Reading Online Novel

Without You(61)

I sat down opposite of her and placed my napkin on my lap. I glanced out  and looked at the amazing view. When I peeked back over to Lex, she was  looking out over the ocean as well.

"The sunset is going to be breathtaking," she said with a smile.

"That's not the only thing that is breathtaking this evening."

Lex's chest began moving up down faster and heavier. "I love you, Will. This is all so beautiful"

"I love you more, Lex."

The evening progressed along as Cassie brought us out salads first, then  soup, and finally grilled salmon and steamed veggies. I hardly ate any  of my food because my stomach was in knots. I hadn't made up my mind if I  wanted to ask her on the beach or up here. I was leaning more to  staying here and then taking her to the beach with a blanket like Mr.  Shelton had suggested.

The sun was slowly starting to sink further down. Lex kept looking over and watching it. We had a perfect view of the west sky.

Cassie cleared the plates. Then, she came back and placed two glasses of  champagne down on the table. Lex was so focused on the sunset that she  didn't even see the glasses.

"Oh, Will, look at how the sun is reflecting off the water." She stood up and moved to the rail.


I stood up and pulled the ring from my pocket. I walked up behind her.

I got down on one knee and took in a deep breath. "Lex, baby, I need to ask you something."

When she turned to look at me, she was surprised to see me kneeling  down. Her mouth dropped open, and her hands slowly moved to cover her  mouth.

I saw the tears beginning to build in her beautiful blue eyes.


My heart had never beat this fast or this hard in my life-not even that  day next to the small pond when Will had asked me to marry him.

"Lex, I know we've already told each other how we feel when we were at  the pond. I want you to know that everything I said that day holds true  today, if not more. You are my life. You are my world. And I love you  fiercely. Alexandra Eryn Mathews, will you do me the honor of becoming  my wife-but not until you're finished with college and well on your way  to being an independent woman?"         



I pulled my head back and looked at him. "What?"

Will chuckled as he looked at Cassie and then back to me. "Your dad.  When I asked him if I could have your hand in marriage, he said I had to  make it very clear that you were to finish college first before I could  officially make you mine."

I couldn't help it. I let out a sob and a laugh at the same time.

Will swallowed hard and looked away and then back at me.

"Um … I mean, I know you already said yes once, but you're kind of freaking me out here, Lex."

I nodded my head and dropped to my knees. I placed my hands on the sides  of his face and brought his lips to mine. "Yes. I'll marry you. A  million times yes, Will."

I pushed my lips to his as I wrapped my arms around his body. We deepened the kiss and soon got lost in each other.

When I heard Kip clear his throat, I pulled back some.

"I love you, Will."

Will smiled, and for the umpteenth time this evening, my heart melted again as I waited for his response.

"I love you more, Lex."

He removed my promise ring and placed it on my right index finger and  then slipped the solitaire oval diamond onto my finger as I began crying  harder.

It is perfect.

The ring was simple, nothing extravagant, just like I'd asked of him. A  beautiful oval diamond ring was flanked by four smaller diamonds on each  side, all placed on a white gold band. Another sob escaped my mouth as  he leaned in and gently kissed me.

He pulled back and smiled as his eyes searched my face. "This was the  first ring I saw. I knew the moment I saw it, it had to be yours."

"Oh, Will, it's so beautiful. It's perfect, beyond perfect."

Will's eyes filled with tears. I began to see the reds and purples of  the sunset reflecting in his eyes. We both stood up as the sun slipped  below the horizon, ending one of the most amazing days of my entire  life. Will placed his hands on the sides of my face and gently wiped the  tears away.

Raising his eyebrow, Will asked, "Would you do me the honor of taking a walk with me on the beach?"

I giggled and nodded my head. "It would be my pleasure."


Lex and I headed down to the beach.

Cassie came running after us, calling out my name. "Will! Wait!"

Lex and I both turned to face her.

"You forgot this."

I looked down at the blanket in Cassie's hands and let out a nervous laugh. "Thank you so much."

I turned back to see Lex blushing. I placed my hand on the small of her  back and led her down to the beach. The west sky was still filled with  the most incredible colors, yet the stars were beginning to make their  presence known as well.

We walked up about ten feet from the shore.

"How's this?" I asked Lex.


I laid the blanket down, only to find out Cassie had given me two  blankets. I set the other blanket to the side and sat down as I held my  hand out for Lex. She slowly sank down. I placed my arm around her, and  she snuggled up next to me. She fit perfectly as I pulled her closer to  my body. She shivered, and I reached for the other blanket and covered  us both up.

"Thank you," Lex said as she turned and looked up at me.

I grinned and asked, "For what?"

"For loving me always."

My heart began to beat harder in my chest. I had to close my eyes and  open them again quickly to make sure this wasn't a dream. The waves  crashing against the shoreline along with Lex's body slowly moving with  each breath reminded me that this was far from a dream. Not even a dream  could be this perfect.

I gently kissed her. Pulling back only slightly, I spoke against her lips, "I'll love you for the rest of my life."

"Never leave me, Will."

"Never, Lex."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise you, baby. Never."

I stood on the beach and looked out over the dark blue waters. The sun  had already begun to sink beneath the horizon, and I smiled, knowing  Will was probably asking Alex to marry him right now.

I slowly inhaled the salt air through my nose and then blew it out. I  loved it down here. Something about the wind and the sound of the waves  hitting the shore calmed my nerves and helped me forget.

I knew the moment he walked up behind me. I could feel his energy. I closed my eyes.

I can't do this anymore.

My heart cannot take the pain any longer. I needed to tell him I had  decided to go back to Zack. I'd already sent Zack a text message saying I  needed to talk to him. I didn't love him like I loved Luke. I'd never  love anyone like I loved Luke.

He stepped closer, and my breathing increased. I longed for his touch,  for his lips to softly brush against mine, and for him to whisper he  loved me.         



"Hey, Lib."

His voice made my heart drop and my stomach flip.

I took a deep breath and turned to face him. "Hey, Luke."

His smile was forced. Something was on his mind, like something was on mine.

"Do you think Will's popped the question yet?"

I gave him a weak smile in return. "Yeah, probably."

I started walking along the beach, and Luke followed. My phone beeped in my pocket, and I pulled it out. It was Zack.

Luke let out a laugh, and I looked over at him. He was walking next to me but looking ahead.

"Do you remember the time we put salt in your mom's sugar container and Alex put three huge scoops in her oatmeal?"

Luke somehow always talked me into doing his crazy pranks with him.

I smiled and nodded my head as I said, "Yeah, I remember."

Luke started talking about how he'd gotten grounded for that prank as I opened up Zack's text.

Zack: Libby, I'm so glad to hear from you. Baby, I understand you were  confused, but I'm here. I'm waiting for you if you want to make this  work.

I quickly hit the Home button on my phone and pushed it back into my back pocket. My heart was pounding.

Shit. I shouldn't have texted Zack.

No, I did the right thing. Didn't I?

My head was spinning, and Luke was talking about damn pranks.

I stopped walking and turned to him. I shook my head. "I really need to  be alone right now, Luke. I have to think, and I can't think with you  living in the past."

His smile dropped, and he nodded his head. I turned and started walking again.

The moment his hand touched my arm, I felt the most amazing rush sweep  through my body. I almost wanted to whimper with the way his touch  affected me. Zack's touch never did this to me.

I looked up into Luke's eyes. He had the most beautiful green eyes. I  could see why women melted when he looked at them. I quickly looked  away.

I can't do this anymore. I can't.

"Luke, I can't stand here and pretend like nothing is wrong. Everything  is wrong, and I … I need to move on with my life, and I can't with-"

He held up his hand and shook his head. I stopped talking. His eyes  searched my face and then moved to my lips. I instinctively licked them,  and he snapped his eyes back up to mine where he searched them  intently.