Reading Online Novel

The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(37)

“Myles, I…” Thomas did not know what to say to help his friend. He felt sorry for him, but when Myles had said he could not marry Emma, Thomas couldn’t help his own feelings of relief. “With any luck you have mistaken Bella’s feelings for you.”

His friend stopped pacing and turned toward Thomas. Myles’s face was tired and drawn as he said, “I hope so. It would break my heart to break hers. I love her, but not like that. What do I do?”

Thomas almost laughed. Myles was asking him for help in affairs of the heart…surely it was in jest? “If she weren’t my sister, I would say tell her outright you are not interested and beg her forgiveness. But since this is between you and my sister, more delicate measures must be taken.”

“Indeed,” Myles agreed. “It is her first season; I do not want her pining over me and miss an opportunity to find someone who would be perfect for her. Before I came did anyone pay undue attention to her?”

“Well,” Thomas reflected, rubbing his chin. “Lord Champlain.”

Myles stiffened. “He’s too old, a widower with two small children rumored to be sired by someone else. He must be daft to think Bella would even entertain the thought of becoming his wife––or that you would to allow it. Besides, there’s something in his eyes I don’t like. And then there are the rumors surroundings his obsession with young boys…”

“Yes, well, I agree. I’ll discourage him from calling in the future. Yarmouth left just before you arrived.”

“The duke?” Myles questioned Thomas, then shook his head. “Of course the duke. Who else would you mean by Yarmouth? He’s a nice enough chap, though still a bit wet behind the ears. Is he even out of Cambridge?”

Thomas grinned. “Yes, I believe he graduated while we were on our travels. I agree he’s young; unfortunately, he seemed interested in Amelia. He would make an excellent match for Bella, though. And he has a fortune, so he’s not seeking her dowry.”

“Yes, well, there is that,” Myles agreed. “Maybe you could encourage her to take an outing with him. That is, if he offers.”

“Oh, I think he’ll offer,” Thomas said. “I’ll make sure of it.” He paused and frowned. “What do you think about my brother and his feelings toward Emma?”

“Well, I’d say they would make an excellent match.” Myles raised his brows. “Except that you—”

Damn Myles for knowing him all too well. “I could not possibly entertain any such notions toward her. I can imagine the shocked outrage and then the whispers. I can even picture the looks of the old biddies of the ton staring down their noses at Emma. They would think it scandalous if I married my ward.”

“Why? You are not related in anyway. Besides, you are a duke. You can bloody well do anything you want.”

“She would be terribly hurt by that. Even so, I appreciate your vote of confidence,” Thomas stated. “But as with Bella, Emma deserves to be loved, and that is something I don’t ever intend to feel for her or any other female, for that matter.”

Myles grinned. “If you say so.” His grin widened. “Let Sebastian have her then.”

“Yes, well…” Thomas lowered his head and messaged his temples with his index fingers. “Perhaps.”

He ignored his friend’s laughter and the uncomfortable tightness he felt in his chest when he thought about that eventuality.


Would the endless stream of visitors never end? Emma’s jaw ached from smiling. If she had to hear about the weather one more time she might scream. How unladylike would that be? Her bladder felt near to bursting from all the tea, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her seat, which, of course, made it worse.

Other than Captain Rycroft, who gave all his attention to Amelia, the other gentlemen in attendance seemed not to care whether they chatted with her or Bella. It was as though they did not care which of the young ladies entertained their affections. Either of them would do.

Emma did not agree. Her heart clenched at their callous gestures of interest. None of them would do. They were either young and stared at her bosom as though that were her only attribute. The several older gentlemen were no better. All the while her skin prickled as if she were on the auction block. Her dreams of being introduced into London Society crashed down around her feet, taking her heart with it. The romance of it gave away to a degrading reality.

The only brightness had been during her conversations with Sebastian. Thank God, he spent most of the time looking into her eyes––although even his eyes wandered to her bosom, causing heat to rise and singe her cheeks.