Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(66)

Don’t listen to her. u r mine

I had told Lukas about her, told him that this was normal Greek rearing, but her words always found a way to hurt. I didn’t go to my mother’s that weekend instead I went where my heart wanted to be, with Lukas.

I swear I don’t know how I did it but I convinced the Suit to let me drive myself to the private airport. I parked in the spot he told me was reserved for him and headed inside. I saw Alicia on the tarmac and waved.

“Hey Lexi, I see we’re going to New York again, that man is crazy about you.” I shrugged as she helped me onto the plane.

“Oh I almost forgot I got these for you.” I took out the books I had talk to her about. She was an avid book reader like me.

“Lexi, you shouldn’t have.” I smiled at her.

“Shut up and take them.” I handed her the books.

“Oh my god I can’t wait to get home and read them.” I felt bad that they had to come every Sunday and take me to New York, I understood they got paid but still I couldn’t help but get friendly with the crew, Lukas didn’t like in the least but I didn’t care.

“Is Jack flying today?” I asked Alicia.

“Yeah he’s in the cockpit.” She said as she stowed the books away.

I walked over and knocked on the door.

“Yeah” I heard coming from the other side. Jack was middle aged and funny as hell. He was British with bleach blond hair and a killer smile.

“Looky, looky what I got?” I held out a greasy brown paper bag. He eyed me carefully.

“An elephant!” He answered half smiling.

I laughed “You’re a loser.” He tried to grab at the bag but I was quicker. He laughed.

“Give me the bag Lexi and no one gets hurt.” I finally relented and gave him the fish and chips I bought him.

We landed at the airport about forty five minutes later. Alicia and I were heavy in our conversation.

“So you’re telling me that the GiGi from Lelo is the best to have?” I gave the best duh face I could.

“Alicia, it’s the best g spot finder out there.” We walked down the stairs and saw a black Q7 parked waiting for me. I held the CDs I had gotten for Jacobs in my hand, ready to give them to him. Before leaving I waved good bye.

“Text me when you read the first one, let me know how you like it.” As I got closer to the car I saw someone step out, fuck.

“Hello Mollie.” She nodded. My fists clenched just by seeing the smug smile on her face.

“Lukas told me to come get you.” Something inside me told me this was wrong. “Get in the car Alexia I’m not going to hurt you. Lukas is really wrapped up in a huge business deal right now that can propel him and his company to a whole new level.” I watched her carefully. “Look it gives me an opportunity to apologize too.”

I hesitated but she held the door opened for me, the driver wasn’t Jacob but a guy named Mike. I had seen him once or twice before.

We weaved in and out of traffic but missed the turn that headed to Lukas’. On cue she answered my silent question, “He has another property just up town near Central Park.” She stayed silent most of the ride and honestly I didn’t feel threatened.

Mike stopped the car right in front of a building. A door man came and opened the car door for us. “Good evening.” He helped both Mollie and I out of the car. She didn’t skip a beat and headed inside and I followed closely behind her. She stopped at the elevators and waited for me. She stepped inside and slid an access card and pressed P4 for the top floor penthouse. I watched her carefully. “Don’t worry I’ll give you the key, it’s all yours, honey.” The elevators door opened and we walked in.

The place was cold and dark, almost as though it was isolated from the rest of the world. She pressed some switches at the side of the foyer and some lights came on. Everything in here was different, nothing like Lukas’. There was color everywhere mixed in with whites and creams. She handed me the key.

“Did he not tell you about her?” She waited. My skin began to prickle, she pressed more switches and the place lit up. I walked away from her trying to keep my distance. “I guess not.” She said under her breath.

The fire place was lit. I guess it was a switch she had pressed. I walked over to it. I was a bit cold. Shivers began to run up and down my spine. Somehow this place felt unlived in, abandoned. As I approached the fireplace, I saw a framed picture hanging above it. My stomach dropped.

“You look just like her, minus the eyes. I think her’s were brown. But there you have it almost exactly alike.” She teased. “I told you he was using you. Maybe it’s his way of getting over her I don’t know, but there you have it, your nothing but a replacement. Sorry hon.”