Reading Online Novel

You Don't Own Me(62)




I’m just reminding you, little fish, that Andre Rieu’s concert is only a month away. I’ll be playing at the Royal Albert Hall in front of hundreds of people but the performance will be just for you. There is a box seat waiting for you. Will you please try to come and watch me play, Dahlia? After all, this is your dream …




‘At midnight I saw the sun shining as if it were noon.’

-Apuleius, The Golden Ass

I bend down and stroke her hair. ‘It’s time to wake up,’ I tell her, as I have done every single day since she came back from hospital. ‘Come on. You can do it.’

All these months I got no reaction, and yet today something is different. I can feel it. I touch her cheek. ‘Wake up, brave American eagle and catch your snake,’ I whisper fiercely.

Then I straighten and watch her.


A twitch.

Her face twitches.

I clasp my hands together and start praying. I should go call the nurse, but I don’t. Instead I will her to wake up.

‘Wake up. Wake up. Today is a very important day. You must wake up. Come on. Zane needs you today. You must wake up, brave eagle.’

I wait.


Her finger … moves.

I stop breathing. Oh God, please let her wake up.


Dahlia Fury

In the beginning I heard indistinct voices, but I could never tell if I was dreaming or not. They seemed to be very close to my ear. I dropped in and out of consciousness effortlessly and without any control. I had strange dreams. Often there were balls of fire. I thought I was a child again walking in a meadow.

Sometimes I’d feel my body being moved around on the bed.

Slowly, I heard the voices of all the people I loved. I understood everything they were saying and I wanted to reach out, oh how much I wanted to talk to them, but I was like a tree, voiceless, unable to move my limbs on my own.

I know that the big concert is today.

Zane will be playing the piano at an Andre Rieu concert. I am so proud of him. No matter what, I cannot miss this performance. I pull my eyebrows upwards with all my might and manage to half-open my eyes. The light is like knives, entering my eyes and piercing my brain. It blinds me and I snap my eyes shut. I feel a rush of movement, then I hear the curtains being drawn closed I struggle again and open my eyes, this time fully. In the dimness of the room I slowly make out a blurry figure. The figure comes closer to me.

‘Oh, my darling, darling girl, you’re awake!’ the person says excitedly.

Olga. That’s Olga’s voice.

‘This is amazing. You woke up today. I knew you would. Zane is playing the piano at a concert tonight. He is already at the concert hall. I’m going to go and call him. He’ll be so happy. This is a miracle.’

I dart my eyes to the side and back to her, and she frowns. ‘You don’t want me to call Zane?’

I move my eyebrows and blink.

For a while she stares at me, then realization dawns. ‘You want to go to the concert. You want to surprise him.’

Tears fill my eyes and run down the sides of my face. I move my eyebrows and blink again.

She starts crying. ‘You have really learned to fly, haven’t you,’ she chokes out. ‘OK, I’ll call Noah and Stella. They’ll know what to do. Stella will make you pretty, and Noah will sort out how to transport you there. Don’t worry, between us we’ll get you there.’

I wriggle my eyebrows. There seems to be more movement and it was so much easier to perform. At that point I feel myself slipping into sleep again, but I know they will wake me up in time for the concert.

When I wake up again it is because Stella is screaming in my ear. I open my eyes without difficulty, and the room is pleasantly dim. I open my mouth and one word struggles out.

‘Kebab.’ It sounds high-pitched and strange to me.

‘Oh, you big idiot, you,’ she says, and hoots with laughter. She grabs my face in both her hands and kisses me on the mouth.

‘I love you, Dahlia. I love you,’ she sings.

I smile up at her.

‘I’ve called Molly,’ she says, ‘and she’s bringing a dress for you. Two sizes smaller. I’m afraid you’ve become one of them skinny bitches,’ she says cheerfully.

‘I … don’ … t … want … t … o … wear … a … dia … per,’ I say.

‘I agree. It’s not a good look.’ She grins.

Olga brings pillows and puts them behind me so I am propped up. Slowly, bit by bit, the words start forming and exit from my stiff, out of practice, throat. Stella calls my mom and Daisy and both of them sob with happiness. Daisy declares it a miracle, but I know it is something else. Love. Zane’s deep love reached out and touched me while I was in that still white world. I was always waiting for him. Always.