Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(48)

I was hold­ing on to my tem­per with both hands.

“Okay, maybe I am,” I said. “But is it true? About the medi­cine?”

“Maybe.” She gave me a mys­ter­i­ous smile. “You cer­tainly need some­thing, I can tell that.”

“But who can give it to me?” I pressed. “Should I make an ap­point­ment to go see the Nurse?”

“Nurse Nancy?” She laughed in­cred­u­lously. “That old bat is only here to make sure some clue­less Daddy doesn’t try to fit a King Kong-sized plug in a Baby­girl with a Tinker­bell-sized hole. She’s use­less.”

“Well then who—”

“I’m tired of talk­ing to you.” Mandy turned poin­tedly and went back to ad­mir­ing her re­flec­tion in the oval mir­ror. “Come see me again when you’re not such a bor­ing goody-two-shoes.”

I tried speak­ing to her two or three more times but she poin­tedly ig­nored me. At last, I had no choice but to go back to Salt, who was just fin­ish­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with Patty’s Daddy. They were shak­ing hands when I got there and then the other man stood and began call­ing for his Little.

“Patty? Patty, come on now, it’s time to go.”

Patty looked up from the clay an­imal she’d been build­ing in the art corner.

“But Daddy, I don’t want to go yet. I’m hav­ing fun.”

“Patty…” His voice got stern. “Come on now, we don’t have time for this non­sense.”

“But I don’t want to go.” She stood up and stomped her foot, a child­ish pout on her pretty face.

“Patty, do I have to spank you? Is that the only way you’ll learn your les­son?”

“I’m not scared of you!” she yelled at him. Tak­ing the lump of wet clay she’d been work­ing with, she threw it at him. It landed with a splat on his con­ser­vat­ive blue suit, mak­ing a big gray, smeary stain.

Her Daddy’s face darkened. “That’s it, young lady! You de­serve a spank­ing and you’re get­ting one right now.”

He grabbed her by the arm, sat down in one of the wooden chairs, and dragged her over his lap.

“No, Daddy! No, no, no!” Patty wailed. She kicked and struggled but he se­cured her firmly with one arm around her waist and raised the little pleated skirt she had on to bare her in­no­cent blue cot­ton panties.

Every eye in the play­room was on them now, in­clud­ing mine and Salt’s, and I had an idea that was ex­actly how Patty wanted it. She con­tin­ued to cry and thrash as loudly as pos­sible as her Daddy pulled down her panties and began spank­ing her with a small, black leather paddle he’d ap­par­ently had in his pocket the whole time.

“Quite a show,” Salt re­marked in a low voice as we watched Patty’s ass get red­der and red­der. She was still wear­ing the pink, rhinestone-stud­ded plug which stuck out from between her plump cheeks prom­in­ently.

“Prob­ably one they re­peat a lot,” I re­marked. “Why else would he carry a paddle with him every­where he goes?”

“Do you think she is in real pain…or en­joy­ing it as she did last night?” he mur­mured softly.

“I…I don’t know.” I glanced up at him un­cer­tainly and saw that he was look­ing at me again, the same way he had been the night be­fore when Patty was moan­ing and com­ing as her Daddy put her new plug in. What was he think­ing?

I knew what I was think­ing—I was won­der­ing what it would be like to be in that po­s­i­tion. To be help­less over someone’s knee tak­ing a spank­ing I knew I de­served…Then I pushed the idea away. It was just too weird.

At last the scene between Patty and her stern Daddy seemed to be wind­ing down.

“Have you learned your les­son, kit­ten?” he was croon­ing, rub­bing her glow­ing red ass cheeks gently.

“Y-yes, Daddy,” Patty was sob­bing, her red hair hanging in her face. “I’m sorry I was bad.”

“It’s all right, kit­ten—I for­give you,” he said sooth­ingly. “Now come up to the room so Daddy can put some spe­cial cool­ing gel on your poor little bot­tom.”

“Ooo, Daddy…” She fluttered her wet eye­lashes at him flir­ta­tiously. “And will you spread some on my other parts too and will you rub it in really good? “ She sat up and ran one fin­ger­nail down his tie. “You know how much I love it when you pet my little kitty, Daddy.”