Reading Online Novel

Warrant (Righteous Outlaws #1)(18)

"But … .But … "

"Listen to me! You didn't kill him. I did."

"No!" she blurted, shaking her head. "I can't let you take the fall. It was self-defense. They'll understand."

"No, Sunshine, they won't. The way things work in your world? They don't  work like that in mine. The cops can know nothing about this, and they  will know nothing. Got it?"

"But, what about the body? What are you going to do with him? What if he  has a family and they're looking for him and they figure it out? What  if … " Her words faltered as the panic took over.

"Shh." I held her head against me. "I'm going to take care of it." I  pulled back, urging her to look at me. "Remember when I said to trust  me?"

She nodded.

"I need you trust me on this. Okay?"

"Okay," she whispered.

I took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "Now, stay here, I'm  going to make a few calls, but I'm going to be right here. I'm not  leaving you for a single second."


"I promise." I kissed her forehead, and went right to my cell.

I dialed Kade as I pulled my pants on, and he picked up on the third ring. "This better be fucking important," he answered.

"I need you. Now," I said.

"Where are you?" His voice changed from sarcastic to serious.

"My place."

"I'll be there in ten."

Next, I called Nick. I filled him in on everything that Anthony said, and everything that had happened after.

"Get the shit at the house taken care of, and then meet down at the  clubhouse," he said. "I'll pull everyone together. They need to know and  we need to figure out a game plan."

I hung up the phone and went back to Aubree, who had stayed exactly  where I left her. She stared off into space, her eyes completely void of  emotion. Her hands still shook, and I was afraid she was going into  shock.

"Hey," I said, kneeling down in front of her.

She didn't respond, just stared down at her shaking hands. I rubbed them between my own, and pressed my lips to the tips.

"I'm a murderer," she finally said. "I killed a guy in cold blood. I'm a  criminal. A murderer," she spat, like it was acid on her tongue.

"What did I tell you?!" I demanded. "You did not kill him. I did!" I  smacked my chest to emphasis my words. "I did, and he deserved to die.  He was going to kill me."

Tears poured over her lids, and slid down her cheeks. "I know. I was so  scared." She reached out to me, resting her hand against my jaw. "When  he had the gun pointed to your head, all I could think about was the  bullet going through your skull, and never seeing you again. I have  never been so scared in my life," she said, and I pulled her forehead to  mine.

"I know, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

The sound of a bike echoed through the night and, a few seconds later, I  heard footsteps running into the house. Kade came around the corner,  gun in hand, pointed out in front of him.

"It's alright. You can put the gun down," I said, and then kissed Aubree gently on the forehead before getting to my feet.                       


"Hey," Kade said with a nod of his head. His eyebrows pulled together as  he took in Aubree on the couch dressed only in my t-shirt. "Panty  girl?" he asked because no matter what the situation, he couldn't help  himself.

"Kade, this is Aubree, but we can have proper introductions later. I need you to come with me."

He lifted a curious eye, and followed me to my bedroom. I stood in the  hall, and nodded toward the door. He peered in, and whistled, as he  poked his head back out. "Well shit," he said. "What the fuck happened?"

I explained the story again for the second time and, when I was done,  Kade patted me on the shoulder. "I got this," he said. "Take your girl  and head to the clubhouse. I'll call Bentley and Hudson to help me get  rid of the body."

"I owe you, brother," I said.

He smiled. "No, you don't. It's what we do."

He was right. It didn't matter how fucked up a situation was, because we took care of our own.

* * *

I drove Aubree to the clubhouse while Kade took care of the mess at the  house. I trusted him with my life and knew he would do what was  necessary to keep me in the clear. Aubree hadn't said much since Kade  showed up.

She had put her dress back on and I gave her a sweatshirt to keep warm.  When I carried her in the bedroom, this was the last way I expected to  be spending our night. I should have been buried deep inside her ready  to go for round two. Worshiping every inch of her body and tasting her  delicious sweetness. Instead, I was trying to keep her from going  catatonic on me.

I remembered my first kill, and how it affected me. The guilt that  consumed me every time I thought about the innocent life that was lost. I  never spoke about it. In doing so, I would have showed a weakness that  wasn't fit for the club life. They would have stripped my badge, and  then I'd have nothing left.

By the second kill, I had become numb and, after that, it just became a  part of my life and I was able to accept it. However, the look in that  first guy's eyes as I took his life away was still burned into my  memory. No matter how many lives I took since then, it would never go  away. I might have been hardened by the life, but that one thing still  stuck out brightly in my mind. I hated that Aubree had to live with that  now too. She never should have been there. I never should have taken  her home. I never took girls home. Ever. It opened the door for too many  questions, and I did everything in my power to keep it shut. But, for  some reason, it was the only place I could think to go. She was the type  of girl who deserved more than being fucked on my bike in a secluded  area. I wanted to give her something better than that. Something to  remember. I certainly gave her a fucking night to remember. But, instead  of giving her the night of her life and keeping her safe, I completely  tainted her pureness. Now, I was worried that I had darkened my  Sunshine.

I pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine. I got off the bike and  held my hand out to Aubree. She was hesitant at first, but finally slid  her hand into mine. We walked into the clubhouse, hand in hand, and  were greeted by Nick at the door.

"You okay?" he asked, and I nodded.

Aubree's eyes scanned the space as if she had never been here before.  She had. She came after me that one day and that was what set this whole  thing into motion. If she would have just stayed away, we could have  remained as what we were meant to be: a one-night stand.

"Why don't you come with me?" Sienna reached out to Aubree, resting her hand on her shoulder.

Aubree looked at me, and I gave her reassurance with a nod. "Go with  Sienna. I'll come find you when I'm done here." I gave her hand a  comforting squeeze and, when she turned to walk away, I caught Sienna's  eye.

She blinked in understanding. "I got it," she mouthed, and brought  Aubree to the far couch. I watched as Sienna handed Aubree a glass of  whiskey. "It tastes like shit, but trust me you'll feel better once you  drink it. Close your eyes, plug your nose, and down it," she explained.

Sunshine took the glass in her hand and stared it. With a deep breath,  she followed Sienna's instructions and tossed it back. She shook her  head at the burn, and Sienna handed her a bottle of water to chase it.

Nick patted my back and guided me away. I was okay with it because I  knew Aubree was safe with Sienna. Nick might have tried to keep Sienna  away from this life, but the girl was her old man's daughter with the  same stubborn ass attitude. She was also tough as shit, yet she didn't  lack basic human emotion. Sympathy was still very much a part of her  and, while many would consider it a weakness, I considered it a  strength. I could see why Kade loved her so much.                       


"You sure it was the same guy that you and Kade dealt with the other day?" Nick asked as we came upon Phil at the bar.

"Without a fucking doubt." I'd remember that cocky little prick  anywhere. My jaw tightened, wishing Kade and I would have finished him  the last time. If we did, this never would have happened.

Should have, could have. There was no point dwelling on what couldn't be  changed. All I could do was deal with the consequences of what was and  move forward from there.

"Let's wait for the other guys to show, and we'll take this discussion  to church." Nick walked behind the bar and grabbed me a bottle of Jack.  "You look like you can use this."