Reading Online Novel

Without You(28)

Lex: My body is aching for you.

Me: Hey, baby. I have bad news. My truck broke down, and Luke is out of town this weekend.

She instantly responded.

Lex: No! No. No. No. Will, I haven't seen you in over a month. I was looking forward to this weekend.

Me: I know, Lex. Believe me, I'm just as disappointed. Can you FaceTime?

Lex: Yep. Grace isn't here, and she won't be back for another hour. I think she is going to some party tonight.

Me: Give me a minute.

Lex: Hurry!

I quickly ran back up to my dorm room. I grabbed my iPad and called her.  The moment I saw her beautiful face, my dick was harder than a rock.

Fuck, I want her. I reached down and adjusted myself.

"Hey." She giggled.


"So, I take it since Luke is gone, we can … play."

Oh, Jesus. I'd never seen Lex get herself off, and I knew I would come the moment she did.

"I'm game if you're sure Grace won't be back soon."

She nodded her head. "Will, I'm so horny that I have to, and I won't do  it unless you're with me. If this is what we have to do, then this is  what we have to do. Hold on though. Let me lock the door."

She jumped up, locked the door, and then sat back down on her bed. She bit down on her lower lip, and I let out a moan.

"Get undressed, Lex."

I could see her chest heaving up and down. She somehow propped up her  iPad and began getting undressed. When she took her bra off, I sucked in  a breath of air.

She pushed her panties down and said, "I'm naked. Now, you."

I jumped up and stripped naked in ten seconds flat. "Touch your breast, Lex."

She used her right hand and began playing with her nipple. "Oh God, Will, I need to feel you. I'm going insane."

I reached down and began stroking my dick. I needed to go slow, or I would come before I wanted to.

"Jesus, Lex. Touch yourself, baby. Tell me how it feels."

Lex moved her hand down and let out a gasp as she began touching herself. "Will, I'm so worked up. It's not going to take long."

I began stroking my dick faster. "Lex … talk to me, baby."

I watched as she took herself to the edge. It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.

"I'm … so … close. It feels … so … good," she moaned.

She began making noises, and I was fighting like hell not to come as I watched her body arch back in pleasure.

"Lex, baby, I'm dying over here, watching you make yourself feel good."

She shook her head. Her eyes were closed, and she began saying my name. "Will … oh God. Will, move faster."

I swallowed hard. "Baby, I'm not the one touching you."

She jerked her head forward and looked at the screen. "No. I want to see you stroking yourself faster, Will."

Fuck me.

I moved, so she could see me while I watched her.         



"Yes. Oh God, yes," she said.

"Lex, are you close?"

"Faster, Will."

I began stroking my dick faster. Fuck. I was about to come.

"Shit," I hissed through my teeth.

"Oh yeah, I'm about to come, Will. I want to see you come."

That was when I lost control. Trying to hold the fucking iPad and jerk  off was not an easy task. I felt it building, and I finally had to let  it go and come.

"Oh, Lex … I'm gonna come, baby."

I looked down and saw my cum exploding out as I looked at the screen.

Lex yelled out, "Will … oh my God. Yes … yes, I'm coming. Don't move your hand!"

I kept it still, so she could see me, and I watched as she rode out her  orgasm. I could hear her panting as she slowly came back down from her  high.

"Lex, I have to go clean up. Give me a second."

"Okay. Need to get dressed … really … quick."

I jumped up, headed to our bathroom, and cleaned off my dick. I ran back  into the room and got dressed. I picked up my iPad and waited for Lex.  She flopped down on the bed and picked up the iPad.

She had a huge smile on her face. "That was awesome."

I laughed and nodded my head. "Yeah, it was."

"I think we are going to have to FaceTime more often." She raised her eyebrows.

"I miss you, Lex."

She closed her eyes and whispered, "I miss you, too, Will. When can you try to come to Austin again?"

"After tonight? Next weekend!"

Lex giggled and looked away. I heard the door open and saw Lex smile at someone.

"Hey, Grace."

"Hey, bitch. Who are you talking to?"

Lex looked back at me. "Will."

Grace dropped down on the bed next to Lex. "Hey, William. Um … why aren't you here?"

"Truck broke down."

Grace's smile disappeared. "Where is Luke?"

I let out a sigh. "Port Aransas with Abigail."

Grace made a funny face. "Who is Abigail?"

I shook my head. "A friend of his."

Grace raised her eyebrows. "Huh. So, is she a friend-friend or a friend-friend?"

Shit. Luke is gonna kill me. "A friend with benefits."

"Bastard," Lex and Grace said at the same time.

"Does Libby know about her?" Lex asked.

"Uh … she does now since I slipped tonight and said something about Luke being with Abigail."

Grace shook her head. "Damn men." She got up and walked away.

I heard Grace say in the background, "Lex, you can go to the party with me, if you want."

Lex frowned and then attempted to smile.

"I'm so sorry, Lex. I'll come next weekend, I swear."


I smiled softly. "I promise, baby. Why don't you go with Grace to the  party? Go have fun. Isn't this what your dad wanted? For you to  experience life at UT?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Grace and I both hate it here and wish  our parents hadn't talked us into not bringing at least one car this  semester." She shook her head. "I don't like it, Will. I want to be with  you."

My heart physically hurt from hearing her say that she hated UT. "We'll  be together next weekend, Lex. Now, go get ready and have fun tonight.  Call me when you get back to your dorm, okay?"

She nodded her head. "The party is here in the building, so it shouldn't  be that bad. It's someone's birthday, and his friends are having it in  the commons area."

"Perfect! That is the kind of party I don't have to worry about."

Lex giggled. "Are you sure? You don't mind?"

"Lex, of course I don't mind. I love you. Have fun."

"Will, please try to come next weekend. My heart is hurting from not seeing you. Promise me, you'll try to come."

I smiled. "I promise, I'll be there next weekend even if I have to rent a car to get there."

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers. Then, it faded. I wished I knew  what she was thinking. The soft features of her face seemed to be  tense, and her blue eyes didn't have the same normal sparkle. It was  almost like she was nervous.

"Lex, it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay."

She began chewing on her lower lip. "Have you … I mean … is there anyone there you might be-"

"Lex, stop this. There is no one, and there will never be anyone besides you."

"What if Abigail has a friend and … "

I let out a sigh. "Lex, please don't do this again. I'm not interested in anyone but you."         



She smiled and tilted her head. "Promise me?"

I laughed. "I promise you. Now, go have fun. Don't take any drinks from anyone."

"Yes, Dad! I'll call you when we get back up to the room."

"Sounds good. Bye, Lex. I love you."

"Bye, Will. I love you more!"

I closed out of FaceTime and fell back onto the bed as I let out a long  sigh. I made a note in my phone to make sure my truck was fixed by  Thursday and to make hotel reservations for next weekend. I was going to  skip my class on Thursday and head to Austin early. I couldn't wait any  longer. I had to see Lex.

A strange feeling washed over my body, and I sat up. I opened up my text  messages. I was about to text Lex and ask her not to go to the party,  but I decided I was being a jealous fool. I stripped out of my clothes  and made my way to the bathroom where I took a hot shower.

I got dressed in boxers and a T-shirt and made my way over to my bed. I  sat down and looked at the clock. I set the alarm on my phone for one in  the morning. If I didn't hear from Lex by then, I would call her.

I lay down and shut my eyes. "Lex … " I whispered before letting sleep  take over. I felt myself quickly drifting off into a dream. All I could  see was blue eyes staring into mine.

Grace and I walked into the commons area and looked around. We knew no  one. I had met a few people, and Grace had actually gone out on a date  with one guy. She had come home four hours later and professed she was  giving up on all men.

"So, who is the birthday boy?" I shouted over the music.

Grace shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me. Want something to drink?"

I looked around to see what everyone was drinking.

Beer. How in the world are they allowed to serve beer?

"If the R.A. catches us, we can get into a lot of trouble, Grace," I said.