The Intern Blues(155)
turf Internese for sending a patient to another service.
UA Two meanings: (1) abbreviation for urinalysis, a test performed on urine to see if a UTI (see below) is present; (2) abbreviation for umbilical artery, a blood vessel in the umbilical cord that carries blood from fetus back to mother.
URI Abbreviation for upper respiratory infection. Also known as the common cold.
UTI Abbreviation for urinary tract infection.
UV Abbreviation for umbilical vein, blood vessel in the umbilical cord that carries blood from placenta to fetus.
vagitch Internese for nonspecific vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina.
varicella The virus that causes chicken pox.
V-fib An abnormal cardiac rhythm, the next stage after V-tach (see below).
VP shunt A plastic tube inserted into patients with hydrocephalus and that drains excess spinal fluid from the ventricle of the brain to the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen.
V-tach An abnormal cardiac rhythm that, if untreated, can lead to death.