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The Institute, Daddy Issues(81)

“Good.” He stroked my thighs with his big, warm hands. “Now spread your­self for me, mishka. Spread your sweet pussy for your Papa and let me lick and kiss you un­til you feel bet­ter.”

Moan­ing, I did as he asked, open­ing even wider. God, how could I feel so pan­icked and frightened and angry one minute and so in­cred­ibly turned on the next? The an­swer ap­peared to lie with my part­ner.

Salt was a strange mix­ture of vi­ol­ence and ten­der­ness, pro­tect­ive­ness and pos­sess­ive­ness and here at the In­sti­tute he was al­low­ing those emo­tions out into full view. Gone was the calm, stoic of­ficer of the law I had worked with for three and a half years. In his place was a pas­sion­ate pro­tector—a man who wanted noth­ing more than to care for and com­fort me—and heal and pleas­ure me, ap­par­ently.

I didn’t know how much heal­ing I was get­ting from his deep, in­tim­ate kisses but I was cer­tainly feel­ing bet­ter than I had a minute ago. Part of me knew this was wrong—that I shouldn’t let my­self go so far with my part­ner. But part of me just didn’t give a damn. I wanted more—needed more and Salt seemed more than will­ing to give it to me.

“God, mishka, your little pussy is so sweet,” he mur­mured hoarsely. Gently, he spread my outer lips with his thumbs to re­veal my in­ner folds. I was em­bar­rassed to see how wet I had got­ten and how prom­in­ent my clit was—it was swollen with need, al­most as though it was beg­ging for at­ten­tion.

“Salt,” I whispered. “I mean, Papa…”

“Did they whip you here too, my little darling?” he mur­mured, look­ing up at me. “Do you need your Papa to kiss you bet­ter?”

“Yes,” I breathed, though to be hon­est, the crop had mostly fallen on my outer pussy. Still, I couldn’t res­ist what Salt was of­fer­ing, couldn’t tell him no when what he wanted was also what I wanted so damn des­per­ately.

“Then I will kiss you bet­ter,” he rumbled softly. “Just re­lax, mishka.”

I tried to do as he said, con­sciously eas­ing the ten­sion in my muscles as he bent to frame my swollen clit with his lips. But then he began to kiss me—tender, open­mouthed kisses as he bathed my sens­it­ive little bud with his tongue, lap­ping over and over again un­til I could barely stand the pleas­ure he was giv­ing me. My hips began to twitch away from him. It was too much—too good…too in­tense. I didn’t think I could stand much more of it.

Salt looked up at me sternly.

“Be still, mishka. How else can I kiss you prop­erly?”

“Papa,” I moaned. “I…I’m try­ing. It just feels so…it’s al­most too good.”

“Very well, I will stop but only for a mo­ment.” To my mingled re­lief and dis­ap­point­ment, he straightened up, lick­ing his lips. Then he stepped over to the rolling metal tray and lif­ted the black plug that Berkley had left there.

My eyes widened.

“Salt?” I whispered un­cer­tainly. Ap­par­ently we were chan­ging gears here.

“Tell me now, Andi,” he mur­mured, break­ing char­ac­ter. “How much do you want to stay here?”

“I…” I didn’t know what to say.

“This is dif­fi­cult—is more than any­one should be asked to bear,” he went on softly. “And so if you say no, we will stop now and we will leave. Someone else can com­plete what we have star­ted.”

“That won’t work,” I whispered. “No one else would fit here and you know it.”

“Then you must let me do this.” He held the plug out again. “You must let me fill you in this way…pen­et­rate you, or we will be kicked out. You know this.”

“Yes,” I said, my mouth dry and my heart pound­ing. “Yes, I…I know.”

I was still reel­ing—still try­ing to switch from the wan­ton, will­ing mishka who was get­ting her pussy licked and kissed by her Papa back to Andi who now had to make a ser­i­ous de­cision about what she was will­ing to do in or­der to make this case.

“Are you will­ing?” Salt asked, put­ting the ques­tion I was ask­ing my­self into words. “Can you open your­self to me and al­low me to do this?”

“I…I…” I had to try sev­eral times be­fore I could get the words out. “I think so. As long as it’s you and no one else do­ing it to me, I think I can,” I said at last.