Reading Online Novel

Without You(57)

"I'll take that as a good sign then."

"Damn straight. After sunset, I suggest taking a stroll along the beach  with a blanket, but I'll deny I said that to you if Gunner ever finds  out."

I laughed and said, "I understand."

"So, Jonathon will be the one taking you over to the island on the  yacht. I'll have him give you a call the morning of, so he can explain  where y'all need to go."

"Perfect. I've already planned to tell Lex that we are going on a private cruise to see the dolphins and the sunset."

"That sounds reasonable. Now, if you need anything before then, don't  hesitate to give me or Jonathon a call. You have his number, right?"

"Yes, sir, I do."

"Good luck, Will."

"Thank you, sir. Again, thank you for all your help on this."

"Anything for Gunner's little girl. Enjoy your stay at the beach."

"Will do for sure. Have a great day."

"You, too, Will."

I hung up and sent Gunner a text message.

Me: Talked to Mr. Shelton. Everything is set to go.

Gunner: Are you nervous?

Me: Why do I picture you laughing right now?

Gunner: Probably because I am!

Me: Yes. I'm very nervous. I've already checked six times to make sure I still have the ring.         



Gunner: Now, I'm really laughing.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He was going to torture me for years to come. I could already see it.

Me: Remember who will be taking care of you when you're old. It won't be Colt.

Gunner: You have a point. Don't worry, son. It will be perfect, Will.  You know you could ask her anywhere, and she would be beyond happy.

No one but our friends knew that I had already asked Lex to marry me  months ago. This engagement was just making it more official with a  ring, and then we could go public afterward. As far as I was concerned,  Lex had been mine since the day I put that promise ring on her finger.

Me: Thanks, Gunner. I promise to make it special for her.

Gunner: I know you will.

I quickly changed and started to make my way down to the beach. As I  walked down the boardwalk, I couldn't help but smile. Everyone was  playing volleyball in the sand. Libby jumped and spiked the ball, and it  landed right in front of Colt. Luke screamed out as he ran up to her,  and he picked her up and spun her around a few times before setting her  back down. Taylor high-fived Lex, and Grace was yelling that Libby  couldn't play because she was too good.

My mind was taken back to the days when we'd all played football. I  looked at each of my friends. Because of our parents' bond with each  other, our bond had grown over the years. There wasn't anything any of  us wouldn't do for the other.

Grace screamed, "Hayes! Get down here. Your damn sister is kicking our ass!"

I was snapped out of my daydream. I laughed and started jogging. I ran  up and picked Libby up before throwing her over my shoulder as she  screamed.

"Put our star player down!" Luke yelled as he took off after me.

Yep, this is going to be the best week ever.

"Have you had a chance to talk to Luke?" I asked Libby as we walked along the beach.

Libby let out a sigh. "No. He is treating me like his best friend again.  I mean, we went running on the beach together last night, and I tried  so many different times to talk to him."

"Did he seem like he wanted to talk to you?"

Libby stopped and looked at me. "I think so. He started to say  something, but then he ended up laughing. He brought up a time when we  were in high school and pulled a stupid prank."

I giggled and shook my head. "Why is he so afraid?"

She looked down and slowly shook her head. She looked back up and into my eyes. "I told him that I can't wait any longer."

"What? Wait, Libby. You love him."

"Alex, I walked away from Zack."

"Did you love Zack?" I asked.

Libby looked away before turning back at me. "I cared about him-a lot."

I nodded my head. "Do you love Luke?"

Libby was about to answer me when we heard Colt calling out for us.

"Libby! Alex! Come on, we're all waiting on y'all."

Libby gave me a weak smile. "I tried, Alex. I really tried. How long am I  supposed to wait? If Luke truly cared about me, he wouldn't be doing  this to me." She quickly spun around and began walking toward Colt.


She held up her hand as if she didn't want to talk anymore. I let out a sigh and began following her.

As we made our way back into the beach house, Luke and Grace were arguing about where to eat.

Libby walked by and headed upstairs. "I need a minute to grab my cell phone."

"I don't want Moby Dick's. We always go to Moby Dick's, Luke," Grace said.

Luke let out a gruff laugh. "Well, princess, I'm sick of Seafood and Spaghetti Works."

"I vote for clubbing in Corpus Christi, so I can feel a nice firm ass in my hands while I dance slow with a handsome guy."

Everyone looked at Maegan.

"You're such a slut," Grace said with a laugh.

Maegan winked. "I try."

Colt stood up and clapped his hands together. "Clubbing it is."

Libby walked into the living room.

Grace jumped up, grabbed her hand, and pulled her back toward the  stairs. "We're changing. It's time to put our club clothes on."

Lauren, Taylor, and Maegan all let out a small scream and followed Grace and Libby.

I watched as Luke walked out the back door and headed to the pool house.  I wanted to follow him, but when I felt Will's arms around my waist, I  froze in place.

Will's lips moved gently against my neck, leaving a trail of fire where  his lips had just touched. "I'm going to make mad, passionate love to  you tonight."

"Mmm … " I lost myself in his touch.

"Do you like the sound of that, Lex?"

"Very much."         



"I'm going to get you so turned-on tonight that by the time we get back here, all you will need is my touch to make you come."

I let out a small moan and attempted to talk. The clenching feeling in  the pit of my stomach had me wanting to slip my own hand down my  panties.

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Can we skip clubbing? I just want to stay here with you."

Will raised his eyebrows and seemed to be thinking hard about staying home and not going out.

Someone cleared her throat, and Will and I both looked over to see Grace standing there.

"Hell no. You are not skipping out on us tonight. This whole trip was  all about us hanging together. And that's what we're doing. You two can  do your thing later! Alex, get your ass upstairs. I'm going to make you  up, so Will won't be able to keep his eyes off of you all night."

I giggled as I looked at Will. "I guess the anticipation will just build  all night." I kissed him, and then I spun around and walked toward  Grace.

She grabbed my hand, and we began heading upstairs. I looked over my  shoulder and winked at Will. The smile on his face made my knees weak,  and my insides craved his touch again.

"I love you, Lex."

I loved how my mother and father would always tell each other how they  loved the other more. Will and I had picked it up, and every time I said  it to him, he would smile bigger.

"I love you more."

Will chuckled.

Grace pulled my arm harder to get me to speed it up. "Jesus, y'all can go a few minutes without each other."

An hour later, I looked at all five of us.

"Holy shit. We look good!" Lauren said with a giggle.

Lauren was probably the sweetest one of the bunch. Hearing her swear  always made me chuckle. Taylor was just as sweet but far more innocent.

"Hell yeah, we do. We are five hot bitches," Grace said, walking up to Libby and messing with her hair.

I looked Libby up and down. She had on one of Grace's dresses. It was a  silver cocktail dress with a scooped back that stopped just shy of her  ass. I was sure just a few more inches, and we'd be able to see the  string of her thong. Her blonde hair was piled on top of her head with  curls hanging down to frame her face. Taylor had done Libby's makeup,  and her dark smoky eyes and red lipstick had even me catching my breath.  I knew what Grace and Taylor were up to. They had made Libby look so  incredibly hot that Luke was gonna shit his pants when he laid his eyes  on her.

"Damn, baby sister. You. Look. Hot." Maegan smiled and looked at Taylor.

Taylor was dressed in a simple black cocktail dress with silver accents  and a high slit on the side. Her push-up bra showed more cleavage than  I'd ever seen Taylor display, and it made her look about three years  older than she was.

Taylor blushed and smiled.

"You do look beautiful," Lauren said with a smile.

I glanced over and looked at Lauren. She had on a teal dress that hugged  her curves in all the right ways. Her blonde hair was done so that half  was up with the other half hanging down. The color of the dress brought  out the color of her blue eyes even more. Taylor had also done Lauren's  makeup, and she looked breathtaking. My poor baby brother was gonna be  whimpering all night while watching Lauren dance in that dress.