Reading Online Novel

Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(16)

"Oh and by the way, since Amy was busy with the bar, and you were,  well … otherwise engaged." She snorted, "I just dealt with a few people  wanting to buy stuff, don't worry I know how to work a till." She  reassured me.

I welcomed the change of subject then had an idea.

"Rosie, you don't happen to need any work at the moment?" I ventured  cautiously, not knowing the protocol in asking Cades sister to work for  me.

I needn't have worried, she squealed clapping her hands. "YES!! I am  just doing some hours' coffee shop, but I am about to die of boredom."

"I can't guarantee a lot of hours yet, I'm not sure how busy we will be, but we definitely need a third person." I replied.

"You are definitely going to busy." Rosie declared. "We have needed  something like this store since like forever and don't worry I don't  need full time or anything, just whenever you need me, I work part time  at the garage for the club, so there's always something to do there."

She worked for the club? That was news, maybe I could pick her brain.

"Well, since you are going to be working here, you are going to have to  wear all the clothes, so go pick out some more stuff." I ordered with a  grin.

Rosie squealed again and jumped into my arms. "I seriously LOVE you  Gwen, this is the fucking shit!" She proceeded to pull away grabbing  Lucy and Ashley. "You bitches need to help me choose." They both shoot  me warm smiles before disappearing with Rosie.

I turned towards Amy slightly leaning on the bar.

"Well looks like we have another employee." I sipped my Cosmo. "I hope you don't mind me just hiring her without asking you."

"Mind?" She scoffed. "Fuck no, I'm over the moon, that girl is awesome!  Stop trying to change the subject anyway." She demanded, knowing me too  well. "What was that with the two hotties, it was like they were  fighting over their shiny new toy, that is a position I wouldn't mind  being in." She said dreamily.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to be in that position, ever." I told her.

"Whatever, so you have finally decided to give in to the sexy biker?" She asked.

"No not really, but fighting him was getting old, and I figure he'll  have sex with me and lose interest, win win. I mean the last thing I  want is a repeat of Jimmy." Amy glared at me, ready to interrupt but I  didn't let her. "So I have no danger of getting hurt when he taps and  gaps since I definitely don't want more than that, and you said so  yourself, I need to get laid." I finished draining my drink.                       


Amy considered me a beat. "Sweetie, I think that one wants you for much  longer than one night. And you can't be scared to venture into something  new, even though I am the first to be cautious over any guy riding a  Harley, but from what I've seen he is nowhere near the same as The  Prick. By the way, Cade is seriously checking you out right now, maybe  leaning on the bar wearing that dress isn't the best idea." She laughed.

I didn't bother to move but glanced over my shoulder in Cades direction,  who was indeed checking my butt out with a hungry look on his face.

I straightened. "Whatever, I need to get back to helping out customers  and talking to townspeople." I turned, then looked back at Amy.

"Oh and by the way, I don't need a ride, I'm leaving with Cade tonight." She raised her eyebrows.

"Don't say a word." I ordered. She poked her tongue out at me then spun to help people at the bar.

The rest of the night was a blur, people starting to leave about  10:30pm. I had done some seriously good sales, so I was pretty pleased  with myself. I found to my dismay, Luke hadn't left, he cornered me not  long after my chat with Amy.

"Look Gwen, I know this isn't the place, but Fletcher is bad news. I  won't say anything else, but I'll stop by the store this week, we can  have coffee." He decided instead of asking. What was with the alpha  males in this town?

I felt Cade's glare at my back so I didn't protest, "Yeah sure Luke,  sorry about … whatever that was before." I was genuinely sorry, he seemed  like a nice guy.

"No worries sweetheart, see you later." To my horror he leaned in and  kissed my cheek before leaving with a meaningful glare directed at Cade  and the boys.

"Crap." I muttered under my breath, I really didn't want the town's  first impression of me to be that I was some skank, playing two guys  within days of getting here.

I let the last of the guests out, and only me, Amy, Rosie and the small  group of bikers were left in the store. I started to clean up, with  Rosie and Amy helping. I'm guessing bad ass bikers didn't clean, because  they just sat on the couches by the fitting rooms and talked in hushed  tones with serious looks on their faces, Cade shooting me intense  glances every now and then.

Just as we had finished, I grabbed two big rubbish bags and started to  carry them towards the door, intending to put them in the dumpster at  the back.

I felt strong arms take the bags from me. "I've got them babe." Cade told me.

"Oh so bad ass bikers can't help clean up, but they can do the lifting?" I shot at him. He smirked back.

I turned to see Rosie and Amy chatting lightheartedly with the rest of  the men. I walked over to the little group, putting my hand on Amy's  shoulder, she twisted towards me, letting me into the circle.

"Are you okay to get home?" I asked her with concern, knowing she had one to many Cosmos to drive.

"Yeah girl, Brock here is taking me and Rosie home." She gave her best  seductive look to a very attractive man whom I hadn't noticed, probably  because all of my attention had been on Cade.

He had blonde hair, longish and falling in messy waves around his face.  His crooked nose looked like it had been broken a few too many times but  he worked the shit out of it. He had tanned skin, was quite lean, but  still built, looking almost like a surfer, apart from all the tats  covering his arms and creeping up his neck. And air of danger that  seemed to waft from all of these men.

"Thanks Brock." I tried not to drool.

"No problem Gwen." He smiled at me, looking even more attractive. "Kick ass brownies by the way."

"Glad you liked them." I couldn't help myself but flutter my eyes a little. He was seriously hot.

I felt arms around my middle and pull me back into a hard body.

"Ready to go baby?" Cade whispered in my ear.

"Sure am." I replied, trying to keep the shaking out of my voice, feeling extremely nervous about being alone with him.

Rosie kissed my cheek, with Cade's arms still around me.

"Thanks for the great night girl, and the job! I'll call you tomorrow."

"Catch you big bro, take care of this one." She ordered Cade before sauntering out.

Amy blew me a kiss, winked at Cade, then followed Rosie and the men out  the door, they all give me and Cade chin lifts as they left, Lucky  beamed at me. "Catch you Gwen." He called cheerfully.

"Bye Lucky." I waved at him. I really liked that kid.

As they shut the door, I realized Cade and I were alone. He spun me to  face him. "Get your shit babe, I'll get the lights and make sure  everything is locked up."                       


I frowned at him, pissed at him ordering me around in my store, before I could shoot back a sarcastic statement he spoke again.

"And I appreciate you giving Rosie a job babe, she's always loved  clothes and shit. Didn't like her job being making coffees and helping  round at a dirty garage now and then." He said sincerely, surprising me.

"I didn't do it for you, I really like your sister."

He smiled, giving me a firm kiss. "Thanks all the same."

I sighed getting my purse and keys and walked towards the front door.  After locking up, Cade led me to his bike, which was parked across the  street. He grabbed a helmet from a little compartment under the seat and  handed it to me, I took it, grumbling about my hair getting messed up,  but putting the thing on anyway. He then handed me a jacket.

"Gets fuckin cold on the bike, even in the summer, that dress ain't going to protect you from much."

I took the jacket from him and slid it on, savoring in the musky, manly scent that clung to it.

Cade hopped on the bike, I took him in for a second, man he looked good on that thing.

"Well baby hop on." He ordered.

I glanced from Cade to the bike, trying to figure out how I was going to  do this gracefully, oh fuck it. I yanked my dress up, and threw my leg  over the bike, resting my heels on the little footholds and leaned into  Cade. He turned to me.

"That was fuckin hot baby." He lay another scorching kiss on my mouth  before turning to the front, grasping my hands and pulling them around  his body.