Reading Online Novel


"Hey!" I object.

He unlocks the door and holds it open for me. I grin and walk backwards into the apartment, protecting my behind.


"You're not going to make me a sandwich first this time?"

"Now." He's loosening his tie and walking towards me.

I walk backwards as I remove my jacket. "Should I hang this up?" I smile and nod towards the front hall closet we're passing. He removes the jacket from my hand and tosses it on the floor.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing before I turn and head for the bedroom, pulling the shirt I wore to work off over my head as I walk. My bra hits the floor as I pass the doorway into the bedroom. My hands reach for the button on my jeans before Luke stops me. He sits on the edge of the bed and beckons me over.

He circles my waist with his hands before pulling a nipple into his mouth. Oh, God, he feels so good. I wrap my hands around his head, running my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

"I decided I did want to take these off myself." His fingers move to the button on my jeans. His hands seem enormous working the button free, but he does it with ease before sliding the zipper down. It's hot watching him undress me. He moves his hands to my sides and wiggles the denim over my hips before the jeans drop to the floor.

"Bend over." He pats his knee.

Okay, we're really doing this? I look at his face. He's serious. I bend over his knee, the position perfect for my clit to rub against his leg. This is nice. I grin with my head upside down, my hands resting on the floor.

"These are cute." He's rubbing his hand over my underwear. I'm wearing a pair of plain black cotton panties. "Not as cute as your ass though." He slaps me hard before pulling the panties down to mid-thigh.

Not gonna lie, that felt nice. He smooths his hand over my ass in circular strokes. "Don't antagonize me, Sophie." His hand comes down against my skin in a crack. I jump a little, but I enjoy it.

"Okay," I sigh. "I'll try not to." I grin at him over my shoulder. "But this is kinda nice, so maybe I'll antagonize just a little?"

Luke groans and slaps my behind hard three times. That stings. He goes back to smoothing his palm in circles, taking away the burn.

"You’re a little handful, aren't you, Sophie?" he asks as he delivers another smack.

"I'm really not," I disagree. "I'm a very good girl, normally." I shift on his lap, grinding my clit against his thigh.

He spanks me again and again before sliding his fingers into me from behind. "You enjoyed that too much." He's dragging his fingers in and out as he speaks.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, still hanging upside down.

He laughs and smacks my ass again. "Get up."

I stand and finish removing my undies—they've been mid-thigh this entire time. He's watching me and unbuttoning his pants, his meaning clear. His loosened tie still hanging from his neck catches my attention. I reach forward and slip it over his head. "Can I tie you?" I'm really excited about this idea.

He looks at me skeptically as he unbuttons his shirt and shrugs it off. He stands and drops his pants and I swear saliva pools in my mouth looking at him. "Sure." He shrugs. "What'd you have in mind?"

I grin and indicate he should lie on the bed and then tie his hands to the headboard. "You know," I drawl, "I've never done this before." I bat my eyelashes at him from between his legs. "I think it will help my confidence with you restrained." He laughs, playing along.

I sit back on my heels between his thighs and place a fingertip coyly on my lip. I grasp him with the other hand, sliding my hand up and down the length of him. "You want me to put this in my mouth?" I'm all wide-eyed innocence.

He's propped up on some pillows, his wrists attached to the headboard with his tie. A big grin crosses his face. I like seeing him happy. Most of our encounters have been fraught with tension. This is different, nice.

"I do want that, Sophie." He groans when I add a second hand, cupping his balls gently. "I want that very much." His voice has already grown husky.

I massage his sack with my hand while stroking the length with the other. "I don't know." I bite my lip. "I've never done anything like this before." I twist my wrist as I stroke upwards. "I'm not sure I know what to do."

Luke blows out a breath. "Wrap your impertinent little lips around my cock. I'm pretty sure you can figure out the rest."

"Okay, I'll try." I lean forward, leaving one hand on his cock and resting my weight on the other. I lick the base of his penis before sucking on his balls and rubbing my thumb back and forth on the underside of his cock.