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Making the Cut (Son's of Templar MC)(19)

By:Anne Malcom

What an asshole! I know that bikers referred to women as ‘bitches' I  didn't like it, but most of the time it was offhand, came natural. But I  knew this guy meant it to degrade me, dismiss me. Especially by the  glance he flicked my way, like I was some whore. I guessed though I  couldn't be sure, this might be a usual occurrence for Cade, as another  thing I knew about bikers, they liked to fuck. Often, and with different  girls, most of whom were disposable.

I felt the air get thick as Cades glare went thunderous.

"Steg. I got Gwen. Ain't one of the prospects coming to get her. Told you I'll be twenty fuckin minutes." He ground out.

Steg, glared right back at Cade, then me, looking like he was ready to blow his top.

"And I said we need you. Now." His face red, he obviously didn't like being talked back to.

"Yeah well since you need me you're going to have to wait." Cade clipped with barely contained anger. "I'll be there in twenty."

I bit back a smile, as Cade seized my hand, pushed past red faced Steg  and directed me towards his truck. I wondered why we weren't taking the  bike, then I glanced down at my dress, reasoning that it wouldn't travel  well in daylight. I wondered if Cade had thought of that, if so, that  was pretty darn considerate.

"Get in." He ordered, opening the door for me.

He slammed my door shut once I was in, rounding the truck hopping in,  starting it and roaring down the driveway. We drove in silence for a  bit, a very loaded silence. I could feel Cades anger taking up all the  room in the cab. I fidgeted with my hands, trying to think of something  to say. I knew mentioning, whatever just happened was not the best idea,  but I struggled to think of another topic of conversation. I doubt he  wanted to discuss Karl Lagerfeld's latest collection.

"What the fuck was that Gwen?" Cade yelled, breaking the silence.

"What was what?" I asked back, with false confusion.

"You know what. Whatever the fuck passed between you and Steg just  before. You don't even know him and you looked at him like he just ran  over your puppy. Granted he is not a good man, but fuck that was the  first time you laid eyes on the fucker." His eyes turned back to the  road, waiting for an answer.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said defiantly.

"For fucks sake Gwen, stop fucking lying!" He bellowed, hands tightening on the steering wheel.

I sighed, letting me ignorant act fall. "I know what bad looks like  Cade. And I know what he is, and it's bad that lies behind his eyes." I  whispered, my eyes on the road.

I felt Cades gaze on me. "How do you know what bad looks like Gwen?" He asked, his voice low and gentle.

I ignored him and looked out my window, wishing I hadn't said anything,  but I couldn't help it, Cade was already consuming me, its like I didn't  have control when I was with him. He seemed to be able to make me say  anything, do anything. I needed to get that control back.

"Gwen." He said my name firmly, demanding attention. I turned my head to stare at him. "I just do." I didn't elaborate.

"That ain't an answer baby." His eyes were locked on mine. I wondered how long he could drive like that.

I held his eyes. "It's all you're getting baby." I mimicked his tone, sarcastically.

His eyes went back to the road. "For now." He muttered under his breath.

We finally got to my house, the rest of the ride had been silent. As he  pulled into my driveway I got all my stuff together, ready to jump out  of the truck, dash to my door and lock any and all men out for the rest  of eternity. But bad ass alpha bikers have the sixth sense, he grabbed  my arm, firmly but not enough to hurt.

"Not so fast baby." He moved his hands to frame my face, pulling me  forward and kissed me so intensely I momentarily lost all coherent  thought. He drew back, not too far, hands still on either side of my  head.

"Got shit to do babe, don't know how long its going to take, but I when  I'm done we gonna talk. About how you know bout kinds of bad, why you go  as white as a fuckin ghost when men wearing cuts get within five feet  of you." His icy grey gaze, looked determined. Shit.

Rage started to boil up within me, how in the fuck does he think after  sleeping with me once he has the right to order me to tell him anything?  I opened my mouth to tell him to go and fuck himself but paused. I had  been fighting him, cursing at him since this whole thing began, and look  where it got me, screwed in more ways than one. And only one way I  liked. Did I not read enough romances to know that the badass alpha  males liked the sassy women who threw attitude? They liked the  challenge. I decided to play this a little differently. I leaned into  Cade, who was still holding my head and touched my lips lightly to his.                       


"I've got to go honey," I watched as he gazed at me in surprise. "Do  whatever you got to do, I'll see you later." I finished sweetly.

I hopped out of the truck, walking towards my door without looking back. Only when I got inside did I hear him leave.

After taking a lightening quick shower and getting ready faster than I  thought I could, I made it to town just before lunch. I stopped by the  local deli to grab me, Amy and Rosie some sandwiches. One of the many  things I loved about America was their sandwiches, Americans did not  fuck around with their sandwiches.

Arms full, I braced myself as I entered my store, expecting a full  inquisition the moment I got my foot inside. But luckily both girls were  busy with customers.

"Hi everyone." I chirped, smiling at the customers, recognizing them from last night.

I strolled towards the counter, intending to dump our lunch on it, when a  perfectly groomed, hair out to there woman stepped in front of me. She  was blonde, had a full face of outlandish but somehow tasteful makeup  and was wearing head to toe pink. Don't ask me how, but she made it  work. She looked to be in her early thirties, she was curvy and  gorgeous.

"Girl heard you were in a tug of war with the two hottest men in this  town, two on opposites sides of the law." She raised a perfectly shaped  eyebrow at me before continuing, "Not that I am judging, I would so go  there, either way. I would have paid to see the face of between those  two boys. Although heard Cades pretty much staked his claim on your,  considering you were on the back of his bike last night and you rolling  in here at this time." Her southern twang was so slick it was a miracle I  could understand her.

I blinked, unsure of who this woman was, how she knew all of this and  how to respond to everything she just said. She didn't sound bitchy,  just overly nosey, but friendly.

"Um … " Was all I managed before she got started again.

She put her well manicured hand over her more than ample chest. "Now  where are my manners? I'm Laura Maye, I own the bar down the street, and  after looking in your store probably your best customer." She gestured  with the shopping bags I hadn't noticed before, which were a dusty pink  with white ribbon handles and stamped with the word ‘Phoenix' on them.  My bags were the shit.

"Got to run anyway doll, I'm late for a facial, I'll be back real soon  though. Want to hear all about last night." She blew me a kiss,  strutting out the door, yelling over her shoulder. "Bye Amy girl, nice  to meet you, see yah Rosie!"

The girls both waved back. I stood frozen for a second, in one of those,  did that just happen moments. This town was weird. But in a good way. I  continued to the counter, dropping the bags of food, turning to see  both Amy and Rosie looking at me with smirks on their faces. I resisted  the urge to flip them the bird seeing as they were both with customers.

"Lunch." I announced. I turned on my heel and stomped into my office  before I could get any teasing questions, I ignored the muted laughter  behind me.

Another thing I loved about my store was the back office, it's small,  but awesome. I had it painted a dusty pink, my white desk, sat in the  middle of the room with a couple of Vogues stacked on one side a tray of  candles sitting at the front and my laptop, behind was a light yellow,  upholstered swivel chair. Behind that was a solid white cabinet with two  soft yellow lamps each end, and vase of bright pink orchids sat in the  middle. To the left of my desk was a pale yellow printed couch and on  the back wall was a huge framed photo of my hometown back in New  Zealand. It was taken when Ian had dragged me along with him to go  hunting one winter when he was home. I did this under huge protest. The  sight of blood made me squeamish, seeing the animal carcasses that dad  and Ian brought home on a semi regular basis was enough for me. I had  said as much to Ian, but he laid the guilt trip on me.

"Sis, I'm not home for long, who knows when I'll be home next."