Reading Online Novel

My Most Precious One(65)

The Other Penthouse

I won’t be able to pick you up this week. I’m signing a deal and it’s taking far longer than I expected. I’ve told Jacob to come and get you.” I was speaking to Lukas on facetime through my iPad.

“You know it would be easier for me to just drive myself to the airport and have Jacob just pick me up when I land.”

My Suit scowled, “I don’t like that. I want you safe.” He said as he loosened his tie a little.

“Lukas I’ll be fine, it’s not like someone is out to get me and I’ve hardly seen any news about us dating.”

He cut me off “not yet but when it does you will have a bodyguard and that will be non negotiable.”

My phone began to ring. “Look it’s my mom” I held it up so he could see. “I’ll need to take this it’s been awhile since I spoke to her.” He leaned away from his computer.

“Alexia, if she upsets you just call me back.” I smiled and winked feigning that I was strong. “I can stay on facetime if you want?” He offered.

“Lukas it’s not like you’ll understand Greek so don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” I picked up the phone as I ended my facetime with Lukas.

“Hi ma.” Silence on the phone, okay back to the silent treatment, the one I liked the least.

“Where have you been?” She said in a not too pleased voice.

“Working. Why?” I answered.

“Alexia! I have been at the house and you have not been there, why?” Should I go there? I sat wondering. Well here goes nothing.

“Well I’ve been in New York with Lukas.” I waited, tick, tock, tick, tock.

“What?” She screamed on the phone. “New York?! And when did you think you should tell me?” ‘Never’ was my silent answer, I waited again.

“You think you can do what you like whenever you like without any consequences to your actions, you are such a selfish girl.” I sighed and she kept going. “Have you ever thought how your relationship would affect us? What are we to do? What if something had happened to you?” I didn’t bother answering her since my sister already knew I was there and had already met Lukas through facetime. I was happy she liked him, her opinion mattered the most. “Your father and I have found you someone that we think will suit you perfectly, he’s nice and has a business and makes good money.” I stopped her right there.

“MA! I told you to stop. I told you I was dating someone. Lukas is nice. Lukas has a business, so why don’t you try to get to know him?” I could hear her heavy breathing.

“I don’t know him. I don’t want to know him. He is not Greek and therefore he is not good enough. The End.”

I realized that talking to my mother only ended our conversation in a moot point but I wanted to try.

“Ma please.” I pleaded.

“What does he know about our culture? How can he understand who you are? He is only a fantasy, a dream you wish you could have. I’m sorry to say this to you but he will never want you. He is using you to get what he wants, when he’s finished with you he will throw you aside. That is what all men do.” I swallowed the large lump in my throat.

“He’s not like that.” I said meekly.

She sighed “They are all like that. Just find a man that wants to get married and have babies that is a woman’s lot in life.” I grew silent at her statement.

“Alexia?…Alexia?” She kept calling me.

“What?” I finally said.

“I want you to come home this weekend, come see us, and maybe you’ll like him. He’s a good man, Alexia.” She said again.

“I’m sorry ma, but I can’t. I’m not going to meet a man when I already love another.” There was dead silence.

“Love? What do you know about love? Love does not pay your bills. It does not keep food on the table. You love only after you have lived a lifetime together, suffering and understanding. You are lusting now, the lust will go and you will be left with nothing.” She stopped and sighed heavily, “I never thought you would be such a stupid girl. Giving yourself so completely to man. You are not worth the time I have spent raising you. Alexia you come this weekend or you don’t ever come again.” She then hung up on me.

The logical part of me understood what she meant but there was always another part of me that challenged everything she ever wanted from me. I didn’t know I wanted more from a man until I met Lukas. Most men never challenged me, most even avoided me only because I was too defiant. I wanted more, needed more and Lukas was able to give me that. My phone chimed it was him.