Reading Online Novel

Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(19)

"Don't even bother with the glass," I said, putting the bottle to my  lips, and letting the liquid burn a path down my throat. It wasn't  enough to numb my mind. I needed to keep my head clear in order to think  logically. When we went behind closed doors, I had to tell the story  again and this time I needed a solution. I needed to know that the rest  of those motherfuckers were not going to come after Aubree. I needed to  protect her at any cost. We also needed to protect our turf. There was  no way we were stepping aside for those bastards and giving up what was  ours.

A little while later, Kade and the rest of the guys showed up. We headed  into church, and took our seats around the table. Miles and Dice were  still in Florida, so their seats remained empty.

Nick turned to Kade. "Everything taken care of?"

"Like it never happened," Kade said.


"Not really," Hudson spoke up, and everyone shifted his attention to  him. "In my research into this Gordita bitch, I came across a few FBI  files."

Nobody asked Hudson how he found them because, even if we did, we  wouldn't be able to understand a fucking word he said. His brain was  wired differently than the rest of us.

"All her biological sons have a tattoo of an Erythrina, the national  flower of Argentina. It shows that they are the divine ones. The highest  in her ranks, and the ones that do all her dirty work. They are her  prized possessions."

"What does that have to do with this?" I asked, getting impatient.

"The dead guy at your house had the tattoo."

"Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed. I fucking knew it. I knew he wasn't some  low man on a totem pole. It was all a fucking front. He had been setting  us up since day one and Kade and me were dumb enough to fall for it.  And now Aubree had killed him. Her life was in danger and it was all my  fault.

No. I refused to believe that. She would be safe, and I would make it my  life goal to make sure of it. As far as anyone was concerned, I took  that fatal shot. It was on me, not her.

"Well, I shot him. He's dead now," I said, making sure everyone was aware that it was me who killed him.

"His people will be on the lookout for him," Phil reminded me.

"Taken care of," Kade said. "They're the ones killing the Montamos, so  it would only make sense that the Montamos retaliate. His body was  dumped on the side of the road in Montamos territory. It'll never get  back to us."

I glanced over at Kade, and smiled my appreciation. He took a major  fucking risk, walking into enemy territory and arranging the set up. The  crazy bastard could have gotten caught, and he could have gotten  killed.

"You made sure there was nothing that could track them back to us?" Nick  questioned. "Blood, hair, carpet lint? The last thing we fucking need  it for the cops to throw us to the dogs."

"Took the bastard out back, and hosed him down. Gave him a good cleaning. There's no way he'll get tracked back to us."

"That's one problem taken care of, but the truth is this is only the  beginning. That bitch wants our territory, and she's not going to stop  until she gets it," I stated.

"If she wants a war, then we'll give her a fucking war. I am not bending  over backward while some cunt tries to take everything I've worked  for," Nick barked.

"Agreed," Phil added. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect what's ours."

It was unanimous. We were all ready to do what we had to do. The session  ended with cheers and an assured determination. We poured out the  doors, all going straight to the bar. I, however, went right to Aubree,  like I promised.

She sat at a table with Sienna and, when I approached, Sienna stood.  "I'll give you two a minute. Aubree, I'll be waiting outside," she said  and left us alone.

"You okay?" I asked, taking her hand in mine, and running my thumb across her knuckles.                       


"I think so," she said, and looked up at me with a smile that appeared forced. "Let's go outside."

She stood up, her hand still in mine, and guided me to the door. Outside, the air was warm and the earlier rain had stopped.

We were both quiet as I took her into my arms and held her tightly.  After a few moments, she lifted her head from my chest and pulled away.  "I think you were right." She blinked up, tears filling her beautiful  eyes. "Your life is too dangerous for me. This will never work. It  can't."

I wanted to argue with her. Tell her that it could work because I would  make it. I would find a way, but the only way was for me to leave the  club, and that was never going to happen. My life came with a price, and  it was one that she didn't deserve to pay.

The only thing I could do now was let her walk away. I took her face in  my hands, and gave her one last kiss, relishing in her taste. "I know," I  said before letting her go.

She got into Sienna's car, and gave one final look back at me. And,  then, Sienna drove away and Aubree was out of my life for good.


Kade leaned back against a shelf while I tightened a belt on a Dodge  Caravan. It had been two days since my Sunshine disappeared from my  life, and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about her. The truth  was, she consumed most of my thoughts. I felt like some fucking pussy  that let his mind control his dick. That wasn't who I was, but, as more  time passed, my desire to see her, and to make sure she was okay, only  grew stronger.

I turned the wrench one last time, and ducked out from under the hood.  Kade's eyes were focused on something in the distance and, when I  followed his gaze, I spotted Sienna. She was exactly who I was hoping to  see. I wiped my hands on a rag, and jogged out of the garage.

"Where you going, man?" Kade called out to me and I held a finger up to him.

"Cash," Sienna said, as I approached. "Hey."

"Have you talked to her?" I asked, trying to keep my cool as best as I could.

She didn't need to ask who. "Once. I texted her this morning to see how  she was doing, and she's good. She's moving on, and I suggest you do the  same."

I nodded because, as much as I hated to admit it, Sienna was right.  "Yeah, I am," I said. "I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

"She is," Sienna assured me, and patted my shoulder, as she moved past me.

Kade came up to us, and pointed to Sienna as she walked away. "What was that about?" he asked.

"Nothing. Come on, you can help me change the brakes on that Caddie."

We started heading back to the garage when we heard Nick call out our  names. Kade and I turned to face him. This was not going to be good. His  face had the look of disappointment and annoyance. We waited for him to  approach, and I wondered what else could fucking go wrong. "We have a  problem, boys," he said, as he got in earshot.

"Miles got picked up in fucking Montana by the local cops."

"For what?"

"Fucking suspended license," Nick answered. "For unpaid parking tickets.  They let Dice take the truck. He's fucking lucky. We need that shipment  here in two days. Dice is on his way back, so I need you two to go get  Miles."

"Tell him to take the fucking bus," I suggested.

"I would, if the asshole didn't resist arrest and punch an officer in the face. They're holding him."

"In other words, we're not bailing him out. We're busting him out," Kade clarified.

"Fucking moron," I mumbled. "He's going to owe me gas money." Still, it  was a much needed distraction with all the shit that was going on. "Let  me finish with this car, and we'll take off."

"If Dice doesn't get here in the next twenty-four hours, I'm going to  have to make a visit to the doctor. And none of that pad bullshit he  gave you. We'll need access to the shit at the hospital."

"I don't think he'll give it to you again," I said.

"We let him into our business and saved his fucking house so his family  wouldn't know he was a fuck up who gambled their savings away. I don't  care what he gives me. He will do it. He made a deal and now it's his  turn to pay up unless he wants his family to know."

Kade looked around and then leaned in. "Any word on the body?"

"Cops found it. No signs point to us. Stanson filled me in a little on  the Gordita bitch. She's been deported before, but managed to get her  fat ass back into the states. The cops fear her and her boys since the  bastards have shot at them before. A cop was killed last month, and all  evidence is pinning them as the shooter, but it's not enough to make  identification. We have to keep them out of Black Hills because, not  only will they take the drug business, they'll take our other income.  Once the stores stop feeling safe, they'll stop payments. We can't  afford for either of those things to happen."