Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(59)

His face broke into a wide smile. “Thank you, Emma.” His eyes studied her, devouring her breasts. No doubt with him towering over her as he did, he had a complete view down her dress. Her spine stiffened.

“As you must realize by now,” he said, “I am enamored of you.” Raising her gloved hand to his lips, he confidently turned her hand and brushed her glove aside to expose her wrist. He touched his wet lips to her pulse point, and Emma’s body shivered with revulsion.

Unfortunately, he read her response incorrectly, because he grinned. No––he actually leered at her.

“Why, Emma, you are positively vibrating.” He leaned down close to her ear. “Do you want me as much as I want you?”

It took Emma less than a moment to realize flirting with the major had been a bad idea if the lust shining from his eyes was any indication.

“Major, I do not think it appropriate for you to speak about wanting me.” Frowning, she continued, “We hardly know one another. And I would never consent to do something even remotely scandalous, with any man.”

Before Emma knew it, he’d pulled her up, roughly, and his hands dug into her forearms. Now his voice was steeped with menace and his eyes glared malice.

“I’m sick and tired of you stupid, rich bitches thinking you can flirt shamelessly and thrust your enticing bosoms in my face without consequences.” His mouth took hers in a punishing kiss, crushing and bruising her lips. Try as she might, her strength was no match for his and she could not break free. Could not breathe…

Without warning she was released. While fighting to retain her balance, she saw Wentworth, his eyes full of venom. He had the major by his coat lapels. His words dug, deep as daggers, into her heart.

“If you ever touch her again, I will kill you. I should call you out…” He shoved Fontaine away and turned to her, grabbing her hands with his.

“Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” His voice was breathless as his eyes traveled up and down her body, assessing any damage.

So relieved he’d come to her rescue, Emma wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his rapidly thumping heart. And she held on as if he were the only thing keeping her alive.

“Thank you,” she murmured, breathing in his masculine scent. She could not help it; her shoulders shook as she sobbed into his chest. “He . . . he is a hateful man.”

The warmth of Wentworth’s large hands was comforting as they made soothing circles on her back. Hearing him murmur sweet words into her ear caused her tears to dry and her trembling body to quiet. Warmth spread through her as she burrowed closer into his body. In the now-peaceful garden, she marveled at how safe she felt within the confines of his powerful arms. If only she could stay like this forever.

“Emma, look at me.”

Sucking in air, she raised her face to look at him. Her heart stopped at the unmistakable compassion on his face and in his incredible blue eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he began. “I tried to get here faster. Please forgive me for not keeping you safe.”

“Thomas…” She moistened her lips with her tongue. “I—

Without warning, he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his. A gentle, loving kiss that had her knees weakening and her pulse soaring. When his hand moved up and down her sides, his thumbs stroking the outer sides of her breasts, Emma moaned into his mouth. So lost was she with his kisses and his hands on her body she never heard the voices coming their way––until it was too late.

“Why, I never,” Lady Shrewsbury exclaimed. “I always knew American ladies to be loose with their favors.”

“Yes, indeed,” Mrs. Winchester agreed in a condescending voice.

Emma pulled away and cast her eyes downward to escape their hurtful words. Wentworth, on the other hand, wrapped one hand around her waist, forcing her to face the two gossipy ladies straight on.

“I beg your pardon, Lady Shrewsbury, Mrs. Winchester.” Thomas nodded his head. “Miss Hamilton and I were celebrating.” He flashed Emma a devious smile before turning back to the ladies. “Miss Hamilton has just agreed to become my duchess.”

The blood roared so loudly in her ears after his announcement that Emma did not hear a word the two aged ladies said. All she could hear inside her pounding brain were the words he’d voiced. Miss Hamilton has agreed to become my duchess.

“Emma dear, are you all right? You look a little pale.” Thomas’s voice penetrated the pounding in her head.

“I don’t feel very well. Could we possibly leave?”


She did not feel very well? He’d just proposed to save her reputation. Of course he wanted to marry her, eventually, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he kissed her. He wanted her, and he could think of no other way to have her but to tarnish her reputation in front of the two most virulent wagging tongues in all of England…