Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(56)

“He never goes too far and is always careful not to be caught. However, he has a wagging tongue. I would hate to find myself at one of my clubs with your name circulating as his latest conquest, my dear.”

Somehow Thomas knew she was not serious about her flirtatiousness. Was she that transparent? He saw right through her plan to flirt mercilessly this evening.

Damn the bloody, black-hearted rogue. In his own way, he was laughing at her. Emma spun around and strolled out of the drawing room––her chin held high as she ignored him and his damn smirking lips. Once she considered them kissable; now she wanted to sink her teeth into them.

“There you are.” She sighed, her heart slowing its pace as she found Bella, Amelia, and their mother donning their pelisses. She did not need to turn to know he stood beside her. Every nerve in her body tingled with awareness. His proximity unsettled her.

“Ladies…” He bowed impeccably. “Why, each of you is a unique vision of loveliness. I pity the young gentlemen this evening. For surely their hearts will be plucked right from their chests.”

Both his sisters laughed.

“Come now.” The duchess scowled. “We are late as it is; let us be off. The sooner we arrive, the more quickly I can get home and nurse my headache.”

Thomas looked worried. “Why don’t you stay home? I am perfectly capable of chaperoning these ladies tonight.”

The duchess sighed and rubbed her temples with her fingers. “You know, I believe I will. I am so tired and worried about Sebastian.” She turned away. “Goodnight, all, and have a good time.”

During the carriage ride Thomas tried his best to ignore Emma, sitting across from him. But the several times their knees bumped his cock leaped, as well as his pulse and his heart. What the bloody hell possessed him to offer to chaperone Emma and his sisters tonight without his mother’s help? How could he be watching all three at once?

Amelia, if she were truly smitten with Captain Rycroft, would need watching. The Boonevilles’ Mayfair mansion had extensive gardens. The many paths winding in all directions were never well lit. He’d spent many a night taking liberties with his female friends in those gardens.

The thought of Captain Rycroft putting his hands on Amelia before the wedding night caused his blood to boil. If it killed him, he would make damn sure his sister stayed chaste, at least until Rycroft asked permission for her hand.

He needn’t worry about Isabella at present. She had eyes only for Myles. It would have been convenient if Myles returned the sentiment. He could not think of a finer man to have for a brother-in-law. Maybe time would heal his friend’s broken heart and he would see what was in front of him, instead of pining away for a married woman an ocean away.

As the carriage came to a halt Thomas’s mind concentrated on Emma. One of his eyes would be on her at all times. If she dared go outside with Fontaine, or any other gentleman for that matter, he would be lurking in the shadows making sure any man did not so much as touch one hair on her head. If they did, he would bloody their noses. Call them out. He did not spend all those hours in the boxing ring for naught.

Besides, no one else was going to touch her, only him. His stomach coiled. Hell and damnation, she’d tunneled into his heart and had nested there but good.

Thomas stood at the back of the ballroom, straining to monitor his sisters and Emma. He scowled when Major Fontaine approached Emma with a wide grin plastered on his pale face and roaming eyes focused on her ample bosom that showed above her low neckline. It took all the control he had not to storm across the ballroom and pummel the major with his fists.

Then he saw Lady Beth walking gracefully across the ballroom floor straight at him.

“Your Grace.” Lady Beth curtsied. May I inquire as to the health of Lord Amesbury? Word has it he is seriously ill.”

Thomas could hear the concern in Lady Beth’s voice and see it on her face. His heart began to pound with dread because of what he needed to do. “Amesbury is recovering nicely. There is no need to worry.” He paused to clear his throat. “I believe what ails Amesbury has to do with his upcoming nuptials.”


Was that response all Lady Beth had to say on the matter? Bloody hell, she was not making this easy on him. “I believe he admires you and wants the best for you. For those reasons he would like to call off the wedding and beg your forgiveness for doing so. I cannot tell you more, other than it’s not because he favors another. Rest easy in that regard. Of course, only you can break this off. Out of courtesy and to ease his mind, would you do this for him?”

Thomas did not know what to make of the expression that crossed Lady Beth’s beautiful pale face. He glimpsed anguish, relief, or perhaps a little bit of both.