Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(38)

Emma’s head began to hurt. It felt as though someone had smacked the back of it. The look in Sebastian’s eyes right now, as he stared at her from across the room, bothered her. He wanted her. She’d noticed last night during their waltz. This scenario was most difficult because she’d never socialized with eligible men before, and she had never had men look at her like that. She silently cursed; there was much to learn about the male populace.

“Pardon me.” She rose up from the settee, and all the gentlemen rose as well. She turned to the dowager duchess and asked, “May I have permission to leave?”

“Yes, you may, Emma,” answered the dowager.

Once out in the foyer, Emma placed a shaky hand on the wall and the other on her stomach and drew in a deep breath. The warm temperature and the overly sweet scent of flowers choked her.

After visiting the downstairs water closet, she made her way up the stairs. Her legs dragged, and her arms strained to hold up her skirts. All she wanted was to collapse on her bed. She stepped into the upstairs hallway, sighing in relief at her escape. Then her name was called.


Closing her eyes, she tried to steady her pounding heart. “Sebastian?”

His gentle hand touched her upper arm and she pivoted, all air vacating her lungs. His eyes burned her with their concern and yearning.

“Are you unwell?” he asked solicitously.

“I . . .” Emma swallowed and lowered her eyes. “I’m afraid I drank too much tea, and now I have a mild headache. I apologize if I caused you any concern.”

She could not breathe. Sebastian’s warm fingers grazed her chin, tilting her head up so she had no choice but to meet his darker-than-normal blue eyes.

“Emma, I know this is sudden.” His eyes penetrated her soul. “I have feelings for you.”

Her body stiffened. He noticed and raised one brow in silent question.

“Have I offended you?”

Paralyzed physically, she could do nothing as he leaned close to her ear, his hot breath tickling her.

“Please forgive me,” he murmured.

She never expected it. His lips brushed hers lightly, like butterfly wings.

“Please forgive me,” Sebastian whispered again. Then he turned, and by the sound and quickness of his footsteps, he must have hurried downstairs.

It took Emma a moment for her feet to cooperate and take her down the hallway to her bedchamber. Her maid, Rosie, was placing folded clothing into her chest of drawers.

“Miss Emma, have the gentlemen gone? Simon told Mrs. Spenser, who told me, that there were never so many gentlemen to visit this house on a single day. You, Lady Isabella, Lady Amelia must have made quite an impression at the ball you attended last night.”

Emma shook her head and sank down onto the side of her bed. “No, the drawing room is still quite full. I have a bit of a headache and thought I would rest. I do not want to miss Almack’s this evening.” Even in America, every young lady dreamed of attending Almack’s.

Would it too be a tiresome disappointment?

Rosie joined her at the bed. “Let me help you undress so you can rest your weary bones.”

Once alone, Emma crawled under the covers in nothing but her chemise and pantaloons and did, indeed, fall into an exhausted sleep.


Thomas stood riveted as he watched the encounter between his brother and Emma. And now he did not have to look at Myles standing beside him to know he was smirking. All Thomas knew was that his own hands fisted up tightly and something similar to rampant jealousy boiled deep inside him. If it truly were jealousy, he would be damned if he would admit it.

He had been drawn to look for Emma once he was aware she’d left the crowded room. From where he stood at the base of the stairs he saw her step onto the landing above. He’d found her, but she wasn’t alone. Thomas’s gaze never wavered from them. When Sebastian had leaned in to kiss Emma he had to fight down the urge to run up the stairs, yank them apart, and carry Emma to his chamber to make her his.

Instead he stood stone still, holding his breath and watching the horrifying scene unfold. And when he tried to convince himself that Sebastian would be good for Emma, the burning inferno within his heart told him otherwise. Oh, Thomas knew they would be good together. But Thomas needed and wanted her more than anything else in the world.

It was unbearable to be close to her now. He knew duty dictated he find her a husband, yet his body was not listening one whit.

His mind raced with ways to excuse himself from Almack’s that evening. Try as he might, he could not come up with a plausible excuse.

And his duty was to keep an eye on his sisters.

And Emma.

His body quivered uncomfortably at the thought of any other man attracting Emma’s attention, or, God forbid, her love.