Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(83)

My heart stuttered pain­fully in my chest. Was Salt be­ing ser­i­ous…or just play­ing a part? It was im­possible to know, es­pe­cially when I found my­self get­ting lost in my own role as we spoke.

“What other fears do you have?” Salt in­quired gently. “Tell your Papa, my darling. Do not be afraid.”

“I…” I licked my lips, eye­ing the plug in his hand nervously. “I’m afraid it’s go­ing to hurt,” I ad­mit­ted at last. “I…I’ve never had any­thing, um, up there be­fore.”

“But today you will,” Salt mur­mured sooth­ingly. “Do not worry, though—I will pre­pare you thor­oughly, I swear it.”

“Pre­pare me? How?” I asked.

“Like this.” He put down the plug and picked up the bottle of lube. Care­fully, he coated two fin­gers in the slip­pery stuff and held them out for me to see.

“I don’t’ know, Salt—” I began but he shook his head.

“Papa. I am Papa now and you are my mishka. Are you ready, mishka? Ready to spread your legs for your Papa and let me in?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “All right. But do you really think you should…you know, with your fin­gers? Don’t you want to just use the plug?”

“What I want is never to hurt you,” Salt said softly. “And so I must pre­pare you first. Come, mishka, spread your­self for Papa.”

There was noth­ing else I could do. And in some strange way, noth­ing else I wanted to do. I wanted to give my­self to him—even if it was pain­ful—even if it hurt. I wanted to be open enough to give him everything, just this once.

Ly­ing back against the table, I closed my eyes and waited.

To my sur­prise, Salt didn’t start by in­vad­ing me with his fin­gers or the plug. In­stead, he leaned down and star­ted kiss­ing me again. Slowly, at first—prob­ably be­cause he knew I had cooled down con­sid­er­ably. But as I felt him nuzz­ling my mound and kiss­ing and suck­ing my outer pussy lips, I felt the fire be­gin to build again and my hips began to twitch.

I don’t know how long Salt spent lick­ing and suck­ing me…bathing me with his tongue…but it seemed like an etern­ity. A long, slow, de­li­cious etern­ity. At last I felt my­self loosen­ing up, felt my thighs spread­ing nat­ur­ally for him as I tilted my pel­vis up, try­ing to get more of those sweet, ad­dict­ive kisses.

And then Salt touched me. Very gently at first, he began to circle my rose­bud with just the tip of one fin­ger. I gave a little gasp and tried to jump away from him but he placed his other big hand on my ab­do­men and shook his head firmly.

“No, mishka,” he mur­mured. “Just re­lax. You must hold still and let me do this.”

The au­thor­ity in his deep voice couldn’t be denied. Bit­ing my lip, I tried to do as he said and re­lax.

Salt con­tin­ued to circle my nether en­trance with his fin­ger but as he did, he went back to lick­ing and suck­ing me as well. As his broad, hot tongue bathed my swollen clit, I found my­self open­ing to him once more and when he fi­nally slipped one fin­ger­tip in­side me, I barely no­ticed it, I was con­cen­trat­ing so fiercely on what he was do­ing to my tingling pussy.

“That’s good, mishka. Just re­lax and open for your Papa,” Salt mur­mured, tak­ing a break to glance up at me. I couldn’t help no­ti­cing that his lips and chin and jaw were all shiny with my juices. God, was I really that wet? Ap­par­ently so but Salt seemed to love it. He went back to bathing my pussy with his tongue as one long fin­ger worked its way slowly deeper into my rose­bud.

It was a new sen­sa­tion for me—a very strange one at first. But I can’t lie—it was erotic too. Ly­ing there open for him as he licked and sucked my pussy and slowly pen­et­rated my de­fense­less ass made me feel owned by him—I was com­pletely in his power and there was no place else I wanted to be.

“Papa,” I heard my­self moan­ing and my hips were shift­ing in time to his lick­ing, want­ing some­thing else…some­thing more.

“Gently, my mishka,” he mur­mured and then I felt an­other long fin­ger en­ter­ing me.

I stiffened up a bit—one fin­ger was erotic, two was scary. But Salt never stopped lick­ing and suck­ing me, never stopped tra­cing ma­gical pat­terns around my throb­bing clit with his tongue. After he got two fin­gers into me, I felt him mov­ing them some—scis­sor­ing, I guessed to help me open up. It sent all kinds of strange and con­fus­ing sen­sa­tions through my body but my pleas­ure was grow­ing too—pleas­ure that felt like it might drown me if I let it.