Reading Online Novel

The Lover Beneath Me(56)

“I never wanted it to happen this way. You’re my friend, my best friend, but Addie…”

“Addie was always yours. I just wanted a chance to have something that significant,” Darren said candidly. “I fucking hated you understood her in way I couldn’t. I wanted to give her the independence I thought she wanted. I wanted to help out of the rut she lingered in the past ten years,” he said ruefully.

“It’s not like I didn’t feel threatened by you. I still do. I’m a bastard and Addie is more then I deserve,” I said as I reached out my hand and placed it on his shoulder. Darren smiled and nodded. I finished my drink and threw a twenty on the bar.

“A friend of mine never pays at my bar,” Darren said as he picked up the twenty.

“I know. It’s his tip.” I pointed to Jace and smiled. I headed through the crowd again.

“Hey, Daimon,” I heard Darren call out.

“Yeah what?”

“You’ll be a great dad,” Darren said pointedly. I smiled and left.

“Mr. Evans! I'm glad you’re here,” Phil said to me in a panic as he opened my door.

“What? What is it?” I spat out afraid something happened to Addie.

“Mrs. Evans said it would be okay, but I didn’t get a good feeling about it. Your father is here.” Phil said flatly.

“Motherfucker, since when?”

“About twenty minutes or so.” I knew I should have just come home right after work. If that son of a bitch even upsets Addie the slightest, he’s dead. I walked directly to the elevator and called it down.

I stepped into our home, Drako not the least bit happy as he growled quietly in the corner near Addie, while my father sat on the other end of the couch.

“Ah, son, I was waiting for you. Addie was kind enough to offer me a drink, but I declined,” My dad said as he stood up and headed toward me.

I passed him and made my way to Addie. “Did the fucker do anything to you?” I asked forcefully.

“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t even speak to her.” I heard from behind me.

“You mean to tell me you came into our home and ignored my wife?” I said as I looked at him.

“Daimon, I have a business proposition to tell you about. It’s a frien—”

“Screw you and your business proposition. I'm not interested,” I fired back.

“Daimon, listen to me—”

“I’ll make this plain and clear to you, so that from now on you understand where you stand with me and Addie. My grandfather gave me everything and you know it. I inherited all his possessions and his businesses, leaving you with nothing. I pay for your living. I allow you to stay in my house. So from now on, you treat Addie, the mother of your unborn grandchild, with respect or I swear to you, old man, I will rip everything away from you,” I threatened.

My father’s eyes grew wide as he looked down at Addie’s belly. My body grew rigid; his look wasn’t one I liked. “You stay the hell away from my wife or you lose everything you hold dear to you. Do we have an understanding?”

“How could you do this? A child? She did it on purpose to gain your money, you idiot. What do you think your mother did? She did the same damn thing. That’s why I had to marry her. Your grandfather insisted. Now what, Daimon? All your money goes to this child? I can’t believe this,” my father berated.

“Get out. Do you hear me? Get out, now!” I shouted.

“Daimon.” Addie reached for my hand, making me look back at her.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I knelt down in front of her.

“I’m fine. I just don't want you to get upset,” Addie said sadly.

“I’m not upset. Fuck him! He’s not important. You and our baby are,” I reassured her.

“Daimon, I did not raise you to be like this,” my father shouted.

“Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t raise me. My grandfather did and I'm going to show my baby the kind of man he taught me to be, and it was nothing like you. Now, I told you to get out. Do it now before I call security,” I pressed on. My father stood before me with menace as he glared at me, while Drako barked and growled a few times. I knew the boy meant business too. My father left afraid of our little family. My family.


“Who the hell is this and where is Ted?” Addie shouted at me the first thing in the morning. She was going for a run and I had Jimmy take over Addie’s security. I knew she cared for Ted, but I didn’t trust the fucker with my wife. He wasn’t reliable enough to make me feel reassured that Addie and the baby were safe. “Why the hell did you take Ted away?” she continued.