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I come undone then. And this, the feeling of coming stretched around his cock, is like nothing I could have imagined.

I'm so tight after coming, it's a fine line between enjoyment and pain as Luke thrusts again. He exhales above me, his breath ragged with exertion as he comes himself. And that, hearing him come while inside of me, feeling his breath against the side of my face on each exhale, that is something I will never forget.

Chapter 14

"That guy keeps staring at you," Everly murmurs to me as she wipes down the counter at Grind Me.

"Does he?" I respond, not interested. Random guys hanging out in coffee shops do not concern me.

"He's probably a security detail hired by Dr. Miller to ensure your safety." Everly eyes him from behind the bakery case.

I pause and look at her. "You just said so many ridiculous things I'm not sure where to begin responding."

"Oh, take your time." Everly hops onto the back counter.

I laugh. "Okay, one, that man out there is not anyone's security detail." Everly shrugs so I continue. "Two, I’m not in any danger. And three, Luke isn't doing anything for me. We didn't leave things like that."

Everly examines the French manicure left over from her brother's wedding last weekend as she responds. "One"—she eyes the kid sitting alone by the window—"truth. Two, in romance novels the heroine is always in danger. Three, there's no way Luke is done with you."

"You do realize we are not in a romance novel, right? Besides which, when did you become a romantic?" I raise a skeptical eyebrow at Everly. "Did you catch a bouquet of unicorns at the wedding?"

Everly sighs and crosses her arms across her chest. "No, I didn't catch anything at the wedding except Finn's house key."

"Professor Camden gave you his house key? I though you said he was going to require additional convincing before, and I quote, he accepted what was best for him?"

She waves a dismissive hand. "No, I made myself a copy."

"Everly, no." I am shaking my head at her in disbelief. "No, you did not. How? Does he know?"

"Sophie, it's like you don't even know me. I borrowed his car." She stops at the look on my face. "Fine, I stole his car and ran over to Home Depot and made copies while he was busy with his best man duties."

"No," I'm still shaking my head.

"Yes." She's nodding hers.

"Excuse me?" We both turn to see the guy Everly envisioned as my security detail at the counter. "Can I get a refill?" He holds up his empty mug. At Grind Me we offer free refills on coffee during the same visit.

"Sure." I refill the mug and hand it back. He stares at me for a second longer than I'm comfortable with, but it happens so fast I wonder if I imagined it.

"Back to Luke," Everly states when the guy turns away with his freshly filled mug. I look at her and shrug.

"He said he wouldn't call and I said okay."

"Then he fucked you silly."

"Then he fucked me silly," I agree. And I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face.

"You lucky bitch."

I try to hide another grin, but she's right. It was pretty incredible and far exceeded any expectations I had for my first time. I feel myself blush remembering the feel of him under my fingertips, the way his chest had felt under my head when I'd collapsed on him after and lain there listening to his heartbeat while he'd wound his fingers in my hair.

I like him. I've liked him for weeks, but he didn't promise me anything. I want more, obviously, but life has taught me to be cautious with my expectations. I'm not aggressive like Everly. That girl is a force of nature. I'd feel bad for Professor Camden if I didn't love Everly so much because the girl is a ruthless ninja hidden in a teeny-tiny five-four Playboy Bunny-worthy frame. Her shiny black hair is swinging in a pony tail halfway down her back. Her huge green eyes are always ablaze with a mixture of sincerity and mischief. Professor Camden doesn't stand a chance.

"Sophie, he's going to be back for more. Trust me."

I load a tray of cupcakes and slide them into the bakery case. "I don't know, Everly. He's really sophisticated and clearly lives a lifestyle a long ways from Cowbell Lane," I say, referencing my grandparents' home in Willow Grove.

"Bitch, please. The guy is pushing forty and you're a hot co-ed with a brand-new tight, shiny pussy. He'll be back."

My eyes widen. "Everly, Jesus!"

"Just saying." She holds her hands up in mock defense before breaking into a huge grin.

"You don't really think he's forty, do you?"

"He just turned thirty-six in August."

"How do you know that?"