Reading Online Novel

The Yeah, Baby Series Volume 2(20)

"Something wrong?" I asked as I neared her.

She shook her head and smiled. "You're a natural, slipping pretty seamlessly into the role of Daddy." Her eyes darted away and a blush stole across the apples of her cheeks. "It's sexy," she mumbled, her voice so low I almost didn't catch it.

"Sexy, huh?" I smirked.

She made a huge production of rolling her eyes and flouncing around to head to the apartment. "Don't let it go to your head, Weston," she warned without a backward glance.

Choosing not to rock the boat, I followed behind her, my eyes glued to the sway of her curvaceous hips. I wanted to bite her cute little ass and grab onto those hips while I fucked her from behind. My dick sprung to life at the image of a bright red handprint on the creamy skin of her ass. At the steps, I shook away my lustful day dreams and walked up carefully, then down the hall, and through the front door.

"Should I put him in his crib?" I asked her softly. I tried not to think too much about the time I'd missed, but little things like this reminded me and I hated that I didn't know. Does he sleep better in the carrier or the crib? Is he a light sleeper? Does he like to be rocked, sung to, snuggled? I wasn't even sure if it was his actual nap time.

Aspen meandered over to where I was standing and gazed down at our little boy, adoration washing over her face. Fuck, she was gorgeous. She ran a finger down his chubby cheek and smiled when he scrunched up his little button nose before settling back down.

"You can leave him in the carrier, no sense waking him up to put him in the crib." She raised her eyes and something in my expression must have clued her in to my internal struggle. "He's not a light sleeper, but Carter has an uncanny ability to recognize he's in my arms no matter how long." She giggled and it was adorable. "Our boy is a major snuggler and even if I'm just moving him from one place to another, I swear, the second I put him down, he starts fussing."

She sighed lightly and adopted a rueful smile. "I'm sure it will bite me in the ass when he gets older, but I just can't resist it when he wants to cuddle. It won't be long until he thinks I have girl cooties."

I leaned over far enough to whisper my lips over hers. "I'll always want your cooties all over me, beautiful," I told her with a wink.

She laughed, her smile warm and inviting. I was still struggling with the idea that this was all a dream and eventually, I'd wake up and it would be gone in a poof. I was desperate to make sure I never lost this again. I needed a ring on her finger, for her and Carter to share my last name, and to put another baby in her belly. Everything and anything that would make it clear to the world that they were mine.

Now seemed as good a time as any to start this conversation. I took Carter back to his room and set him down then turned on the monitor and grabbed the other half before returning to the living room. I took a seat on the couch and held out a hand, beckoning her forward. "C'mere," I urged. When she didn't make a move right away, I scowled. "Aspen," I warned in a dark tone. "Get your ass over here."

Her eyes narrowed, but she made her way over and plopped down on the other end of the couch. "For fuck's sake," I muttered. "Were you always this stubborn?" Reaching out, I snaked a hand around her waist and hauled her over, not just to my side, but into my lap, and locked my arms around her.   


I settled back, getting comfy, and after a minute, she gave in and relaxed against my chest. "It's time for you admit that you're mine, beautiful." I kissed the top of her head and squeezed her a little closer.

"Have you heard me disputing that?" she asked sassily.

I stamped down a chuckle at her cheeky question. "I'm just making things as clear as possible. There have been enough misunderstandings between us already."

She put a hand on my chest and laid her head next to it, right over my heart, making a small sound of agreement.

"I asked the realtor to expedite everything and we'll be moving in less than three weeks."

At that, she sat up abruptly and stared at me with wide eyes. "About that," she started. My brow furrowed in suspicion, quite sure I wasn't going to like whatever shit she said next. "It's an incredible house, Weston. But, I could never afford to live there with you. I don't start back at work for another week. And even then, I wouldn't be able to contribute much to the expenses."

I sat back and processed what she'd just said. Then laughter bubbled up and I couldn't keep it in. Her cute little glare only amused me even more. "You're fucking adorable." I said when I'd calmed. "I'm going to pretend you were joking and only say this once, because if it happens again, I'll be insulted and spank your sweet little ass."

Her mouth dropped open in a little O of surprise, but I passed it right on by and kept talking. "I take care of my family"-I stabbed my chest with my thumb-"Got it? You can work if you want to, or not. But under no circumstances will you be paying for anything."

She started to shake her head and I cradled her face in my hands, stopping her protests with a deep, wet kiss. "Besides," I continued after I pulled back. "My grandparents left me a trust and I don't exactly make peanuts in the CIA." I smiled, my humor dissolving into love, and I allowed her to see some of my vulnerability. "Please, Aspen. Don't argue with me. Just let me take care of you. Let me be your man, the person who protects you and makes sure you want for nothing."

She glanced away and I held my breath, I wouldn't give up. Ever. But, I was hoping she would start to drop her walls. When her mocha eyes zeroed back in on my face, I blew out the air I'd kept captured in my lungs. Her eyes were dancing and she smiled slyly at me.

"Are you asking me to be a kept woman, Weston Davis?"

I threw my head back and roared with laughter until tears leaked from my eyes. Aspen was giggling along with me and as my laughter faded, I silently appreciated the vision she made. Her eyes sparkled, her cheeks were flushed with a sweet pink, and she looked so fucking beautiful.

My mouth crashed down over hers, swallowing the last of her chuckles. She moaned, and I was suddenly hard as a rock. I curled my fingers around her hips and shifted her off my lap, setting her beside me. Without breaking our kiss, I lowered her down and covered her body with mine.

I ground my pelvis down and groaned, my lips moving down, leaving a trail of love bites. My fingers went to the snap of her jeans and a cry caused us both to freeze. We waited, suspended in silence to see if Carter would settle back down. He coughed and then whimpered. I dropped my head down to rest on Aspen's chest, both of us breathing heavy. "Cock-blocking me already," I muttered wryly.

Aspen snickered and pushed at my chest until I rolled to the side and let her up. I closed my eyes as she walked away, knowing the view from behind would severely hinder my attempts to get back under control.


It took less time than I thought it would to get moved into our house. I realized it was because Aspen had so few belongings. It was clear she had put everything she had into whatever she thought Carter needed. My heartstrings tugged and I vowed to make sure my girl would spend the rest of her life being worshipped and spoiled.

I'd retrieved my bike from Jenna's and it was now parked in our four car garage with my brand new SUV. The safest one on the market. Aspen was pretty pissed when she woke up one day to find her piece of shit car gone. I used my tongue to convince her and when she saw her shiny new car, it did the rest.

I'd found my family such a short time ago and we were about to spend our first night together under our new roof. My patience had run out, and even though I knew I should feel guilty for not planning an elaborate proposal, I didn't. I felt desperate and driven.

I changed Carter and got him ready for bed. "You ready buddy?" I asked him. "It's your big debut." He gurgled happily at me and I lifted him into my arms, making a crazy face and falling in love all over again at the sight of his toothless grin.   


We went in search of Aspen and found her curled up on the bed in our master suite. The move had taken a lot out of her and she'd been exhausted for a few days. She was on her side, facing the middle of the bed. I laid Carter next to her, grabbed a little box from my pocket, and then joined them. I gave Carter the tiny, plastic children's block and he immediately put it to his mouth and started gnawing on it. I rumbled with quiet laughter and let him have at it for the moment.

Our little boy squirmed between us and before I could gently wake Aspen, he grabbed onto her nose.

Her eyes popped open and her face broke out into a bright smile. "Wow," she breathed. "I'm a lucky girl, getting to wake up to two such handsome guys."

A corner of my mouth kicked up and I winked at her. "If anyone is the lucky one, it's me and Carter, sweetheart." I tilted my head in his direction. "I think your son has something for you."

Her eyes fell to Carter and she noticed his current chew toy. She raised an eyebrow and gently removed it from his mouth. "I don't think-" she broke off when she detected the sound of something bouncing around the inside of the toy. Flipping it over, she pulled out the little plastic stopper and shook it until something shiny fell into her waiting hand.

Her fist immediately closed around it and she closed her eyes, drawing in a rapid breath. She stayed that way for a couple of heart beats and then exhaled slowly. Her lashes lifted from where they were resting on her high cheek bones and she stared at her clenched fist.