“Let me go.” The words pained me, burning my throat.

I felt Lukas go weak, his hands slowly releasing me from his vise. Tears stained his face. His piercing blue eyes looked like melted ice. I looked at him one last time. Giving myself permission for one last glimpse of a man I gave my everything to, the one man who made me soar and fly, the one man who set me free. Every step I took, took me further away from all that I had grown to love. I could hear him quietly sob.

He rose up but didn’t follow me. The elevator doors opened and as I walked in, I heard him cry out. He yelled and raged screaming my name. As the doors closed I heard things crashing to the floor and the loud sounds of glass breaking.