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The Yeah, Baby Series Volume 2(19)

"I wasn't about to miss my first morning with my beautiful family," he rasped, prowling towards us. "What kind of Daddy would I be if I did?"

"The sleepy kind?" I yelped when he picked me up, took my spot on the rocking recliner, and settled me on his lap. Carter giggled happily, enjoying the ride from his position in my arms.

"I'll have plenty of time to sleep when our kids are older."


His hand slid down, in between Carter and my stomach, to cup my lower belly. "I'm not gonna stop at just one, beautiful."

Holy crap. He really was serious about trying to knock me up again. And if that was true, then it stood to reason maybe he meant how he'd signed his note. Right?

"How soon can you and Carter be ready to head out?"

"He's already eaten and had a diaper change, so it wouldn't take too long." I shifted in his lap to twist around and peer up at him. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Out to breakfast."

Not having to cook or clean up sounded pretty good to me. "I guess I could eat."

"With my sister."

"Your sister?" I squeaked, jumping off his lap and thrusting Carter into his arms. "Scratch that, it's going to take a while. You get him dressed. His diaper bag is in the living room and probably needs a couple bottles from the kitchen, his favorite blankie from his crib, and some extra diapers."

I raced into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I washed up as quickly as I could, to make sure I had plenty of time to blow dry and straighten my hair. After an hour of primping, I finally felt like I was ready to face Weston's sister. Maybe.

The look of masculine appreciation on his face when I walked out made all my preparations worthwhile. But it was the moment we walked into his sister's home and I saw a drop-dead gorgeous brunette, dressed to the nines with a stunned look on her face, that I was truly appreciative of the effort I'd put into my look today.

"West!" she squealed. "You didn't tell me you were bringing anyone with you."

"Of course I didn't," he drawled. "It would have spoiled the surprise."

"You know how much I hate surprises," she groaned.

Weston leaned down to peer into his son's face. "Isn't Auntie Jenna silly, Carter?" The sight of such a tatted up badass being sweet and silly with a little baby would have made me laugh if it wasn't already busy making my ovaries go boom.

"Auntie Jenna?" she gasped, her eyes going wide as she stared at Carter and me. Then her gaze swiveled between the baby and her brother, going back and forth as understanding dawned on her face.

"What?" she squealed. "How?"

"The usual way," Weston chuckled.

"Ugh," Jenna groaned. "Thanks for the image. You know what I meant."

"Jenna, this is Aspen," he answered, as though it would explain everything. "Aspen, this is my baby sister Jenna."

"Aspen? The reason you ditched me the whole weekend you were in town last year?" Her eyes swung to me and Carter before returning back to Weston again. "I can't believe you didn't have her call me while you were gone. I could have helped out with all the pregnancy and baby stuff! You're such a jerk!"

She punched him in the shoulder and elbowed him out of the way before wrapping her arms around Carter and me.

"I'm so sorry my brother is such a dunce, Aspen, but it's great to finally meet you." She was a whirlwind of energy, lifting Carter from my arms and moving towards the kitchen. "Luckily, I made a big breakfast casserole so I'd have leftovers for my fiancé tomorrow for Sunday brunch. That means there's plenty for the three of us, and I'm sure I'll find a way to make it up to him in the morning."   


"Shit, Jenna," Weston hissed. "You're going to ruin my fucking appetite with talk like that."

"It's no less than you deserve for keeping Aspen from me for so long and showing up on my doorstep with a surprise baby," she teased.

"It was kind of a surprise to him too," I corrected. "There was some kind of mix-up with his email and he never got any of the messages I sent while he was gone."

"Ohmigosh, seriously?"

Weston explained what had happened over breakfast, filling us in on how he'd asked his handler to look into it for him. The glint in his eyes and growl in his voice made it clear he was beyond pissed at whomever had kept us apart all this time. I would have been afraid of what he'd do to them if I didn't want time alone in a room with them myself.

"I finally understand why you asked me to hook you up with a realtor," she said, looking over her shoulder as she loaded the dishwasher. She nodded her head towards a stack of papers on the corner of the counter. "I found the perfect person to help and he's already sent over some listings I thought you'd like."

A realtor? Was he moving here?

Weston rifled through the papers and chuckled. "He's going to have to start all over because none of these will work."

"Then it's a good thing I had him include one home I would kill for you to take a look at. Check out the one on the bottom," Jenna told him with a smirk.

"Oh yes," Weston murmured as he perused the listing. "This will do quite nicely."

"Yippee!" Jenna cheered, looking at her watch. "That's great because he's going to be here any minute now and that's the first place he's going to show you."

"I'm glad to see you're still as crazy as ever."

"Crazy smart, you mean," she corrected.

"You're going house hunting?" I asked, feeling a little left out of the loop.

"Yes," he replied, pulling me into his arms. "And you're coming with me."

"Can Carter stay with Auntie Jenna? Pretty please?" his sister begged. "I'd love to spend some time with my nephew."

"That's up to his mommy," Weston answered. "What do you say, Aspen? Can we go look at houses while our little man hangs out with my sister?"

"Sure, I guess so," I agreed, my answer drowned out by the ringing of the doorbell.

Before I had the chance to rethink my decision, Weston bundled me into the realtor's car for the short ride down the street and around the corner from his sister's house. When he pulled up in front of a huge two-story home with a white picket fence surrounding the yard, my jaw just about dropped open.

"Are you sure this is the kind of house you want to look at?" I asked nervously, in a low voice so the realtor wouldn't overhear me.

"Damn straight it is." He hopped out of the car, pulling me along with him. "Looks like the perfect place to raise a family to me."

The realtor started his pitch as we walked into an entryway with vaulted ceilings. I tuned him out as I took in the space. Crown moldings, hardwood floors, and open floor plan. It was gorgeous. The kitchen looked like it had been designed for a gourmet chef with gleaming stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. There were two master suites, one upstairs and one on the main level, plus three more bedrooms. Plenty of room for a growing family and guests. The back yard had a pool with a childproof cover. There wasn't a single thing I'd change about the whole place.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, feeling a little unsure of myself. It truly was the perfect home to raise a family. Carter would be happy here when he spent time with his daddy, but I couldn't help feeling sad at the thought of being away from him and Weston. All alone in my apartment. It was hard to wrap my mind around it.

"We'll take it," Weston announced to the realtor, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"We?" I repeated.

"You didn't think I was going to move into this place without you, did you?"

His shocked tone made me embarrassed to admit that's exactly what I'd been thinking, but he realized it all on his own.

"Oh, beautiful. You're not going to get rid of me that easily," he growled. "Fuck that, you're not getting rid of me at all."

Chapter 7


Aspen looked a little shell-shocked all the way back to Jenna's house. It was probably a little overwhelming; the amount of things I'd thrown at her in one day. But, I was eager, chomping at the fucking bit, to start the rest of our lives.   


When we arrived, Jenna reluctantly handed Carter back over to Aspen, exuberantly offering to babysit any time. I chuckled, used to her over the top energy and personality. I was relieved to see the smile hovering around Aspen's lips and the amusement in her beautiful eyes as she took in Hurricane Jenna.

I'd had enough of sharing my family, so I bustled them out of my sister's house and drove back to the apartment. By the time we pulled into the parking lot, Carter was fast asleep in his car seat. Aspen reached for her door handle and I laid a hand on her arm. "I'll get it," I murmured.

Her cheeks turned a little pink but she sat back, folding her hands in her lap. I quickly made my way to her door and opened it, taking her hand and helping her from the car. "Thanks," she said and her eyes looked soft and dreamy as she stared up at me.

I smiled and kissed her briefly, then shut the door and moved to the back, detaching the carrier and hefting it out. Reaching behind it, I grabbed Carter's circus animal diaper bag and threw it over my shoulder. Once the doors were shut and locked, I turned to see Aspen watching me with an unreadable expression on her face.